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What Is Angelica

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Tips On Harvesting Angelica: How To Prune Angelica Herbs
Wash and dry the roots well and store them in an air tight container.Unlike many other herbs, angelica likes moist soil. Keep the plant well watered and it should reward you with years of harvesting.
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« More Farm Inspiration » Tags farm , farm inspiration , farmer , farmers , Maya Angelou quote If not, what is it you don't like and what do you need to change? As a poet, she left behind much wisdom we can apply to our day-to-day lives, but today,...
Enthusiasm is Contagious
For the past couple years, I've been fortunate to stand alongside a dedicated group of people who are feeding the hungry with the season's excess harvest. The evening air was thick with Kentucky's characteristic summer humidity, and as I put away the...
What Is Huegelkultur?
This layer will settle into the woody base naturally, so don't compact it or worry too much about small empty gaps within the base layer. Maybe your city or town is taking down a tree that is interfering with power lines and would welcome help disposing...
Winter is Temporary
As for immediate winter-weather comfort and relief, I'd recommend an extra pair of mittens as you do farm chores, a roaring fire when you come in from the cold and as much soup as your stomach can hold.
What is Homeopathy?
Suggested uses and dosages are printed on remedy labels, but those are only guidelines. Even conventional pharmacies and general stores dispensed homeopathic medicines. It sounds weird and some folks think it's bogus, but Mom says it works! So do vets...
Is Winterberry Toxic?
Tolerance to caffeine is different for everyone, so amounts necessary to produce adverse symptoms vary from person to person. Humans who ingest berries can suffer symptoms associated with caffeine poisoning.
Santa Monica
Dreaming is Planning
So, instead of feeling guilty the next time you catch yourself in an agricultural daydream as you're tilling the garden or mucking out the livestock stalls, take Steinem's words to heart: you're merely planning for your ideal farm, and that dream lies...
What Is Ashitaba?
Ashitaba is an angelica species, which are members of the carrot family and tend to be biannuals. Here in Ohio, I harvest Angelica archangelica in the fall to make use of the root, though some folks still candy the leaf stems.
Is That Bug What I Think It Is?
While the immature nymphs of assassin bugs and leaf-footed bugs look quite similar, several clues helped pinpoint the proper identification. Second, the collective social behavior of the nymphs was very telling—assassin bugs tend to be solitary hunters...
Is Ground Frozen Solid: Determining If Soil Is Frozen
Digging frozen soil is hard work and the minute you realize you are working way too hard just to turn up the soil is the time to put the shovel down and exercise some patience.There is never any sense in getting ahead of the natural sequence of events.
What Is Damping Off?
Damping off can be reduced by planting fungicide-treated seed directly into the garden. However, portions of the roots and stems can still be attacked, resulting in poor growth and reduced yields.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Is Your Compost Safe?
We don't know because no one tests commercial compost.According to the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors several diseases can be contracted through improperly processed compost.
El Segundo
Is Your Turkey Green?
Chefs say that they have much better taste than other turkeys. One of those practices is seen in the increasing number of backyard chicken pens, giving gardeners not only healthy eggs and meat, but rich fertilizer for our gardens.
El Segundo
Laurel Is a Keeper
My grandsons will know about this only from my stories, since I don't have enough left to pass them down to them.[2] - Our kids were happy to have lots of chocolates and candies to eat, but we weren't as...
El Segundo
Is Lucky Bamboo Poisonous?
The leaves often have silver or white strips through the center. Three stalked plants are given for luck, five stalks are said to represent wishes of wealth and seven stalks are thought to bring and keep good health.
Santa Monica
What Is Plant Diversity?
Visit your local botanical garden for inspiration rather than the neighborhood nursery that likely offers what you see in your neighbors' yards. It's worth your time to seek out different species, especially native species; not only will this help in...
Santa Monica
What Is Fallow Ground?
The same philosophy used by farmers applies to home gardens as well.Allowing land to stand fallow has been practiced by farmers for centuries. It was commonly done in Medieval times, long before technologies existed to permit persistent, large-scale plantings.
Santa Monica
What Is Okoume Wood?
The cut wood is not resinous, and lacks any pronounced odor.Okoume has a low density, with a mean weight of 25 pounds per cubic foot. The grain is straight to slightly wavy and may be slightly interlocking.
Santa Monica
She ... Is a He!
You might have read about our new chickens in a previous post. It sounds like a busy weekend ahead. The tomatoes have been ripped out (they did eventually succumb to the late blight that plagued gardeners up and down the East Coast), the cuke vines have...
Pleasure is a Novelty
I think the same is true of agriculture and farming: Is there any feeling quite like the electric thrill of buying seeds of new vegetables you've never tried and imagining the delicious results, or the swell of joy that stems from watching the birth of...
Is Bougainvillea Deer Resistant?
Spray the plant with an insecticidal oil to get rid of insect pests. In fact, the University of California rates bougainvillea as a "reasonably safe bet" when it comes to deer-resistant plants.Bougainvillea is desirable for its showy colored bracts, or...
Santa Monica
What Is Alkaline pH?
Hydroxide ions are left with one more electron than proton, giving rise to the negative charge. With respect to the chemical concept of pH, "alkaline" is another term for "basic." These two terms are interchangeable.
Santa Monica
Why Mulching Is Important
When choosing your mulch materials, watch out for herbicides. These soil critters work double-duty: As the soil organisms break down the mulch, it will enrich the soil. This allows the seeds access to air and sunlight for germination but reduces disruption...
Avast! Insulation is Complete!
After spraying the walls, the foam is left to dry before the excess is sawed off flush with the wall studs, using a big saw that reminds me of an electric turkey-carving knife. Arrrggghhh! I've been waiting for a chance to use some pirate-ease on this...
Which Chick Is Which?
Having had a Red Star myself, I guessed that she actually had Rhode Island Reds based on their deeper feather color. If they're diverse enough, you'll know which is which the moment you pry open the shipping box.
What is Sugar Cane?
Sugar cane is a subtropical/tropical grass that originated in Papua, New Guinea and spread throughout Southeast Asia, India, the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, Hawaii and the southern United States because of human migration and the slave trade.
Santa Monica