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What Is Aloe Vera Plant

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Reasons For Galling On Aloe Plants – What Is Wrong With My Aloe Plant
These almost microscopic insects reproduce rapidly and travel by wind, water, insects, birds and even people. Galling on aloe plants is caused by aloe mites, insects so tiny you can't see them without a magnifying glass.
Variegated Tiger Aloe: How To Care For A Tiger Aloe Plant
The slightly serrated edges and thick waxy coated foliage sport mottled white and green patterns.Tiger aloe plants may get 12 inches high and around 9 inches wide. Leaves are 4 to 6 inches long and just a couple of inches wide.
Aloe Vera Plant Care – How To Grow An Aloe Plant
) for literally thousands of years. You can use aGrowing aloe vera houseplants is not only easy but can also provide your family with a plant that can help treat minor burns and rashes.
Growing Aloe Outdoors: Can You Grow Aloe Outside
Aloe polyphylla is a variety that is grown in the mountains of Lesotho and there are others which thrive in coastal or grassland locations.The plants store water in their leaves, which means they can go long periods without water.
Aloe Transplanting Guide: Learn How To Repot An Aloe Plant
Are great plants to have around. These are smaller offshoots of the mother plant that are still attached to the main root system but can live on their own as full plants. Use the shovel to lift the plant up out of the ground., you might need to use the...
Tips On Picking Aloe Vera: How To Harvest Aloe Vera Leaves
The health benefits of aloe vera have been known for centuries. As an ingested supplement, the plant has potential digestive benefits.and harvesting aloe leaves for smoothies and other consumables allows you to get the freshest supply of this amazing...
Can You Split An Aloe Plant: Tips For Dividing Aloe Plants
This will help slow down the plant's growth and metabolism and produce a better result.The process is quite easy and will only take a few moments. Here is a brief tutorial on how to divide aloe plants.While you can divide an aloe, dividing aloe plants...
Propagating Aloe Vera – Rooting Aloe Vera Cuttings Or Separating Aloe Pups
Is a popular houseplant with medicinal properties. Allow it to sit for one week, then water the soil. The pup must be mature enough for rooting an aloe vera plant successfully.Once the aloe pup is the right size, remove the dirt from around the base of...
Aloe Water Needs – Watering An Aloe Vera Plant The Right Way
Succulents can be sensitive to the minerals and chemicals in municipal water supplies. Are succulents which are mostly considered drought tolerant plants. Mold in the soil and any softening of the stems also indicate too much moisture.Overly dry plant...
Help, My Aloe Is Falling Over: What Causes A Droopy Aloe Plant
Is a great houseplant because it is so easy to grow and is very forgiving. A shallow container won't allow the plant to develop enough strong roots to remain upright. A simple watering strategy for aloe is to wait for the soil to dry out entirely and...
Brown Aloe Vera Plants: Tips On Treating Wilting Aloe Veras
A wilting brown aloe can be caused by several conditions. A plant with puckered leaves that are discoloring may be too dry. A wilting, brown aloe that has soft spots in the leaves is likely over watered.
Aloe vera- Magic, Mystery and Myth
) left: right is photo of mature plant offsetting like crazy in Arizona (newly purchased aloe ($4) left; Mature aloe in planter (Indoors the plant rarely flowers (it definitely seems happier outdoors) and tends to stay in its more juvenile leaf form-...
El Segundo
Introduction to Tree Aloes, part 1: the solitary, unbranched species
Again, with few exceptions, most tree aloes grow best in warm, dry, arid, climates. However, at least 1 tree aloe is a native of Yemen, which is officially considered part of Asia, though included on most maps of Africa.What climate do tree aloes grow...
El Segundo
Introduction to spotted aloes
Just don't get hung up on trying to tell them apart! But as most readers of these articles couldn't really care less about which spotted aloe is which, I have to admit writing this article is mostly a mentally cathartic process to help me clear my own...
El Segundo
Is Aloe Vera a Cactus?
Aside from reportedly relieving itching, it is thought to reduce pain caused by minor burns and other skin irritations."Succulent" is the name given to plants that store their own water.
Santa Monica
An introduction to Aloe Flowers, part 4 of 5: Aloes S-Z
And then they open showing their deep red stamensAloes with huge flowers like these are very popular with the beesLike many aloes with tubular shaped racemes, these flowers usually show multiple colors until completely spentClose-up of dead flower and...
El Segundo
Introduction to Tree Aloes, part 2: the branching tree aloes
Tree aloes are some of the most magnificent of all the succulents and can be awesome and imposing landscape statements. Note this is one long rosette of leaves (over 30 leaves)- but rosettes shrink to 1/3 that as they branchYoung tree in private garden,...
El Segundo
An introduction to Aloe Flowers, part 2 of 5: Aloes D-L
The following photos are of aloes with cultivational or species names that start with the lettes 'D' through the letter 'L'. But the inflorescences are highly branched, and the plant is a branching one, so there is a massive number of flowers in winterthis...
El Segundo
An introduction to Aloe Flowers, part 3 of 5: Aloes M-R
And some have less than amazing flowers as well. The inflorescence of this plant is unique in being highly branched, very wide and having nearly one-sided, sloping racemes, usually of brilliant orange.
El Segundo
Plants That Look Like Aloe Vera
Agave, like aloe vera, also has many uses. It's important to know an aloe plant when you see one.Agave is often confused with aloe vera. The juice from the aloe plant is used in medicines as well as cosmetics.
Santa Monica
An introduction to Aloe Flowers, part 1 of 5: Aloes A-C
One might not be aware of this variety if one's only experience with aloes is through Aloe vera, the most common traditional aloe and one which frankly has one of the least interesting flowers of all aloe species.
El Segundo
How to Clone an Aloe Vera Plant
Offsets, however, are clones. Aloe plants do not like wet feet, so proper drainage is crucial.Scratch a shallow planting hole in the center of the mixture to hold the pup. Repotted aloes should be kept indoors, close to a south-facing window, or outdoors...
Santa Monica
How Often Do Aloe Vera Plants Flower?
A mature plant will bloom outdoors under proper conditions. Aloe Vera is a desert succulent plant prized both for its beauty and for its medicinal properties. When aloe does bloom, it produces bright, yellow flowers on long, protruding stems.New Aloe...
Santa Monica
Introduction to Aloes
The following are some photos and terms used to describe flower shape and structures. Aloes are one of the best succulent plants for both landscape use and growing in pots. Most have leaves with marginal teeth that often are very sharp, though some have...
El Segundo
Introduction to Aloe Hybrids
There are potentially an almost limitless number of these hybrids, and some of them are among the most popular and commonly grown of all the aloes. Though not necessarily that ornamental themselves, they are for the most part, heavily offsetting, spotted,...
El Segundo
How to Cook With the Aloe Vera Plant
Prop up the leaves in a bowl or colander and let them sit for one to two hours. The health benefits of aloe vera are said to be numerous. Some people boil aloe vera cubes in 1 cup of sugar with the juice of one lemon or lime for a refreshing, sweet treat.
Santa Monica
Growing Aloes from Seed
Growing aloes from seed can not only be fun, but a way of getting some rare species cheaply that might even not be available at all otherwise. Somehow it still seems to ‘sneak' in, though).Watering with an antifungal mixed in (very dilute) is not a...
El Segundo