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Making Maple Syrup In The City
Our initial purchase of a few units was reasonable and was within the bounds of what we thought we could manage on a daily basis. Essentially, you're boiling the water off and retaining that 2 to 4 percent sugar content in the sap.
Where Urban Meets Farm: Cooking Up Community
Community kitchens unite foodies who want to cook, share meals and support local farmers with their neighbors. “I love to cook, but it's a lot more enjoyable to cook in community,” she says.
Tune In to Green Radio
Listen online Monday through Friday at 12 p.m. EST to hear tips from the who's who in the backyard poultry industry from across the country. Shows delving into sustainable topics are popping up all over the dial—AM and online.
Organic Equals Sustainability
According to the December 7, 2011 report, Perspectief op duurzaamheid (“An outlook on sustainability”), organic soil management increases soil fertility and benefits biodiversity and water-holding capacity while reducing erosion, wash-out, greenhouse...
Q&A With The FarmBus
With a little elbow grease and a passion to support local farmers, Lilly swapped seats from a 1987 diesel school bus for containers of romaine and vine-ripened tomatoes. I thought, “How can I create a more sustainable, healthier food system and support...
12 Steps to a Transition Town
Transition Initiatives around the world are inclusive, grassroots movements tied into the Transition Network, which are propelled by citizens who wish to both think and act locally to solve global problems.
UF Hack: Let The Farmers Market Guide Garden Planning
You might not have a lot of land to grow on, but you can surely maximize what you have while accentuating your diet at the same time. If you have dozens of seed catalogs piled up, a garden wish list a mile long, and enough packets left over from last...
The Green Job Interview
In addition to referencing your work experience and awards, talk about classes you've taken, papers you've written, and what you do in your own time, whether it's volunteering on a farm, supporting a CSA, participating in a local trash pick-up group or...
Q&A With Scrappy Founder Larry Bain
Dogs are hardwired to eat meat and their active lifestyle demands good nutrition. Learn more about Scrappy by following them on Facebook , Twitter or Instagram . The methane produced when protein is put into the waste stream is a major contributor to...
An Open Letter to My Housemates on Saving Water
Reuse Cooking Water You know that bread that I make with the sunflower seeds that you all go ape-shit over? We can still do well by using shower warm-up water and other creatively reused water sources.
7 Tips for Buying Bulk Foods for Canning
Vegetables good for purchasing in bulk for canning are: tomatoes green beans and string beans (requires a pressure canner) peaches and nectarines beets (as pickles or fresh) apples pears corn cucumbers (as pickles) okra berries (strawberries, cherries,...
6 Rules for Greener Dishwashing
Don't let the water run down the drain as you're doing dishes. If you don't have a second compartment, set the sudsy dishes on the counter for now. If you have a dishwasher, run your sponge through a cycle every few days to clean it.
Green Hotels
According to California's Green Lodging Program, average-sized hotels purchase more products in one week than 100 families do in a year and can produce as much as 30 pounds of waste per room per day.
9 Tips for Cooperating with Your City
Find Your Friends Find other like-minded folks in your community . It's important to be specific and direct when speaking. Research, Research, Research Anticipate citizen concerns (noise, disease, pests) and find evidence to address each one.
Build a Rain Garden
The more native plants you use, the more you are creating additional space for wildlife of all shapes and sizes.” Cahail adds that rain gardens help reduce the urban heat-island effect created by impervious surfaces.
Parking Garages Could Be The Next Solution For Micro-Housing
“Each pad has one of these porches: decks surrounded by potted plants and trees,” she wrote. “SCADpad was designed to be a living laboratory for millennial minds to help them envision how we'll engage with an urban environment in the future,”...
Improve The Health Of Trees Via Urban Soil Rehabilitation
The species that grow best are those more tolerant of compacted soil and higher pH levels. Shutterstock Small-scale solutions begin with doing your site assessment. Running tests after five years, Day's team found that the treated soil was much less compacted,...
UF Hack: Put Cardboard To Use
As an ethical animal owner, I wanted to ensure that our rabbits were happy and healthy. Compost Worm Habitat It's great to have a stockpile of cardboard pieces to layer into your worm compost bin .
Q&A With Healcrest Urban Farm
In the last year, we were accepted into an incubator, which is a future equity partner. I was excited to start working with plants and create products for optimal and natural health.
Green Back to School
Not only is there more homework in September, there's more waste, too. Try packing a waste-free lunch. Shop for back-to-school clothes online. Letting your fingers do the shopping is better for the environment.
10 Resolutions for a Greener New Year
Compost Your Kitchen Scraps Methane is a highly noxious greenhouse gas––several times more harmful than carbon dioxide. Take the First Parking Spot You See So often, we find ourselves driving around parking lots or city streets trying to find a close...
First U.S. Sustainable-business Tax Incentive
Business owners in Philadelphia have a new incentive to go green. About the Author: Leslie Potter is the assistant editor of Initially, the council had hoped to offer the tax incentive to more businesses, but the economic climate caused...
Plant Wisely To Improve Water Quality & Quantity In Suburban Streams
Ultimately our suburbs could become spaces that nourish people, plants and wildlife as well as clean the air and water. By next season, you could harvest salads and herbs from the sorrel, lambs' quarters, chicory and violets.
Food Hub Planned For One Of The Nation\'s Driest Food Deserts
“The farmers we have on board with the project are coming to the FoodPort through relationships they already have,” she says. Just west of downtown Louisville's skyscrapers, 60,000 people live in the nine distinct neighborhoods of West Louisville.
Q&A With Straw-Bale Builder Andrew Morrison
Tamra Hamblin Ratieta AM: Building with bales could do so much for the environment, as the need for heating and cooling resources is greatly reduced in these buildings. Tamra Hamblin Ratieta AM: I've been a professional builder for nearly 20 years.
4 Sustainable Ideas From An Interior Design Guru
That meant, using triple sheet windows and new energy-efficient insulation. The floors are Oregon white oak.” Helgerson also decided to construct a living roof using mosses they found on the nearby Columbia Gorge rocks.
Green Burials: Going Gently Into The Good Earth
As with any market, the availability of products shifts in response to consumer pressure. However, opening up a dialogue about your own mortality, the next phase of your earthly body and your commitment to caring for the earth could actually lighten up...