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What Is Lubricating Oil

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Summer Bites
Which brings me to our next foe.When it finally gets hot enough for long enough for the blackflies to finish their thing, and you think it is safe to get back to your plants and weeds...The Mosquitoes kick into gear.
El Segundo
What Is Dormant Oil: Information About Dormant Oil Sprays On Fruit Trees
Spray early enough so that the buds on the trees haven't yet begun to swell. Move all around the tree to get the spray into all the crevices.Cover any annual flowers you may have near the tree when using dormant oil.
Neem Oil And Ladybugs: Is Neem Oil Harmful To Ladybugs In Gardens
In the fine print, the label will usually also say nontoxic to plants and beneficial insects likeand other good bugs – also that Neem oil is safe to use on fruits and vegetables.How is it possible that Neem oil seems to differentiate between bad bugs...
What Is Urushiol Oil: Learn About Urushiol Plant Allergies
Several plants in the family Anacardiaceae contain urushiol and some of them might be a surprise.The name urushiol is derived from the Japanese word for lacquer, urushi. The oil is mostly colorless to watery yellow and has no odor.
What Is Pyola: Using Pyola Oil Spray For Pests In Gardens
If you must use insecticide, it should at least be safe enough to use around your family and not poison the water table. For a 2% Pyola insect spray, use 4 teaspoons with 1 quart of water.Shake the mixture well in a sprayer.
How to Tell if Cold-Pressed Rose Hip Oil is Genuine
Knowing whether cold-pressed rose hip oil is genuine is important because it retains more beneficial antioxidants and essential fatty acids than chemically extracted oil.Look at the bottle the rose hip oil came in.
Santa Monica
Success Is …
But farmers hold the unique qualities of embracing their callings, living them out passionately and always being true to the core of who they are. Aren't we happiest when we're comfortable in our own skin, busy doing the things we love and doing them...
Enthusiasm is Contagious
The evening air was thick with Kentucky's characteristic summer humidity, and as I put away the last dishes of our evening meal, watching the last bits of sun paint the sky with a swirl of pinks, purples and blues, I savored a brief moment of peace.
What Is Huegelkultur?
They are all slightly different variations on building a raised bed from layers of organic matter, which rots down right where it is, getting better and better as it composts in place.
Winter is Temporary
Here in Lexington, Ky., where the HF editorial office is located, we didn't get the worst of the vortex's chilly wrath, but my phone did clock the temperature at -3 degrees F with a wind chill of -26 degrees F Tuesday morning?definitely not what we're...
What is Homeopathy?
Suggested uses and dosages are printed on remedy labels, but those are only guidelines. Because the same remedies in the same doses apply to the same conditions in humans and all other animals of all ages and sizes, do-it-yourselfers can learn to dose...
Is Winterberry Toxic?
Teach children never to eat fruit from the winterberries in your garden or your home.Whether snitching berries from the bush or off holiday decor, animals that ingest leaves or berries from the winterberry plant can suffer adverse effects from the alkaloids...
Santa Monica
Dreaming is Planning
Ever since I started working for Hobby Farms , my daydream tangents have frequently started turning to what chicken breeds I'd like to keep or which veggie varieties I'd like to start growing.
What Is Ashitaba?
And then every once in a while, we catch wind of a new plant. Richo says he thinks that the name “tomorrow's leaf” actually refers to the fact that eating it means there is a good chance you'll be around tomorrow to enjoy another.
Is That Bug What I Think It Is?
While the leaf-footed bug family is composed of several closely related species, these insect pests all use their piercing sucking mouthparts to feed on our favorite foods, like tomatoes , a range of vegetables, nut crops, and several fruit species.
Castor oil, anyone?
I had planted the ones my friend sent last summer, and my supply had grown greatly. There is so much to remember about plants, is it worth it to have these hidden dangers in our gardens?
El Segundo
Making Olive Oil
We went to a modern oil press, called a frantoio , to talk to the folks at the facility. Photo by Rick Gush A proud couple wait as their plastic tank gradually fills up with oil. I particularly enjoyed the descriptions of the huge stone slab olive squashers...
Almond Oil Information: Tips For Using Almond Oil
They are, however, pressed into bitter almond oil. Usually, though, almond oil is derived from sweet almonds, the kind that are good to snack on.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Native to the Mediterranean...
Is Ground Frozen Solid: Determining If Soil Is Frozen
Keep reading to find out how to tell if ground is frozen or not.Although it may seem as if spring has arrived, it's important tofor readiness before working your soil or planting your garden.
What Is Damping Off?
Typically, germinating seeds are killed by the damping-off fungus prior to emerging from the ground, and older, more established plants are seldom affected. Rhizoctonia root rot occurs with moderate moisture levels in warm to hot temperatures.
Is Your Compost Safe?
Do they send their grass clipping to municipal compost sites? How are we to know whether or not the bacterial or virus could be absorbed by plant material in our vegetable gardens?
El Segundo
Is Your Turkey Green?
This year's turkey, "Pumpkin", was presented to President Bush in a Rose Garden Ceremony. Gardeners are becoming increasingly diversified, and getting into more sustainable practices such as raising heirloom vegetables and saving seeds.
El Segundo
Laurel Is a Keeper
Moreover, dried laurel leaves don't have a short expiration date - about one to three years. That's what happened with the laurel dry leaves: he got a large box, with forty bags, each containingOf course, we wondered whether we would ever sell all those...
El Segundo
Is Lucky Bamboo Poisonous?
Three stalked plants are given for luck, five stalks are said to represent wishes of wealth and seven stalks are thought to bring and keep good health. This high-humidity houseplant can grow to heights of nearly five feet.Dracaena sanderiana is considered...
Santa Monica
What Is Plant Diversity?
These days, botanical or plant diversity is an oft-heard concept, but it can be difficult to determine what it means to the individual gardener or homeowner. Visit your local botanical garden for inspiration rather than the neighborhood nursery that likely...
Santa Monica
What Is Fallow Ground?
To replenish the chemical composition of soil after annual crops such as these, some farmers and gardeners let their land go fallow -- or unplanted -- so that the soil's natural nutrient balance can be restored.When a farmer lets some land go unplanted,...
Santa Monica
What Is Okoume Wood?
On the Janka scale, a standard measure of wood hardness, Okoume's rating is only 380. It is considered very soft, rendering it unsuitable for use in situations requiring durability, such as flooring.
Santa Monica