So will adding compost or other organic material to maintain good soil biology which keeps nutrients available to the plants.answers: We call this one bridal veil in my family, but I think you're talking about Spiraea prunifolia, which everyone else calls...
A big part of what attracts people to Dave's Garden has always been our forums, where gardeners ask and answer questions for one another. Potting mix is expensive and if you need to supplement with bagged material, you can actually buy garden soil or...
The Australian Forum is a fun area and many folks from south of the Equator gather there to discuss their unique growing conditions. If you can shelter the plants behind a parapet wall, upstairs room, bamboo screen, or the like, it can only help.
Our writers and admins will handpick a few of your questions and answer them in an upcoming Ask-a-Gardener, one of our Saturday morning features. If you have a question you'd like us to consider, you may pose it in the.
We hope you find these questions (and answers, penned by our admins and writers) helpful as you grow your gardening knowledge! Several studies indicate drought brings on early fall color, but I'm not able to determine if experts suggest excess moisture...
However, not all plants need the fire itself. This past winter I saw many seedlings coming up in an area that had not burned since circa 1994. Still, it is a concern and a real danger for people who are allergic.
If you are contemplating something new that is marginal in your area, planting it on the south side of your home gives winter protection. We hope you find these questions (and answers, penned by our admins and writers) helpful as you grow your gardening...
Rose seeds do not need to dry out, so keep that in mind. The addition of organic content is good for almost any soil. And I'd venture to say, if you don't think you are seeing an improvement in your soil yet, you just are not adding more than the garden...
Other questions may be moved to one of our other forums so your fellow members can help you. Either with scissors, pruning shears or just by breaking them off (jade is usually crisp enough that it will break), you need to prune back the unruly parts of...
Generally, a southern or western exposure is best for indoor winter plants. These flies are not that resistant to most treatments, they are just PERSISTENT. You do not want the limp, brand new growth, but stems that have firmed up some.
With out moving it, the plant will never have a chance to grow , and I will never be able to move it. Should I give up on it, or what should I do? Thank you."Hello...I plan on planting this palm from a 15 gallon container over our sewer line about 15...
While It isn't exactly a bush, the vines are much shorter than regular-vined melons. Some of the smaller winter squash vareties will climb a fence without any additional help as well.
Preventing damp-off starts with giving your seedlings plenty of room, and soil that is slightly damp. I've lost seedlings more times that I care to think about myself. Occasionally we come across a question that we find particularly interesting or intriguing.
I'd trim it back pretty hard( to about 12")and mound up leaves or mulch over the stems this first winter. For a summer annual I'd have to say an annual Salvia. I will always remember the mid-west for the HUGE clumps of irises in every yard.
This can be as simple as a plastic bag propped loosely over the pot, held up by a couple of chopsticks so the plastic doesn't touch the leaves.You can read more about repotting and general care in this article, "African Violets 101: caring for your new...
Using colored pencils (you could use markers or crayons too), decide on your color scheme throughout the instant garden. I added someto my garden beds, tilling it into the soil which had already been loosed with a pitchfork, and I let the whole mixture...
If you have four feet of flower bed space against the garden shed, you probably only have room for four clumps of giant pinkthere. It's time to get dirty! A shovel, a dirt rake, and a trowel are definite necessities for loosening the soil and creating...
It will also make it easier when choosing plants, as these should always be compatible to the area. Before starting a flower bed, you need to plan ahead. However, you can easily smother grass quickly and effectively without the use of harmful chemicals...
Does the exterior of your home seem boring and uninviting? Curved garden shapes also look more natural and are much more pleasing to the eye than sharp edges and straight lines.If possible, extend the living space of your home by enlarging or addingareas,...
Go for two or three layers.If you do more than one layer, make sure to place it so that the joints between the blocks in the second layer sit over the middle of the blocks in the first layer, just like in a brick wall.
I have a Loropetalum that I purchased earlier this year that I've kept in its pot all summer, waiting until it was cool enough for me to prepare the planting area. Nursery stock live several years in their containers before they're sold, so just make...
Other questions may be moved to one of our other forums so your fellow members can help you Once I found a dead vole outside the exit hole(where the water came out) after doing that, but on other occassions they might just die inside the tunnels...or...
This is still well within the window of daffodil planting time. In my country the fruits are picked up after the first frost, which doesn't damage them; moreover, it softens them a bit.', which are also growing in my country.
There's really not any way to stop bulbs once they've decided to break dormancy but you might throw a blanket over the bed if the temps slide into the single digits. The image at the left is one of my coneflowers emerging in mid February.answers: All...
Occasionally we come across a question that we find particularly interesting or intriguing. Remember, if you have a gardening question that you would like to suggest for this feature, post itOur writers and admins will handpick a few of your questions...
The 2 month subscription makes it even easier to check things out before subscribing for a full year. Don't overwater! I usually water in the evening and fertilize the next morning.
I wish you luck but do feel you should talk to local professionals who will be supplying the plants and possibly doing the work, before committing to this plan.May I suggest a possible alternative?