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What Is Huegelkultur?
Sheet composting. Depending on the projected size of your huegel, you may need to start collecting woody waste material until you have built up quite a collection. Huegelkultur beds will typically be warmer than the surrounding soil for several years...
Winter is Temporary
(As did the giant pot of chili I made Monday night; my mother always said there was no better food in winter than a steaming bowl of soup.) Lo and behold, the polar vortex eventually gave way to “normal” January temperatures across the country—Lexington...
What is Homeopathy?
So lower potencies like 6x to 30x or 6c to 30c are usually recommended, especially for do-it-yourselfers. Hahnemann and his followers began experimenting with other plants, minerals and animal substances, conducting “provings” (clinical trials) and...
Dreaming is Planning
Keep your eyes on hatchery catalogs, and before you know it, you'll be raising those Lakenvelders you always dreamed of. I'm constantly mulling over possibilities in my mind, from the contemplative (“What if I was from a different country?”) to the...
What Is Ashitaba?
Richo has extensive instructions on how to grow it on his website . It is reported to be a fast grower once it passes the seedling phase. Beyond being a great nutritional supplement, the plant has strong antibiotic activity, particularly in the digestive...
Is Winterberry Toxic?
The toxic berries and plant parts may produce adverse effects in humans and animals.Winterberries provide winter-long interest in the garden and make beautiful cut stems, but they also contain an alkaloid nearly identical to caffeine in coffee.
Is That Bug What I Think It Is?
The nymphs of many garden bugs can look a lot alike—work with your county extension office to figure out if what you're looking at is a friend or foe. They often can point you to a entomological expert who may be able to look at a photo or examine a...
Is Ground Frozen Solid: Determining If Soil Is Frozen
Soil that is ready for planting is easy to dig and yields to your shovel. Digging in your garden too soon or in the wrong conditions results in two things: frustration for you and poor soil structure.
What Is Damping Off?
On rare occasions, however, the sudden death of seedlings may be caused by other factors. Seeds that have already germinated develop brown water-soaked spots.Seeds may be infected as soon as moisture penetrates the seed coat or later as growth begins.
She ... Is a He!
I have since moved on to asking friends of friends with hens, telling them how cute little baby chicks are and how much fun it is to breed your own chickens. Or maybe I should just wait for a car with an open window to stop on our corner.
Pleasure is a Novelty
I've found that sentiment to be true in other areas of life, too: Novelty and pleasure often go hand in hand. I didn't like a wide variety of foods, from cottage cheese and pickles to cantaloupe and basically every vegetable under the sun.
Why Mulching Is Important
It can also contain compost soil and living mulches. Get Mulching! Mulch should never touch the stems of plants as it can cause disease. Fall Mulching Fall is an excellent time to feed the soil in the vegetable garden.
Avast! Insulation is Complete!
I know, I know … you're still scratching your head. Different climates and housing zones (not to be confused with hardiness zones ) perform differently, requiring varied levels of thermal protection to be cost-effective.
Which Chick Is Which?
Sometimes You'll Never Know If your chickens came from a feed store, the people working might not know for sure what they're selling. And, they can also be very wrong. When I ordered my most recent batch of chicks, I resized photos from My Pet Chicken...
Is Your Compost Safe?
OMRI Listed products are allowed for use in certified organic operations under the USDA National Organic Program.I don't want anyone to get the idea that I am anti-compost - it is a valuable asset to soil conditioning.
Is Your Turkey Green?
There is a growing concern over our food supply, and gardeners everywhere are joining in the effort to increase the quality of our foods. They can lay fertile eggs, and set a clutch of eggs to hatch.
Laurel Is a Keeper
Moreover, dried laurel leaves don't have a short expiration date - about one to three years. Be as it may, important is that nothing bad happened. Nevertheless, we made fun of the situation, by foretelling that even our children's children would never...
Is Lucky Bamboo Poisonous?
Lucky bamboo is not, in fact, related to true bamboo plants. The leaves often have silver or white strips through the center. This high-humidity houseplant can grow to heights of nearly five feet.Dracaena sanderiana is considered non-toxic to humans.The...
What Is Plant Diversity?
Visit your local botanical garden for inspiration rather than the neighborhood nursery that likely offers what you see in your neighbors' yards. These days, botanical or plant diversity is an oft-heard concept, but it can be difficult to determine what...
What Is Fallow Ground?
However, modern farmers and gardeners often turn to the wisdom in ancient farming practices. Fertilizers and intelligent companion planting came first. Each year, one half of their land was allowed to rest and be renewed.
What Is Okoume Wood?
Okoume is widely used for veneers and is often processed into plywood.A paddler is pulling a wooden sea kayak out of the water.Okoume heartwood is typically a lustrous pinkish-brown to light red with a fine, uniform texture.
Is Bougainvillea Deer Resistant?
If you have a deer problem and want to make sure your bougainvillea is left alone, consider planting it in a hanging basket and hanging it high enough so that deer can't reach it.Keep your bougainvillea healthy and it will survive the occasional feeding...
What Is Alkaline pH?
Commercial services will charge from $10-$30, depending on the amount of information offered. At pH above 7, phosphorus becomes unavailable, and the build up of calcium carbonate and other toxic salts can inhibit root development.
What Is A Swale?
Swales are usually planted with trees and shrubs to make the swale more stable and multifunctional. If little or no water backs up behind your swale, then build the next one smaller and space it farther away.
What is Sugar Cane?
Once sugar crystals form, liquid/solid mix is spun to separate the two. Sugar cane is a subtropical/tropical grass that originated in Papua, New Guinea and spread throughout Southeast Asia, India, the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, Hawaii and the southern...
Is Vinca Deer-Resistant?
Heatwave Pink is a low-growing plant that will remain small all its life. The carefree vinca provides color all summer in flowerpots and the garden. If you have a deer problem in your region, surround your vegetable garden and other plants deer eat with...
What Is Vegetable Ghee?
This product is sometimes known as vanaspati or clarified butter.Traditional ghee is a creamy spread produced by boiling butter until the liquids and solids have separated. It is also used as a spread on bread or vegetables.Both traditional ghee and vegetable...