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Weed-Control Goats
A herd made up of large, medium and small goats will provide the most effective weed control in an area. In today's world, where most people buy their meat and dairy in the grocery store and wear clothing made from synthetic materials, some goats have...
3 Tips For the Best-Tasting Goat\'s Milk
Bottoms up! Tags goat's milk , Lists In the heat of the summer, I take one of my children with me to milk so they can run the milk up to the house and filter it ASAP while I finish up with the animals.
Goat Stats
Horns: Most have 2 horns, made of living bone surrounded by keratin and other proteins. Grows constantly. Udders: two mammory glands, or teats Tags goats Nostrils: narrow, just above the mouth; good sense of close-up smell to discern feed Mouth: Upper...
Myotonic Goats
Unlike some breeders, I don't expect to make money from my goats; people whose hobbies are fishing or snowmobiling or gardening don't expect to make money from those things. A producer can run twice as many head on his land compared to larger breeds.
Chicken Vs. Goat Manure: Which Is Best?
Make Your Choice The decision to amend your with chicken manure or goat manure is for you to decide. As Cardon noted in the results of his manure sampling, “Increasingly, growers and homeowners alike are looking to local manure and compost products...
Colostrum for Your Livestock Bottle Babies
Seramune Equine IgG, Seramune Bovine IgG and Goat Serum Concentrate are typical IgG supplements produced by Sera, Inc., ( ) for foals, calves and kids respectively (shepherds use Goat Serum Concentrate for newborn lambs, as well).
Sew a Goat Harness for Pulling
On each piece, turn under one end 2 inches, and sew to a new ring. Those are specialized harnesses with bridles and long reins, and they attach to shafts (two long poles that connect the animal to whatever it's pulling) fitted with a single tree (a bar...
Goat Health How-To: Injection And Drenching
The difficulty depends on how tasty the goat finds the substance you're giving. Electrolytes and kaolin-pectin, for example, are pretty tasty. Then insert the needle into the little tent you have made, from the top.
When To Breed Young Dairy Goats for Milk
If they're small or immature, wait until next year. Whatever you choose, good luck! Ask Martok! Do you have a livestock or wildlife question you want me to answer? We Nubians are an exception because some Nubian does have heats when you least expect it.
Can This Goat Pass as a Reindeer?
It's an international Christmas treat. May considered calling his red-nosed deer Rollo or Reginald but settled on Rudolph instead. Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits wrote most of the music.
Mm-mmm, Milk!
Mom gets them all, and she isn't alone. When Uzzi and I were little kids, we drank milk from bottles. In ancient days, nobody much older than 4 years of age could digest milk because their bodies couldn't produce lactase.
5 Flies Bothering Your Goats—And How To Stop Their Bites
A stable fly looks a lot like a common housefly, but it has a stiletto-like proboscis that extends beyond its head and is used to pierce the host's skin and feed on blood. A few species are daytime feeders, especially on damp, cloudy days.
For Hardy Dairy Goats, Look To The Swiss Alps
His wife raised Toggenburgs at their farm in North Carolina, and produced a doe that broke the world Toggenburg record for milk production in 1960. Toggenburgs acquired some fame in the 1960s when the breed became a favorite of poet Carl Sandburg.
Protect Your Goats From CAE
Together the group of viruses is referred to as the Small Ruminant Lentiviruses. Infected goats also lose body condition and show coarse, dull coats. A warning sign of the disease, especially in kids, is lameness; however, this can be variable, with some...
Meet Sweetie, the Pygmy Goat
It should have a comfortable area of its own where it can see other animals but they can't come too near; 50 feet from the rest of your animals is good. You can carry disease pathogens on your clothes and shoes.
Nutrition Matters: What To Feed Your Dairy & Meat Goats
There is never just one right answer to animal husbandry, especially when it comes to nutrition. These requirements might be met by feeding hay, grazing, providing a high-energy supplement or a combination.
New Kids: Esme and Jimmy
But they are family now and we love them. They are globs of skin dangling from a goat's throat or sometimes from other places on a goat's face or neck. And their ears! LaManchas have two types of ears: gopher and elf.
Fecal Egg Counts: Why & How to Do Your Own
Step 2: Test The Samples Follow the instructions in your kit regarding the ratio of fecal matter to float solution, as well as how to draw the sample and place it into your chambered slide.
Goat Farming Business Plan
No, make that great fencing. Writing Your Goat Farm Business Plan bentancourt/Flickr Once you've decided what type of business you are hoping to start, the next step is to actually sit down and write out the business plan.
The Birds and Bees—Goat Edition
Keep in mind that even though they're in standing heat, some feisty does might not want to be bred by a certain buck—or any buck at all. A does is stimulated by the charming good looks and enticing scent of a buck.
7 Medicines For Your Goat First-Aid Kit
Our vet trusts us with this, as it is just a vitamin. Stock your medicine cabinet now to help further your preparedness. Broad Spectrum Antibiotic Our usual choice to keep on hand is Biomycin 200.
It\'s About Goats - Part 2
Unless we're really tame goats, don't look directly into our faces, especially our eyes. Us floppy-eared breeds, like Nubians and Boers , lift the bases of our ears when we want to hear something really well.
Crazy Goat Lady
I got to demonstrate how I use the laptop to write my blogs. I'm going to be in a mini-documentary because my mom is a crazy goat lady! We goats knew that all along. See, my mom and dad eat a lot of yummy vegetarian pizzas from a convenience store called...
Working Animals On The Farm: Goats
Training Goats For Work Training goats for various tasks can begin as early as 3 months old. By the age of 1 year, a goat can start to be trained to carry a pack. Their manure is also helpful for land restoration.
When Is It Time To Help A Doe In Labor?
I advise printing out the photos and directions to refer to in the event you feel something you have not dealt with before. Others spend all day in various stages of what we consider “pre-labor.” This includes a lot of pawing at the ground, lying...
Learn 4 Proper Techniques For Milking A Goat
Use a partially covered pail to prevent dirt from falling into the milk. Does flanks, udder, tail and stomach should be clipped to remove excess hair. Milking twice a day, 12 hours apart is considered optimal for maximum milk production.
Working Goats
Most working goats are castrated males (wethers), but as long as a doe doesn't have a big udder full of milk, she can be a working goat, too. Myotonic goats are the exception because if they faint while working, they can get tangled in their harness or...