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What Is Muscadine

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When to Fertilize Muscadine Grapes?
Of Epson salt over a 3- to 6-foot radius around each vine. Apply no more frequently than every two to three years just prior to blooming. Provide 4 to 6 oz. Too much of this nutrient is toxic to muscadine grapes.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Muscadine Grapes From Seed
Lay the seeds on a paper plate to dry, undisturbed for 24 hours.Place damp peat moss into a plastic sandwich until it is half full. Place the baggie in the refrigerator for three months.Pour sterile potting soil into 4-inch pots until they are three-fourths...
Santa Monica
Success Is …
We farmers don't always have a lot of money. But farmers hold the unique qualities of embracing their callings, living them out passionately and always being true to the core of who they are.
Enthusiasm is Contagious
Don't get me wrong, it's been full of wonderful things—like nurturing my first home-grown pumpkins , attending family weddings and having rich conversations with friends over fresh herbal teas—but the days have been nothing less than full, and sometimes...
What Is Huegelkultur?
Call around to local tree-trimming companies, and ask if they could drop off some branches or scrap trimmings next time they are in your neighborhood. Untreated, unpainted, raw wood left over from building or construction projects may be incorporated...
Winter is Temporary
(As did the giant pot of chili I made Monday night; my mother always said there was no better food in winter than a steaming bowl of soup.) Lo and behold, the polar vortex eventually gave way to “normal” January temperatures across the country—Lexington...
What is Homeopathy?
Complementary therapies are things like herbs, Reiki, massage, chiropractic adjustments and homeopathic remedies. Lower potencies work as well as higher potencies, but they have to be administered more frequently.
Is Winterberry Toxic?
Ingestion can cause dizziness, stomach pain, diarrhea, high pulse rate, nausea, drowsiness and low blood pressure. Children are particularly susceptible to adverse effects. Teach children never to eat fruit from the winterberries in your garden or your...
Santa Monica
Dreaming is Planning
Keep your eyes on hatchery catalogs, and before you know it, you'll be raising those Lakenvelders you always dreamed of. « More Farm Inspiration » Tags chicken keeping , chickens , dreams , farm inspiration , garden , vegetables
What Is Ashitaba?
Sphl/Wikimedia Commons It seems like every day there is a new and exciting development in the realm of natural health. I nodded my head as he spoke because I have routinely thumbed through his catalog looking at the many varieties and yearned to grow...
Is That Bug What I Think It Is?
This afternoon, while inspecting my late-summer garden, I came across several small, vividly colored insects on a winter squash blossom. At first glance, I thought I was looking at several immature assassin bug nymphs on the hunt.
Is Ground Frozen Solid: Determining If Soil Is Frozen
Soil that is ready for planting is easy to dig and yields to your shovel. Sit back and let the sun do its job; planting time will come soon enough. Frozen soil feels very solid and does not give way under foot.
What Is Damping Off?
Other preventative measures include using well-drained soil and avoiding overcrowding of plants. The roots of a diseased plant will appear brown or black with evidence of water soaking.Unfortunately, the conditions required for seed germination also create...
Is Your Compost Safe?
Farmer's Lung can usually be treated with antibiotics.Histoplasmosis is caused by fungus that grows in guano and bird droppings. If you make your own compost you will know exactly what goes in and the finished product is safe.s you wish.
El Segundo
Is Your Turkey Green?
Chefs say that they have much better taste than other turkeys. Truman's presidency. 2007's turkeys were namedMy turkey this year is a Bourbon Red hen, my first heritage turkey since I was a child.
El Segundo
Laurel Is a Keeper
Since its flavor is that strong, I don't have to add more than a leaf in the pot, whatever meal I'd be cooking. Moreover, dried laurel leaves don't have a short expiration date - about one to three years.
El Segundo
Is Lucky Bamboo Poisonous?
Three stalked plants are given for luck, five stalks are said to represent wishes of wealth and seven stalks are thought to bring and keep good health. The leaves often have silver or white strips through the center.
Santa Monica
What Is Plant Diversity?
Visit your local botanical garden for inspiration rather than the neighborhood nursery that likely offers what you see in your neighbors' yards. The richer the soil food web, the more fertile the soil.
Santa Monica
What Is Fallow Ground?
Agriculture can deplete the soil, especially when the same crop is planted year after year. In the second field, he planted an annual legume such as lentils (Lens culinaris) or peas (Pisum sativum).
Santa Monica
What Is Okoume Wood?
Fresh-cut Okoume heartwood darkens with age and exposure to light and air. It is considered very soft, rendering it unsuitable for use in situations requiring durability, such as flooring.
Santa Monica
She ... Is a He!
I might soon have to move on to asking random people walking the aisles at our farmer's market. (I'm reminded of a certain “Seinfeld” episode… Remember “little Jerry”?) Anyway, if you know anyone in western Pennsylvania who is in need of a nice,...
Pleasure is a Novelty
As an only child with no older siblings to coerce me into adventures and no younger siblings to dare, I was content to sit quietly and read from an early age. (Clearly I was destined for a career involving reading and writing.) Thankfully, these character...
Is Bougainvillea Deer Resistant?
It grows best in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 and warmer. Indoor plants can become infested by common houseplant pests such as mealybugs and scales. They come in shades of red, purple, white, yellow and pink.
Santa Monica
What Is Alkaline pH?
These ions have a positive electrical charge and the chemical symbol H+. Soils over limestone bedrock tend to have a high pH (7-9), and few plants will do well in them. A hydronium ion is a hydrogen nucleus without its usual single orbiting electron.
Santa Monica
Why Mulching Is Important
Fall Mulching Fall is an excellent time to feed the soil in the vegetable garden. Green layers are typically laid first, and then topped with brown layers. Leaves should always be shredded before using as mulch and green plant matter should be chopped...
Avast! Insulation is Complete!
The technicians insulated the entire house in less than four days, including clean up. The rolled fiberglass (the pink stuff found in many homes today) was an R15—well below the recommended minimum.
Which Chick Is Which?
To answer the reader's question, a Black Sex Link female chick is completely black, but an Australorp female chick is black on the top with a buff color on her neck, chest and bottom.