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Lettuce Snail And Slug Control – How To Solve Lettuce Mollusk Problems
These trails are caused by mucus secreted by the mollusks as they move across the plant. Always be sure to read the product label and properly educate yourself before use. Iron phosphate-based products are generally deemed less toxic.
Lettuce Aphid Information – How To Control Aphids In Lettuce
This will work somewhat. Some have black markings on the abdomen as well, and may be winged or wingless.Lettuce aphid information informs us about their prolific reproduction, which is definitely no boon to the gardener.
How To Grow Endive Lettuce
Once they grow, thin the plants to about one plant per six inches, with rows of endive lettuce 18 inches apart.If you're growing endive from seedlings you grew indoors or in a, plant them 6 inches apart from the get go.
How To Grow Arugula – Growing Arugula From Seed
Another advantage to growing arugula from seed is that you can make new plantings every two to three weeks to keep the supply going all summer. It's an ancient leafy vegetable that is currently a favorite of chefs around the globe.
Growing Lettuce In The Garden – How To Grow Lettuce
Your soil should be moist, but not soaked. This is important so that the seeds can get good soil to seed contact, which is vital for nutrition. This means that growing lettuce can be done in early spring when temperatures are between 45 and 65 F.
My Lettuce Seedlings Are Dying: What Causes Damping Off Of Lettuce
Seedlings don't need this, though, so as soon as they start to grow you'll need to water less often. Water enough to keep the seedlings from wilting, but let the surface dry out slightly before watering.Provide good ventilation to prevent high humidity...
Harvesting Leaf Lettuce: How And When To Pick Leaf Lettuce
If you cut into or below the crown, the plant will probably die, so be careful.Again, leaf lettuce may be picked any time after leaves form, but before the plant(forms seed stalk).
Picking Lettuce Heads: How To Harvest Lettuce
Seeds can be started indoors and planted into the garden in three weeks. Fresh, homegrownlettuce may be washed with cool water and refrigeratedafter excess water is shaken off. Learning how to harvest lettuce isn't complicated; however, a time table must...
Common Diseases Affecting Lettuce Plants: Tips For Treating Lettuce Diseases
The few issues that do crop up are usually easily solved with simple organic solutions, planting in well drained soil with adequate nutrients, spacing correctly, and maintaining consistent moisture content.Diseases affecting lettuce plants are either...
How To Grow Lettuce In A Container
Lettuce has shallow roots and responds best to consistent, shallow watering. Plants grown in the garden need at least an inch per week; lettuce in pots need a bit more.There are numerous pest that enjoy lettuce as much as you do.
Different Lettuce Types: Varieties Of Lettuce For The Garden
Some different types of this lettuce are: Brown Golding, Chaos Mix II black, Chaos Mix II white, Devil's Tongue, Dark Green Romaine, De Morges Braun, Hyper Red Rumple, Little Leprechaun, Mixed Chaos black, Mixed Chaos white, Nova F3, Nova F4 black, Nova...
Cleaning Lettuce: How To Clean And Store Garden Lettuce
Replace the colander and repeat as necessary until there is no longer any visible dirt. There are several ways to wash garden lettuce. Keep in mind, however, that some, such as Romaine and Iceberg, are generally better if eaten right away.Knowing how...
Growing Microgreens: Planting Lettuce Microgreens In Your Garden
Healthy living and eating requires three to five servings of vegetables per day. Lettuce microgreens and some other greens can be grown in slightly cooler temperatures. (16 C.) for germination.
Lettuce And Frost: Does Lettuce Need To Be Protected From Frost
Obviously, don't put lettuce in the freezer. Does your lettuce need to be protected from frost?and, unlike most vegetables, continue to grow through the fall when the possibility is a probability in some regions.
Growing Lettuce Indoors: Information On Caring For Indoor Lettuce
Take the bag off when the lettuce begins to sprout.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });each container down to one plant. Check the soil daily; it shouldn't dry out completely.As long as you have used high...
Regrowing Lettuce In Water: Caring For Lettuce Plants Growing In Water
Some lettuce works better than others (romaine), and sometimes they'll begin growing and then die in a few days or. Lettuce plants growing in water don't get enough nutrients to make a whole head of lettuce, again since water has no nutrients.Also, the...
Why Lettuce Has Flowers: Tips For Preventing Bolting Lettuce Plants
If you plant lettuce late and wish to avoid premature lettuce bolt, try using a shade cloth over the row to reduce the intensity of the light.Additionally, it is essential to fertilize new plants with a 10-10-10 fertilizer.
Mesclun Greens – What Is Mesclun And How To Grow It
In about a month the plant will be ready to harvest again. Some of the greens in meslun mix come back more thickly such as the baby lettuces.The wide variety of greens and species for salads means it is up to you to decide what is mesclun.
Companion Plants For Lettuce: What To Plant With Lettuce In The Garden
Keep reading to learn more about growing lettuce companion plants.Lettuce benefits from having most vegetables near it., in particular, are good neighbors because they naturally repel, one of the big powerhouses of pest repellers, can be planted near...
Head Lettuce Problems: What To Do For No Head On Lettuce Plants
The cooler temperatures of fall provide the ideal conditions for maturing seedlings to produce crisp heads.Lettuce is very sensitive to heat and exposure to summer temperatures or a warm spell can keep them from forming correctly.
Frisee Plant Information: Tips For Growing Frisee Lettuce
As with lettuce, you can usefreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Provide your frisee plants with continuous water, without overwatering them.
Bitter Tasting Lettuce – Why Is My Lettuce Bitter?
Nothing tastes better than crisp lettuce straight from the garden. Lettuce needs to grow fast. When temperatures rise, the plant snaps into maturation mode and— sends out a stalk and flowers.
Common Lettuce Pests: Lettuce Pest Control Information
Use of the insecticide spinosad in commercial farming has seen a reduction in infestation, although with all things, some evidence now points to their resistance to it.– Beetle varieties are soil infecting insects for the most part; their larvae hatch...
Care Of Water Lettuce: Info And Uses For Water Lettuce In Ponds
Its early origins were recorded to be the Nile River, possibly around Lake Victoria. The spongy foliage is light green to gray-green colored and is 1 to 6 inches long. Water lettuce pond plants are commonly found in the slow moving waters of drainage...
Grow Lettuce Without Bolting
Lettuce does not require full sun in the summer; in fact, it is susceptible toor planting a taller crop to partially block the sun will keep your lettuce cooler and going longer before it bolts..
El Segundo
New Salad Greens for 2008 - Part III: Variety Greens
A salad bowl filled with nothing but lettuce even a variety of lettuces - is like a monochrome picture or a chorus without harmony. In describing these greens, days to maturity are not given, as most of them will be picked for salads while immature.There...
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New Salad Greens for 2008 - Part II: Lettuce
Also resistance to downy mildew races 1-18.Johnny's Selected Seeds offers this one in a pelleted version as well as plain seeds.A very dark, totally wine-red leaf lettuce with moderately ruffled leaves.Also available from Johnny's Selected Seeds in an...
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