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What Is Croton

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Croton Leaf Drop – Why Is My Croton Dropping Leaves
There are more than 750 varieties of croton plant, some needing more light than others. It's natural for a croton to drop leaves as it adjusts to environmental changes. Read on to learn more about why croton leaves fall off.Change can be difficult for...
Crotons : Codiaeum (koe-dih-EE-um or koh-dee-EYE-um)
Crotons can be grown as a landscape plant in Zones 10-11. Good results can be obtained by pruning about one-third of the branches and then waiting until new grown has started before pruning the next third of the plant.
El Segundo
Color your Home with House Plants
Or buy every plant that strikes your fancy the way I do. For those of us in the colder climes, the only way to enjoy them is indoors, or possibly to take them out in the warmer months.
El Segundo
Croton Plants for Outdoors
Wear gloves when working with croton, as the sap is often irritating to the skin. Withhold fertilizer during the winter or any time the plant isn't in active growth.Croton is relatively pest free, but the plants are occasionally bothered by mealybugs,...
Santa Monica
How to Fertilize Croton
Spread the fertilizer out over the entire pot, if the croton is potted. The slow-release fertilizer will dispense fertilizer into the soil gradually.Water the soil with 1 to 2 inches of water to dissolve the fertilizer granules into the soil.Wait until...
Santa Monica
Types of Croton Plants
Spirale is a shrub that reaches heights of 3 to 8 feet tall, with twirling foliage in numerous shades of red and green.Crotons thrive in abundant sunlight, which is how they get their rich colorful hues.
Santa Monica
How to Repot Croton
You may have to bump the pot against a hard surface a few times to break things lose so that the pot can be removed.Inspect the roots. When appropriately watered a 1/2 inch of space should exist between the surface of the soil and the top rim of the pot.Wait...
Santa Monica
How to Prune a Croton
The leaves are mostly green, but are interspersed with red, yellow and orange color along the leaf veins. The tallest branches may grow upward, or they may grow out horizontally.Wait until new green growth appears along the main stem of the croton, which...
Santa Monica
How to Propagate a Croton
Crotons demand bright light year-round to maintain their bright color, so place them near a south-facing picture window in winter and in light shade outdoors. They'll acclimate to lower humidity during their winter resting period when growth slows but...
Santa Monica
How to Care for a Croton Petra
When watering, do not over-water, as it will cause the leaves to yellow and possibly rot. Temperatures higher than 80 degrees Fahrenheit may cause the croton petra to wilt and dry out.Allow the soil to dry out before watering.
Santa Monica
How Tall Does a Croton Plant Grow?
The plant can grow up to six feet in height and width in its native habitat. The plant can be hard pruned to restore height and make it more appropriate for the home. The plant has high water needs and cannot dry out or significant wilting will occur...
Santa Monica
Success Is …
Today, I want to encourage you with Dr. Angelou's words because your love of the land is special and I want it to bring you joy and happiness in return. If not, what is it you don't like and what do you need to change?
Enthusiasm is Contagious
« More Farm Inspiration » Tags enthusiasm , farmers , farming , inspiration , passion My summer has indeed been a harried one. I often look at the work they've done and wonder how it's possible.
What Is Huegelkultur?
A layer of straw, chicken-coop litter, leaf debris, kitchen compost or half-finished compost also works just fine. Build healthy soil your garden can rock out in with this German compost technique.
Winter is Temporary
So, as wintry weather continues over the next few months, and you find yourself despairing while you muck out the chicken coop, just remember: Winter is going to have to eventually give up the ghost and spring will be right on its heels.
What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathic remedies successfully treated serious human diseases of the day, like typhoid, cholera and scarlet fever. Higher potencies sometimes trigger “aggravations,” when it seems like the patient is getting worse instead of better.
Is Winterberry Toxic?
Keep fallen leaves and berries cleaned up from the ground to prevent accidental ingestion. When used in indoor arrangements, keep winterberries out of the reach of curious pets.Proper planning keeps winterberries safely away from humans and pets that...
Santa Monica
Dreaming is Planning
The same goes for heirloom vegetable varieties or that redesigned compost pile : all of the hard work you put into farming stems from a dream, and if you keep working toward that dream, before you know it, it could come true before your eyes.
What Is Ashitaba?
Richo has extensive instructions on how to grow it on his website . He told me that he first discovered ashitaba during a trip to the Yunnan Province in China when was meeting with many different herbal-medicine manufacturers and growers.
Is That Bug What I Think It Is?
But then I realized that these little nymphs were immature leaf-footed bugs , which aren't beneficial at all and are actually quite nefarious. When you're unsure if what you're looking at is a good bug or bad bug to be, your local extension agent is your...
Is Ground Frozen Solid: Determining If Soil Is Frozen
If you begin to dig and your shovel seems to be hitting a brick wall, it is evidence that the soil is frozen. If there is no spring or give to the soil, it's probably still frozen and too cold to work.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
What Is Damping Off?
However, portions of the roots and stems can still be attacked, resulting in poor growth and reduced yields.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });So what does damping off look like?
Is Your Compost Safe?
Here's an excerpt fromAspergillosis is a fungal infection of the lungs that is caused after the inhalation of a fungus commonly found in rotting plant matter. If no testing is done on finished compost how are we to know if someone with a communicable...
El Segundo
Is Your Turkey Green?
Heritage turkeys require a different approach to cooking. One of those practices is seen in the increasing number of backyard chicken pens, giving gardeners not only healthy eggs and meat, but rich fertilizer for our gardens.
El Segundo
Laurel Is a Keeper
Be as it may, important is that nothing bad happened. Our kids were happy to have lots of chocolates and candies to eat, but we weren't as happy about the other leftover products, one of which the laurel dry leaves bags.
El Segundo
Is Lucky Bamboo Poisonous?
The leaves often have silver or white strips through the center. Three stalked plants are given for luck, five stalks are said to represent wishes of wealth and seven stalks are thought to bring and keep good health.
Santa Monica
What Is Plant Diversity?
If an area has many species, the distance between specimens of the same species increases, and insects and diseases can't hop conveniently from one to the next, decimating an entire species.
Santa Monica