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Enthusiasm is Contagious
Don't forget that when things get tough—when your cucumbers are plagued with squash bugs and the tomatoes have blossom end rot because of seven days of ceaseless rain—that your love for the land exudes far beyond the task at hand.
What Is Huegelkultur?
Also, consider the prevailing wind direction and how the huegel can be buffered from strong winds. Holzer suggests turning upside down the sod strips removed when trenching for the huegelkultur bed and covering the wood with those.
Winter is Temporary
(As was the imminent discovery that my car's driver's side door was frozen solid—it finally thawed Thursday morning, making for some interesting car entries in the early part of the week.) I begrudgingly scraped my car out of the ice and climbed in...
What is Homeopathy?
Do-it-yourselfers can use homeopathic remedies to treat minor ailments and injuries, for first-aid emergencies until the vet arrives, and to augment conventional veterinary treatment.
Is Winterberry Toxic?
Take a sample of the plant to the doctor or veterinarian to aid in proper identification and diagnosis. Humans with severe, prolonged reactions to winterberry ingestion should be evaluated by medical professionals.
Santa Monica
Dreaming is Planning
It may not necessarily be a concrete one, but where else do ideas begin if not with thoughts and dreams? I may not be able to start gardening or backyard chicken-keeping any time soon, but when that time comes, I'll already have a head start.
What Is Ashitaba?
He told me that he first discovered ashitaba during a trip to the Yunnan Province in China when was meeting with many different herbal-medicine manufacturers and growers. Richo says he thinks that the name “tomorrow's leaf” actually refers to the...
Is That Bug What I Think It Is?
This afternoon, while inspecting my late-summer garden, I came across several small, vividly colored insects on a winter squash blossom. First, the legs of these particular insects were too short and dark in color.
Is Ground Frozen Solid: Determining If Soil Is Frozen
Determining if the soil is frozen is paramount to your garden's success.Just walking across your soil or patting it with your hand will give away whether it is still frozen or not.
What Is Damping Off?
The amount of damage to seedlings depends on the particular fungus, soil moisture and temperature. Typically, germinating seeds are killed by the damping-off fungus prior to emerging from the ground, and older, more established plants are seldom affected.
Is Your Compost Safe?
How are we to know whether or not the bacterial or virus could be absorbed by plant material in our vegetable gardens? Longbeachae.Paronychia is a local infection that occurs in the tissue around the fingernails and toenails.
El Segundo
Is Your Turkey Green?
Gardeners are becoming increasingly diversified, and getting into more sustainable practices such as raising heirloom vegetables and saving seeds. One of those practices is seen in the increasing number of backyard chicken pens, giving gardeners not only...
El Segundo
Laurel Is a Keeper
Now that I've reached the bottom of that box, I just bought a new, average-size bag with fresh dry laurel leaves, of only 5 grams (0.18 ounce) and put an end to this chapter in my life.
El Segundo
Is Lucky Bamboo Poisonous?
Better known as Dracaena sanderiana, this plant is a fixture in many households.Connoisseurs agree that not all bamboo is created equally.Lucky bamboo, also known as "Belgian evergreen," is a woody shrub with shiny green leaves.
Santa Monica
What Is Plant Diversity?
The richer the soil food web, the more fertile the soil. American culture values the neat and the familiar in home landscapes, and nurseries offer the plants consumers seek; as a result, the biodiversity of the nation declines.Biopests are usually picky,...
Santa Monica
What Is Fallow Ground?
The legume helped replenish nitrogen depleted by the grain. Crop rotations and fallow ground may be seasonal as opposed to annual. Each plant species leeches something from the soil while giving something else back.
Santa Monica
What Is Okoume Wood?
Okoume is one of the tropical hardwoods used for exterior plywood manufactured to BS (British Standard) 1088 specifications for use in marine applications. Solid lumber is used in furniture and joinery where it grows locally.
Santa Monica
She ... Is a He!
The trouble is, he's starting to get a bit aggressive, and we've discovered that roosters and preschoolers don't mix. I don't mind him going into someone's soup pot, but I'd much prefer he find a nice home somewhere where he can ‘cockadoodledoo' to...
Pleasure is a Novelty
—Robert South As this growing season winds down and we start preparing for cooler weather, consider the unbridled pleasure that novelty could bring to your farm or homestead: What can you add to your farming experience this winter or next year to spice...
Is Bougainvillea Deer Resistant?
They come in shades of red, purple, white, yellow and pink. In fact, the University of California rates bougainvillea as a "reasonably safe bet" when it comes to deer-resistant plants.Bougainvillea is desirable for its showy colored bracts, or modified...
Santa Monica
What Is Alkaline pH?
The scale ranges from 0 to 14 with the number in the middle (7) representing a point where the number of hydroxide ions and hydronium ions is equal. Substances with a pH of 7 are said to be "neutral." The pH scale is logarithmic, meaning that the difference...
Santa Monica
Why Mulching Is Important
It won't look the prettiest, so consider topping it with compost soil if aesthetics are a concern. Apply a layer of mulch that is 1 to 4 inches thick—less in wet/warm areas and more in dry/cold areas.
Avast! Insulation is Complete!
Because I can't wait until Talk Like a Pirate Day , which only comes around once a year, I figured I'd jump at the chance now. With renovations kicking into gear—something that seems to happen only when we pay someone else to do the work—it's time...
Which Chick Is Which?
Even though we already know what's inside the sturdy shipping box, opening the lid and revealing the tiny chirping lives inside is more exciting than opening any gift. If yours and the internet-famed came from different hatcheries, their genetic makeups...
What is Sugar Cane?
The juice is separated from the crushed stems for cleaning. It also has the highest number of calories per unit area of any plant.Sugar cane is comprised of stalks, leaves and a root system.
Santa Monica
Is Vinca Deer-Resistant?
After planting vinca in well-drained, slightly acidic soil, it can withstand droughts and prefers to remain fairly dry.You needn't deadhead vinca flowers because they drop off on their own and remain tidy without your help.
Santa Monica
What Is Vegetable Ghee?
It is made up almost entirely of hardened vegetable oil and is free from any milk products.It is ideal for various forms of cooking, such as baking, sauteing and deep frying. However, neither of these items contains animal fat.Despite its resemblance...
Santa Monica