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Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
How tall is the wall or how far down do you hope things will trail? However I can clarify the instructions for your impatiens seeds, which have two main parts. Phlox subulata and trailing rosemary will sort of billow over the edge and more slowly trail...
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
This is sometimes called "planting on 28 inch centers," ( or whatever the measurement may be.) Planting 28 inches apart will certainly assure ample growing room for those plants. Potting mix is expensive and if you need to supplement with bagged material,...
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate, which has the magnesium that may be lacking and the sulfur lowers the pH. The free access forums are available to everyone and some of our most seasoned paid subscribers devote some time each day to help others.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
Our writers and admins will handpick a few of your questions and answer them in an upcoming Ask-a-Gardener, one of our Saturday morning features. Occasionally we come across a question that we find particularly interesting or intriguing.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
Color develops when the tree quits producing chlorophyll, so any changes during the season might jump start the process. Although I'm not familiar with your climate, things like ice storms, late freezes or even early leaf-out affects the timing of my...
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
I hope the source showed you a realistic picture of what your plant was to look like when blooming. Enjoy watching caterpillars as they grow and change.Mulch the garden so bees do not visit looking for bare dirt to use in nest building.Add a shallow water...
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
Any kind of windbreak or structure that holds heat, affects the micro-climate around a plant and the area remains a few degrees warmer. A few inches of mulch and maybe a large bucket covering that would insulate the roots enough to survive the winter.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
It is hard work loading in that organic stuff but it will eventually pay off!You may have the perfect yard to grow several perennial Mediterranean herbs as well as several annual herbs! They need good drainage that a rocky soil environment would give.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
A big part of what attracts people to Dave's Garden has always been our forums, where gardeners ask and answer questions for one another. Make sure you are treating your jade properly - lots of light, not too much water, as one reader commented "give...
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
These itty moth-like sucking insects can have severely deliterious effects upon these plants, though most plants overall seem able to deal with the damage except the Hibiscus. Make sure enough of the stem is covered to almost reach the leaves.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
Gardening is both art and science, with some luck and skill thrown in for good measure. A big part of what attracts people to Dave's Garden has always been our forums, where gardeners ask and answer questions for one another.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
The bananas that we find in the supermarket are hybrids and produce no seed. There is ais a bush canteloupe. Take a small paintbrush or a Q-tip and lift pollen from the anthers of a male flower and gently transfer it to the stigma on a female one.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
For more advice, here is awritten by critterologist that will help you learn to pervent the condition.answers: You're right; daffodils should perform just as well for you as they did for the previous owner.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
If too big, it can easily have some tips cut off and rooted for a new plant. Wrap the pot and plant, leaving it open at the top. I grew Salvia coccineafrom seed, and now they plant themselves every year: I find several of each coming up in June.adds:...
El Segundo
Fun feature: Ask-a-Gardener
Several nurseries on this list have reviews indicating that they might be what you are looking for. A 4 inch pot is more than big enough, and you might want to use a 2 inch pot or a 5 oz plastic cup (with a couple of holes poked in the bottom for drainage)...
El Segundo
What Is An Instant Garden: Tips For Making A Garden Overnight
I also wanted to add some style to the garden, so I jotted down a concrete birdbath, a rustic birdhouse, someto wind their way through the garden bed, and whatever other accessories seemed appropriate to our reception, like citronella torches perhaps.After...
How To Start Your Flower Garden
You've planned and you've shopped and you've waited for that first warm day of spring. One cold spring morning you may decide you want to start the painting all over again. There is no right or wrong here.
How To Build A Flower Bed – Starting A Flower Bed From Scratch
However, you can easily smother grass quickly and effectively without the use of harmful chemicals simply by using cardboard or newspaper.You can start the no-dig bed in early spring for summer planting or build a flower bed in fall, as grass begins to...
Garden Shape Design: Tips For Shaping The Garden
Be sure to look around you. Curved garden shapes also look more natural and are much more pleasing to the eye than sharp edges and straight lines.If possible, extend the living space of your home by enlarging or addingareas, such as a patio or deck.
Cinder Block Gardening Ideas – Tips On Using Cinder Blocks For Garden Beds
Just a little.The confusion stems from the name. Bricks and stones are good options, too. But if you want something cheap and attractive that's not going to go anywhere, you can't do better than cinder blocks.
Ask A Gardener: Your Gardening Questions Answered
Swan Island Dahlias, a leading dahlia grower in the United States located in Canby, Oregon says dahlias are best fertilized with a low nitrogen fertilizer - like what you might use for vegetables.
El Segundo
Ask A Gardener: Your Gardening Questions Answered
A big part of what attracts people to Dave's Garden has always been our forums, where gardeners ask and answer questions for one another. When in doubt, don't water. Potted plants should be kept in a sunny place and watered like a conventional houseplant.
El Segundo
Ask-a-Gardener: Your Gardening Questions Answered
Occasionally we come across a question that we find particularly interesting or intriguing. You must know that quince needs lower than 44F temperature conditions for flowering. Any appropriate tree within about 100 feet of your D'Anjou will work.
El Segundo
Ask-a-Gardener: Your Gardening Questions Answered
My coneflowers emerge with little purple leaves and shoots, but quickly turn green as sunlight gets their photosynthesis factories going. Jill Nicolas wrote several wonderful aticles on winter sowing,answers: Most of us who live in this part of the country...
El Segundo
Ask-a-Gardener: Your Gardening Questions Answered
Occasionally we come across a question that we find particularly interesting or intriguing. A big part of what attracts people to Dave's Garden has always been our forums, where gardeners ask and answer questions for one another.
El Segundo
Ask-a-Gardener: Your Gardening Questions Answered
(many plastic flowerpots aren't made with food-grade plastics either, and folks use them every day without a clue) If you have access to redwood or cedar, those would be my reccomendations.answers: I think you should be fine.
El Segundo
Ask-a-Gardener: Your Gardening Questions Answered
It is used on trees and shrubs, restricting their branching in order to fit confined spaces or create walkways.I believe you could do this with citrus or camellias; I found references to the pleaching of both of these.
El Segundo