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Winter is Temporary
As I headed out to my car Monday morning, head ducked against the wind, coffee mug trembling in my shivering, gloved hand, the realization that I had to scrape a thick layer of ice and snow off of my windshield in the subzero wind chill was extraordinarily...
What is Homeopathy?
Do-it-yourselfers can use homeopathic remedies to treat minor ailments and injuries, for first-aid emergencies until the vet arrives, and to augment conventional veterinary treatment.
Is Winterberry Toxic?
Animals that show symptoms of winterberry poisoning should be seen by their veterinarian. Caffeine is the primary toxic ingredient in winterberry, and symptoms can be unpleasant. Cats, dogs and horses are all sensitive to winterberry toxicity.
Santa Monica
Dreaming is Planning
I've been chastised in the past for having my head in the clouds instead of focused on the here and now, but I take Gloria Steinem's above quote to heart: dreaming really is a form of planning.
What Is Ashitaba?
Richo says he thinks that the name “tomorrow's leaf” actually refers to the fact that eating it means there is a good chance you'll be around tomorrow to enjoy another. He told me that he first discovered ashitaba during a trip to the Yunnan Province...
Is That Bug What I Think It Is?
While the immature nymphs of assassin bugs and leaf-footed bugs look quite similar, several clues helped pinpoint the proper identification. However, identifying immature insect nymphs can be a challenge for gardeners, as the nymphs of many pest and beneficial...
Is Ground Frozen Solid: Determining If Soil Is Frozen
Be very leery of any early spring digging, especially if you live in a northern climate. Determining if soil is frozen can make all the difference.How do you know if the ground is frozen solid?
What Is Damping Off?
The amount of damage to seedlings depends on the particular fungus, soil moisture and temperature. Damping off is a term commonly used for indicating the sudden death of seedlings, often caused by soil-borne fungus stimulated to grow by nutrients from...
Is Your Compost Safe?
In many cities and townships organic waste materials MUST be separated from normal trash and failing to do so can result in a written violation; the local government can take you to court for failing to comply.Residue from lawn chemicals can remain in...
El Segundo
Is Your Turkey Green?
Because there is less white meat, they can dry out while the longer-cooking requirements for dark meat are met. Truman's presidency. Because of the high sodium content of packaged lunchmeats, I do not buy lunchmeats, but I sure look forward to some leftover...
El Segundo
Laurel Is a Keeper
Nevertheless, we made fun of the situation, by foretelling that even our children's children would never have to buy laurel dry leaves again! And this was practically fulfilled, since now after twenty years I still have a few remainings of those bay laurel...
El Segundo
Is Lucky Bamboo Poisonous?
Lucky bamboo is not, in fact, related to true bamboo plants. This high-humidity houseplant can grow to heights of nearly five feet.Dracaena sanderiana is considered non-toxic to humans.The ASPCA's Poison Control Center lists lucky bamboo as a toxic substance...
Santa Monica
What Is Plant Diversity?
In an article published by the University of Kentucky Department of Horticulture, however, Extension Professor William M. "The world is so full of a number of things, I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings," sings poet Robert Louis Stevenson in an...
Santa Monica
What Is Fallow Ground?
Crop rotations and fallow ground may be seasonal as opposed to annual. The legume helped replenish nitrogen depleted by the grain. Over history, many cultures continued to nurture the land through leaving it fallow, but others turned to new methods to...
Santa Monica
What Is Okoume Wood?
Imports to the United States are mainly in the form of veneer and plywood, especially for use in decorative paneling, hollow-core doors and furniture. Okoume peels and slices easily and evenly, and this combines with its good acceptance of glue to give...
Santa Monica
She ... Is a He!
You might have read about our new chickens in a previous post . (I'm reminded of a certain “Seinfeld” episode… Remember “little Jerry”?) Anyway, if you know anyone in western Pennsylvania who is in need of a nice, robust Rhode Island Red, please,...
Pleasure is a Novelty
Maybe you'll even discover a brand-new appreciation for your agricultural endeavors, similar to my fostered love of mustards and spicy foods. I can credit this switch mainly to the idea that Robert South is referring to in his quote: Moving to a city...
Is Bougainvillea Deer Resistant?
Let the soil dry out to the touch before watering the plant. Deer will eat just about anything if they are hungry enough, according to Oregon State University's Extension website. These sprawling plants are vines that can grow up to 30 feet long or tall...
Santa Monica
What Is Alkaline pH?
A pH of exactly 7.0 is neutral, indicating that a substance is neither acidic nor basic. These ions have a positive electrical charge and the chemical symbol H+. Soil pH can best be lowered to an acceptable range in one of two ways.
Santa Monica
Why Mulching Is Important
It can also contain compost soil and living mulches. Mulch According To Climate In cold, dry climates, deep mulch will help to insulate the soil from fluctuating and extreme temperatures and help to reduce evaporation, while in cool, wet climates, a deep...
Avast! Insulation is Complete!
Because I can't wait until Talk Like a Pirate Day , which only comes around once a year, I figured I'd jump at the chance now. Because I can't wait until Talk Like a Pirate Day, which only comes around once a year, I figured I'd jump at the chance now.
Which Chick Is Which?
If they're diverse enough, you'll know which is which the moment you pry open the shipping box. As time passed, it was clear she didn't have sex links because three of them were roosters.
What is Sugar Cane?
The clean juice is then boiled until it is a syrup. Sugar makers clean the juice with slaked lime, which settles the dirt and other particles suspended in the juice. In 2003, 289 million tons of sugar cane were produced in India alone.Sugar cane juice...
Santa Monica
Is Vinca Deer-Resistant?
After planting vinca in well-drained, slightly acidic soil, it can withstand droughts and prefers to remain fairly dry.You needn't deadhead vinca flowers because they drop off on their own and remain tidy without your help.
Santa Monica
What Is Vegetable Ghee?
This product is sometimes known as vanaspati or clarified butter.Traditional ghee is a creamy spread produced by boiling butter until the liquids and solids have separated. However, neither of these items contains animal fat.Despite its resemblance to...
Santa Monica
What Is Deer Corn?
It is also an ingredient in grain blocks, which are compressed blends of seeds, grains and fillers combined with binders and baked. It is used by individuals who are concerned about the potential threat of starvation in deer populations during the winter...
Santa Monica
Is Agave a Cactus?
Dependent on the species, the majority of cacti flower on a regular basis.Another significant difference between an agave and the cactus are leaves -- the agave possesses leaves and the cactus does not.
Santa Monica