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What Is No Till Farming

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No-till Farming Could Improve Air Quality
In late summer, the spring-barley rotation also had more standing stubble than the other two rotations. Agricultural Research Service research leader Brenton Sharratt and ARS agronomist Frank Young, at the ARS Land Management and Water Conservation Research...
To No-Till Or Not To No-Till
This is the most important crop you're going to plant,” Moyer says. Explore the pros and cons of no-till crops and gardens for your small farm. Plant the next cover crop. See “Pro 1,” above.
No Cover Crops, No Till
So, this year, I'm going to mix it up. It didn't work nearly as well as tilling it under, and I had to battle rye springing up in the garden all summer long. It's a stretch for me as I have done it for many years, but a few seasons ago I adopted the no-till...
How No-Till Farming Will Help You Save Water
Heavy surface residue can be lightly incorporated into the soil in the fall by drilling cover crops to aid drying in the spring.” They go on to state that medium- to well-drained soils can generally tolerate heavy residue without hindering soil drying,...
Researchers Reveal No-till Alternative
Other best-management practices include the concept of controlled traffic, water-table management where applicable, manure management and integrated pest management . “The goal is to use an integrated system of conservation practices to solve environmental...
No-till Fields Capture More Snow
For two years, snow depths, density and the soil's water storage were measured manually at hundreds of points across the fields on both farms. A smooth blanket of snow in the winter can help boost dryland crop productivity in the summer, and according...
What Does No-Till Actually Mean?
Without healthy soils neither the food nor the medicine we grow will do us the good it is intended to do. Any cultivation and planting takes place by hand. The largest tool used may be the broad fork.
5 Ways to Establish a No-Till Garden
Perennial herbs, flowers and vegetables exist for every region and can provide an enormous amount of food when well maintained. This lets the soil soften up and allows for any grass or weeds to suffocate from lack of sunlight.
No-Tilling the First Seeds of the Season
Makes sense to me! I'm going to be growing most of my vegetable garden using the no-till method this year. I tried it in about a quarter of the garden last season and had great success, so I'm going all the way this time.
Gloxinia Is No Longer Called Gloxinia
If it weren't for the computer and the internet, I don't know how I would have managed it, but going online has changed everything, so much that I could find the names for my plants, here on Dave's Garden.
El Segundo
Don\'t Take Turns: A Guide to No-Till Gardening
If cover crops are part of your garden plan, you might think that switching to a no-till system will be a challenge. Instead, I have happy plants, billions of healthy soil microbes and a beautiful, productive garden.
No Body Can Be Prevented from Farming
Tags agriculter , assistive technology , disabled farmers , farm , farming , National AgrAbility Project But for farmers with additional physical challenges and restrictions, those tasks can be overwhelming, which is where the National AgrAbility Project...
This Is Hobby Farming: The Poultry Farmers
The birds were friendly and warm and didn't mind our company one bit. Pastures are seeded after chickens and hogs take a pass, and then cows graze those pastures before the chickens and hogs are moved back.
Farming Is Hard—So Is Tending to Your Own Mental Health
It underpins my own understanding of what's so hard about farming. I didn't see how things could change, and I felt trapped in an unwinnable situation. We know it wasn't always like this.
What Is A No-Mow Lawn: Tips For Creating A No-Mow Lawn
What is a no mow lawn? One of the chores that the homeowner must do is to mow the lawn. A perfect solution is a no mow lawn. Fescues are hardy plants with visual appeal and require little specialized care.
This Is Hobby Farming: Rocky Mountain High
Around the same time, Karl found his farmers-market booth becoming unproductive. “Fort Collins is laid-back, more casual and friendly, and offers a slower pace,” Karl says. The farmer whose land was the first home to Green Dog Farm passed away unexpectedly...
This Is Hobby Farming: The Beginning Farmer
Even Pull sells through both these outlets, growing food for well over 40 CSA members and manning a double booth at the local McMinnville farmers market, while also having their produce featured in a plethora of restaurants throughout wine country.
How To Till A Garden: Tilling Your Soil
If it stays together in a ball, the soil is too wet for tilling.To see if the soil is warm enough, stick your hand or a finger a few inches down into the soil. Before tilling your soil, you must wait for two things: the soil must be dry enough and warm...
This Is My Farm Off Daylight Saving Time
You go to work, and then when you come home, it's dark. Ducks & Pigs Having come from a neighborhood where the HOA didn't permit chickens, I've been daydreaming of backyard eggs for years.
Infographic: Is Insect Farming the New Ag Frontier?
Find more farm infographics on Butcher's Guide to Meat Cuts Pick Your Predator Patrol The Buzz on Honey Bees Line-Dry Laundry Rumination Station About the Author: Freelance writer Lisa Munniksma blogs every week about ag news and opinion...
Is a Breeding Bull Right for Your Farm?
In the spring, you should focus on bull fertility for a successful breeding season. Keeping breeding bull requires extra time and care outside your normal herd duties. “Most of the information we have is extrapolated from beef research, and dairy bulls...
Fish Farming: Is Aquaculture Right for Your Property?
“Most hobby-type folks would want to be selling whole product if they possibly could,” he says. There's plenty of room for that.” While farm ponds can provide a food source for a family or very small community, Tidwell is quick to point out that...
A Tool for Tilling
At first I questioned having a tool head on either end of the handle. What I found equally interesting was the four faces to the handle, rather than the traditional round handle. The VersaTill Garden Grooming System has as its basic element a common 48-inch...
Earth Day is Every Day at Redwood Hill Farm
And for Jennifer, Earth Day (quickly approaching on April 22) is every day, when taking time to care for the environment, animals and employees is more important than reeling in profits for her business.
Is A Walk-Behind Tractor Right For My Farm?
The American manufacturers also never innovated much in this equipment sector—even in the last days of their production, Gravely still didn't have reversible handlebars—whereas the Europeans had adopted this eminently practical design in the 1960s.
Raising Silkworms Is Small-Scale Farming With Big Yields
Shutterstock Sericulture as Permaculture Any small farm system that integrates animals will benefit by maximizing the functions of all elements, termed “stacking” in permaculture.
No Lamb!
She's had lots of lambs, so it could just be stretched out of shape. Friday was the day Ursula the ewe was supposed to have her lamb. "Is she pregnant—or just fat?” they asked.