Most Ceylon cinnamon, not surprisingly, comes from Sri Lanka, known until 1972 as Ceylon.While Cassia cinnamon is most commonly used in the US, Ceylon cinnamon is the one you'll find in Mexican cooking and European baking.
You may even try powdering your newly sown seed trays as a preventive for damping off. After all, cinnamon is readily available, you don't need a pesticide applicator's license to use it, and your pets are in no danger if you do use it.The next day, I...
The resulting fruit, bright red berries, hang near the tips of the branches.Yes, you can grow wild cinnamon and although it may be a bit more difficult to procure, if you live in USDA zones 9b-12b (down to 26 degrees F.), it is a wonderful problem free...
So now we have New Yorkinstead, and we can buy spices at the grocery store., neither of which is a spice. I have read that95% of what we experience as taste is actually provided by our sense of smell.
I use two bags (3-4 T. White wine or mead are other traditional choices.The same spice mixture can be used in other ways, as well. Wine bottling techniques were inconsistent at best during the medieval ages, drastically shortening the usable lifespan...
Black pepper contains a compound called piperine, which increases nutrient absorption in general, and the coconut oil coats the turmeric, keeping it from being destroyed as quickly by stomach acids.
The proof is the coals, which keep wood stoves burning reliably through cold nights.With all firewood, drying makes the difference between a sputtering fire and a quality flame. But occasionally, the soft-wooded, rugged-barked tree becomes weakened by...
Gatorade has a proven record of helping people hydrate, but the beverage is not so good for plants.The basic ingredients in Gatorade are water, sugar, carbohydrates and electrolytes -- potassium and sodium.
Combine 1 cup ammonia with 2 cups of white distilled vinegar, then add it to 5 gallons of water. This will encourage fruiting. A combination of apple cider vinegar and water can prevent and treat leaf spots fungi, mildews and scab diseases.
The plants from which we get flavorings and spices have to rank among the most exotic, since they are the types for which expeditions were once launched and new worlds explored. But it shouldn't be difficult to find somebody like me whose plant sorely...
Baasha and her family think so too. If no one notices, gas builds up in their insides. Their legs go numb and their heavy rumens squash their lungs. Dad helped her up while mom stood and cried.
Lastly, keep flowers away from hot or cold spots that may affect them adversely. According to the University of Minnesota, the best way to keep flowers fresh is to use a good commercial preservative and mix according to package directions.
Is that still good? « More Burning Questions » Tags Berkshire pigs , burning question , farming , small family farm I look at our pigs—a happy litter of Berkshire piglets , conceived and birthed on-farm by their parents George and Wen—frolicking...
This is actually the worst thing you can do, as adding sand to clay soil does not loosen up the soil; instead, it creates a cement-like soil.The best description I've ever read about clay soil particles is that they are like a deck of cards, spread out...
A weekly watering of 4 to 6 inches should be adequate for most home gardens. As harvest time draws near, pay attention to weather forecasts. This greatly limits the areas capable of growing successful peanut crops.Rainfall is critical to a peanut crop,...
Over at The Conversation , writer and urban horticulturist Chris Williams has rounded up a collection of studies, both qualitative and quantitative, that offer scientific proof on the myriad benefits to gardening.
“I wanted to learn more about urban farming — to meet the amazing people behind the movement. There is not one face of the urban farming movement, and what it is can't be summed up in one sentence.
Using yarrow in compost even in such small amounts is, presumably, enough to have a noticeable effect. A lot of gardeners say yes.have a high concentration of sulfur, potassium, copper, phosphates, nitrates, copper, and potash.
Sea salt or raw sugar can be infused with herbs or rose petals and given as gifts.To make an infused scrub, mix together a half cup of oil, such as almond or grape seed oil, with one cup of fine sea salt or raw sugar that you have already infused with...
They can be sown in a seedbed in early spring to be transplanted in mid-summer, or sown in place after all danger of frost is past. Leeks are documented as having been part of the diet of early Egyptians and Mesopotamians, as far back as 2000 BC.
They have a fussy reputation, and many owners comment about unexplained leaf drop. Let's look at Ming, dinnerplate, and false aralias which are making appearances as small potted plants or included in combination floral planters.
Tags Jodi Helmer In describing her goal for Urban Youth Harvest, Founder Rashidah Grinage told reporters: “I wanted to help seniors maintain good health with local, organic, free produce [and …] give young people the opportunity to understand and...
Ugh, tax time! Are you wishing that you had a magic money tree? A minor point but one that some readers may find importantMoney Tree art at left by the incomparable "Inky" Used here with permission, Thank you! Inky Art not to be used elsewhere without...
This will leave you with four cords to start the first leg of your macrame hanger. Notice how I hold the carrier cords as I tie the outside knots. But if you are just a little bit handy, and have just a touch of your 'Inner Hippie' still lurking deep...
Remember, you usually "get what you pay for". Pour out and fully refresh the water frequently, and immediately do so if you notice any unpleasant rotten odor. Your odds may improve with Lucky Bamboo.
New research shows that what's in your barn's dust could protect you against asthma. But what if that very thing that we tell kids not to do would actually make them healthier. Both people groups have similar lifestyles with one main difference.
I tuck a few seeds in 2 ½" x 3 ½" brown coin envelopes. After considerable thought, an old tomato cage sprang to mind.I turned it upside down and wired the three prongs together to form a cone.