One year I sowed dandelion seeds in the lawn we had in front of our building. However, you shouldn't be afraid of dandelions! They are edible and they also have healing properties, which is why they are considered medicinal herbs.I can't remember my first...
Remove most of the blossoms, boil the rest with the lemons for 15 minutes. The lowly dandelion has so many uses, I'm surprised it isn't grown as a vegetable!! Strain again and pour into bottles.
Let it boil for one full minute.Always use a much bigger pot than you think you might need when making jelly. The boiling liquid takes up a lot of space and you do not want it to boil over.After your jelly has boiled for one minute, take it off the heat...
Other questions may be moved to one of our other forums so your fellow members can help you Answers: Those little yellow flowers seem impervious to most methods to thwart them. We hope you find these questions (and answers, penned by our admins and writers)...
Add in a few cups of chopped dandelion greens until completely wilted. Throw in a teaspooon of sugar and a nice splash of apple cider vinegar. Try this sometime and you'll be pleasantly surprised at the way the goat cheese completely takes the edge off...
The recommended daily dosage is 1 teaspoon for every 10 pounds of the animal's weight. We started sprinkling some turmeric onto her food and it seemed to reduce the swelling, giving her some relief from the constant pain.
Age your hackberry wood one year to get the best it has to give, Dried hackberry logs burn much better than freshly cut or unseasoned wood. When it does, the wood performs admirably in your fireplace or wood stove.Good firewood relies on several qualities...
The slogan the Gatorade Company uses to advertise its product -- "Is it in you?" -- relates to the product's ability to replenish fluids in an active person and increase performance on the playing field.
For that reason, it can be used on edible as well as non-edible plants without harming them, as long as it is used in moderation and diluted with water.Tomatoes are prone to fungal diseases, especially during periods of wet spring weather.
Their legs go numb and their heavy rumens squash their lungs. See, Baasha is a very old sheep. She says she was napping and she stretched her legs to get nice and comfy. After Baasha could breathe and walk a little, Dad zipped the top and sides of her...
Excel is recommended for cut flowers that require a boost of those specific minerals.One alternative to commercial plant food is homemade food for cut flowers. Cut flowers are not listed as one of the uses for these products, since the requirements for...
And is our meat itself good enough? Beyond the plethora of books, magazine articles and websites declaring small family farms the One True Solution to problems many see in commodity farming and industrial agriculture, we also have those inquisitive market...
Any areas where it globs or mounds up should be corrected immediately.Many people also make the mistake of top dressing with sand to try to. When top dressing a lawn with any material, only a very thin layer should be spread evenly over the entire lawn.
Over-watering can cause the nuts to sprout in the ground. While some production can still be had at lower temperatures, the low end of the temperature spectrum is 56 degrees for peanut production.
Over at The Conversation , writer and urban horticulturist Chris Williams has rounded up a collection of studies, both qualitative and quantitative, that offer scientific proof on the myriad benefits to gardening.
Taller grass helps shade out weeds more effectively than close-clipped lawns. Patrol your lawn in early spring to find the plants pre-flower, with their telltale toothed long leaves.
“That's when we decided to hit the road to see what was going on in the rest of the country,” Susman says. It challenges us to get beyond the urban/rural divide — to really think about how we can all be producers in a society driven by consumption.”...
This is good – faster decomposition means less time to finished compost and, ultimately, more compost.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });How does composting with yarrow work?
I plan to make mounds of zucchini bread and give them as gifts. I don't know a gardener who doesn't love to share what they grow. Chop some fresh herbs(or dried) and blend them thoroughly with the softened butter.
Rinse well under cool water.The most well-known recipe using leeks is the classic French soup ‘Vichysoisse' recipes for which can be found in any cookbook. Because of this they make an excellent vegetable for a garden-grower.They grow easily from seeds,...
Balfouriana or pinnata)False aralia - genus Plerandra (Schefflera, Dizygotheca) species elegantissimaCall it what you like from the above names, it is still a real Aralia, from the same family as the other plants here.
“There is no reason for food to go to waste when there are farmers willing to donate [their leftovers], avenues to distribute it and people who need it.” Since launching a gleaning program in 1988, Friendship Donations Network has distributed thousands...
Ugh, tax time! Are you wishing that you had a magic money tree? A minor point but one that some readers may find importantMoney Tree art at left by the incomparable "Inky" Used here with permission, Thank you! Inky Art not to be used elsewhere without...
Cross the right side cord over the carrier cords and under the left side cord. You will use the two outside cords to tie the knots, while the two inside cords will be the ‘carrier' cords for your work.These three images will demonstrate how to tie the...
Is your Spider plant perpetually spindly? Just top off with room temperature water as needed to keep it at the same level. Keep the water level fairly constant in the container. As long as the roots are in water, the sky is the limit on arrangement.
While it is not toxic, it can be known to crowd out vegetation that is more nutritious and better for grazing. ) is a common flowering weed that is often mistaken for a dandelion. Keep reading to learn more about recognizing cat's ear flowers and controlling...
The Amish also rarely get asthma, while 15 to 20 percent of the Hutterite population gets it. Amish keep small-scale dairy farms and allow their children to play in the barns, while Hutterites run industrialized farms and don't typically allow their children...