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What Is Goat Milk Good For

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Weed-Control Goats
A herd made up of large, medium and small goats will provide the most effective weed control in an area. Some goat owners have started their own small businesses, hiring their goats out to land owners and even government municipalities for vegetation...
3 Tips For the Best-Tasting Goat\'s Milk
Seamless, stainless steel milking buckets prevent dirt and bacteria from building up in the seams. Cooling your milk in the refrigerator is not the best option if you want clean-flavored milk because it doesn't bring down the core temperature low enough,...
Goat Stats
Grows constantly. Use these quick facts to better understand how your goats operate. Color varies by breed and coat color. Horns: Most have 2 horns, made of living bone surrounded by keratin and other proteins.
Myotonic Goats
However, some breeders are actively promoting their practical uses, particularly meat production. Renee Orr, who developed the breed at Sol-Orr Farm near Lignum, Va., tells how these wee goats came to be.
Chicken Vs. Goat Manure: Which Is Best?
Goat manure is considered cool, and it has a more balanced pH and less salt. If you're applying a lot of chicken manure for the sole purpose of raising your nitrogen levels—even if you compost it well—apply it judiciously and use a nitrogen-fixing...
Raising Dairy Goats for Milk
To prepare a goat for milking, you need to clean the teat with a dry paper towel to remove loose dry dirt and feces, dip the teat in an antiseptic-based teat dip, allow the dip to stay on the teats for no less than three minutes, and dry each teat following...
Is Turmeric Good for Chickens?
She lives on a small farm in Virginia with her husband and a variety of chickens, ducks, dogs, horses and a barn cat. Turmeric is in the ginger family and the rhizome, aka dried root,is the usable part of the plant.
Is Hackberry Good for Firewood?
The tenacious hackberry tree (Celtis occidentalis), hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 2 through 9, withstands much that nature sends its way. Resilient and adaptable, it tolerates wide-ranging soils and urban pollution, and...
Santa Monica
Is Gatorade Good for Plants?
The electrolytes and sugar content in Gatorade that are essential for human hydration are not effective in hydrating plants. Moreover, the combination caused a moldy substance to coat the plant's soil, preventing absorption of any nutrients from the soil.Plants...
Santa Monica
Colostrum for Your Livestock Bottle Babies
There are lots of good reasons to raise bottle-baby livestock, including mine: It's a relatively inexpensive way to add popular genetics to my breeding stock, the youngsters raised this way are friendlier and more easily handled than their dam-raised...
About Goat Milk
Like cow's milk, it is a good source of protein, calcium and other nutrients. Overall, it has higher concentrations of a number of vitamins. Goat's milk only contains trace amounts of casein, the protein that causes fat globules to clump together and...
Sew a Goat Harness for Pulling
To do it, you'll need a harness, so I'm going to show you how to make one. I haven't learned because I'm a studly buck, and when I get excited, I sometimes pee on things, like the person holding onto my lead.
Goat Health How-To: Injection And Drenching
Then insert the needle into the little tent you have made, from the top. If you are alone, you can chain her to a fence and lean against her. If you try it from the side, you will probably push the needle all the way back out the other side and squirt...
When To Breed Young Dairy Goats for Milk
They might have a stringy vaginal discharge, but that doesn't happen every time. They all weigh way more than 135 pounds, and Katy the Alpine weighs more than 135 pounds, too. If they're small or immature, wait until next year.
Can This Goat Pass as a Reindeer?
Do I look like one of Santa's reindeer? Mom thinks the weirdest names for Santa's reindeer are the ones in Bob Dylan's Christmas song, “Must Be Santa:” Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush and Clinton.
Mm-mmm, Milk!
These people developed the ability to digest milk by eating processed or fermented milk products, like yogurt , cheese , kefir and butter. Lactose is milk sugar. In June 2012, a team of scientists led by Richard Evershed of the University of Bristol in...
5 Flies Bothering Your Goats—And How To Stop Their Bites
Adults spend most of their lives on a specific host, congregating on its back and shoulders or on its underside. Her bite is painfully out of proportion to her size. Hordes of black flies pose a serious threat to livestock, including goats .
For Hardy Dairy Goats, Look To The Swiss Alps
The French Alpine is also registered by the American Goat Society. The breed's all-white color, large size and hardy constitution contributed to its popularity. His efforts were short-lived due to poor health and political problems within the goat industry;...
Protect Your Goats From CAE
Affected kids are generally humanely euthanized but oftentimes die of secondary causes, such as pneumonia. This is important when goat producers comingle their goats with sheep, as it means that both populations of animals should be tested as one group...
Meet Sweetie, the Pygmy Goat
Sweetie had a squinty eye caused by pinkeye and a deep cough when she went through the auction. As soon as you get home from the sale barn, go straight inside and wash your hands, then change your clothes and don't wear them again until they've been laundered.
Nutrition Matters: What To Feed Your Dairy & Meat Goats
“Always provide plenty of clean water and have free-choice loose salt and loose trace minerals available at all times,” they write. While milk production will peak about eight weeks postpartum, the doe will still be in a negative energy balance for...
New Kids: Esme and Jimmy
And Jimmy and Esme have wattles! Have you ever seen a goat with wattles? But they are family now and we love them. Jimmy and Esme are only 2 weeks old, but they're learning fast. Her kids needed a home so they came to live with us.
Fecal Egg Counts: Why & How to Do Your Own
You can just buy a McMasters chambered slide (absolutely non-negotiable) and Google for instructions, but this kit vastly reduces the testing time and errors often made from improper sample prep.
Goat Farming Business Plan
Financial Plan Financials are a daunting part of a business plan for many people. Address this before getting goats, and make sure the costs associated with it are your business plan.
The Birds and Bees—Goat Edition
Bucks in rut are hard to ignore, and the ladies love it! We also spray thin streams of urine along our bellies, on our front legs and chests, and into our mouths and beards until we're sticky, then we sniff ourselves and flehmen.
7 Medicines For Your Goat First-Aid Kit
You will be giving a lot of it, and the fortified B would have to be given in too high of a dose to be practical. Stock your medicine cabinet now to help further your preparedness.
It\'s About Goats - Part 2
Instead, we position ourselves a few feet apart while facing one another, rear onto our hind legs and then swoop forward, down and to the side to smash our heads or horns against those of our opponents.