As a result, the land looked alive and despite the challenges she faced this season, her business was off to a running start. If not, what is it you don't like and what do you need to change?
You're enthusiasm might just be inspiring someone else to follow their own passions. The culture of loving and giving they've created in our community is felt and noticed, and changes are being made.
Wood chips can be used in place of logs or branches, but these will result in a more homogenous huegel with a much faster nitrogen “burn rate” and without the same long-term soil fertility advantages of a huegel made from larger pieces of wood.
Spring will give way to summer, which will blossom into autumn and eventually return to winter. As I headed out to my car Monday morning, head ducked against the wind, coffee mug trembling in my shivering, gloved hand, the realization that I had to scrape...
Complementary therapies are things like herbs , Reiki, massage, chiropractic adjustments and homeopathic remedies. Because the same remedies in the same doses apply to the same conditions in humans and all other animals of all ages and sizes, do-it-yourselfers...
Caffeine is the primary toxic ingredient in winterberry, and symptoms can be unpleasant. Depression, vomiting and diarrhea are common symptoms winterberries produce in pets. Caffeine is in high concentration in the berries.
We're always thinking of ways to better our gardens or brainstorming new recipes to try out in the kitchen, and unlike other daydreams—I'm looking at you, Three Arms—we have the power to make them come true.
It is reported to be a fast grower once it passes the seedling phase. It is said that there are great benefits to eating a leaf steam each day. Angelica's Cousin Ashitaba, Angelica keiskei koidzumi is Japanese for “tomorrow's leaf,” and it's called...
While the leaf-footed bug family is composed of several closely related species, these insect pests all use their piercing sucking mouthparts to feed on our favorite foods, like tomatoes , a range of vegetables, nut crops, and several fruit species.
Test your soil first by walking on it or patting it in several locations. Be very leery of any early spring digging, especially if you live in a northern climate. Keep reading to find out how to tell if ground is frozen or not.Although it may seem as...
The conditions of damping off vary depending on the fungus.Normally, however, cool, wet soils favor development of the disease. Seeds that have already germinated develop brown water-soaked spots.Seeds may be infected as soon as moisture penetrates the...
Healthy immune systems can usually fight off histoplasmosis, although infections can become serious if large amounts of the toxin are inhaled, or if the infected person has a weakened immune system.Legionnaire's Disease is a respiratory infection that's...
Follow the Best Way instructions for roasting,
But they only bought candies, crackers, snacks, chocolate, wafers or other sweets. Our kids were happy to have lots of chocolates and candies to eat, but we weren't as happy about the other leftover products, one of which the laurel dry leaves bags.
Lucky bamboo is not, in fact, related to true bamboo plants. The leaves often have silver or white strips through the center. The common names of plants can be a tricky area. Better known as Dracaena sanderiana, this plant is a fixture in many households.Connoisseurs...
It's worth your time to seek out different species, especially native species; not only will this help in creating biodiversity in your community, but it will also reward you with fewer garden pests and plant problems.
Fertilizers and intelligent companion planting came first. This philosophy fuels the idea of sustainable farming and gardening, where wise crop rotation -- and allowances for fallow soil -- keep soil naturally sustained rather than depleted.
Okoume peels and slices easily and evenly, and this combines with its good acceptance of glue to give it wide use as veneer and in plywood.Outside of its native range, most Okoume is sold as veneer or plywood.
You might have read about our new chickens in a previous post . The trouble is, he's starting to get a bit aggressive, and we've discovered that roosters and preschoolers don't mix.
As this growing season winds down and we start preparing for cooler weather, consider the unbridled pleasure that novelty could bring to your farm or homestead: What can you add to your farming experience this winter or next year to spice things up?
They are not friendly to the touch, however, as they have sharp thorns. The plants take severe pruning very well and should be pruned back in the fall to maintain their shape and remove dead wood.Bougainvilleas suffer from pests other than deer.
Likewise, a pH of 9 represents a concentration of ten times as many hydroxide ions compared to pH 8.With some exceptions, most plants do well in a slightly acidic to neutral soil (pH 5.5-7).
If you intend to use either of these materials in your garden, it will be wise to know their source. Fall Mulching Fall is an excellent time to feed the soil in the vegetable garden.
Seeking to make the 100-plus-year-old house as efficient as possible, we weighed the costs and benefits and determined that spray foam was the way to go for our farmhouse. Different climates and housing zones (not to be confused with hardiness zones )...
As time passed, it was clear she didn't have sex links because three of them were roosters. One of my friends picked up five female Red Stars (a sex link) at a feed store—or so she was told.
The syrup is then transferred to another pan, where the water is completely boiled to the point when sugar crystals can then grow. The sugar crystals that are separated out are sticky and brown.
The carefree vinca provides color all summer in flowerpots and the garden. If you have a deer problem in your region, surround your vegetable garden and other plants deer eat with vinca and other plants that deer don't like.