Atlantic to Pacific, Canada to Mexico they're the hub of activity on Saturday mornings. Each one is a little different in its own unique way. Pack up the kids and get out there next Saturday morning! Be sure to review your favorite local farmers market...
Whether you grow more vegetables than you can eat and just need a little goat cheese to accompany your heirloom tomatoes or whether you're desperate for fresh produce by the bushel, your local farmers' market could have just what you need!
It's a breakthrough message that consumers can practice every day at every meal.” Instead of emphasizing portion sizes to consumers, MyPlate recommendations are made in household equivalents, such as cups for vegetables, fruits and dairy and ounces...
Get some preparation tips, too. Brackney to see which foraged foods are safe to eat. Why pass up the green and blooming bounty around your homestead that many count as weeds or decoration: Make something to eat instead!
Once established, beach cherry can be pruned to maintain shape and size and can even be trained to grow into different shapes, making it a popular ornamental garden shrub. It was also used by the aborigines to make pestles and coconut husking stakes.Beach...
If a flock is just starting to lay, these eggs are very common and are nothing to worry about. Consider culling the bird from the flock, and avoid hatching any chicks from the hen so as not to pass on the trait.
The cap is smooth, hairless and bright orange to yellow in color. They have honeycombed, pitted caps. A golden chanterelle has firm white flesh tinged with yellow and smells fruity.
I was completely absorbed in my work when I suddenly felt Prudence stretch out on my lap. So I decided to grab one of the two bunnies I share an office with. I started with Smokey, who is much more comfortable being held than Prudence.
She began the harrowing journey as a fetus in her mother's womb and arrived as a newborn. Millions of slaves were brought to North America and some managed to bring a few precious seeds from home, nestled into the coils of their hair or tied into necklaces...
Pickled cactus strips can be tied into knots and used to garnish servings of Southwestern inspired casseroles.Cactus "Fries," which can actually be either baked or fried can be a fun way to introduce cactus to your family.
Because the trays don't heat quite evenly, you'll need to rotate the trays from top to bottom at least once during the drying process.If you're planning to dry fruit, tomatoes, peppers, and other produce, the circular tower type of dehydrator will work...
It gives them something to do and probably makes them feel very special when they locate a particularly juicy bug. Our chickens have the run of the yard during the day and have taught me a whole lot about what chickens — or at least, my chickens —...
Tip: If the dough is too dry, add more coconut milk.Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface to a thickness of your liking, preferably about 1/4-inch, and cut into shapes with a cookie cutter.Questions?
Plus, they're toxic. Every time I chase it, yelling “Get out of here you little bunny!” it simply scuttles through the fence and off into the woods, mocking me with that little fluffy white tail.
Why focus on natives and invasive species? We will be spotlighting the indigenous foods of the area, and we are also examining the flavors of invasive species. On a diet limited to foods available within 200 miles sometimes you have to step out of your...
Ibag jerky in snack-sized portions, which then go into a heavy duty gallon zip-top bag for freezer storage.It takes up less room than the same amount of frozen meat, although it usually doesn't last long enough for space to be a concern.Beef jerky, a...
I have raised a lot of worms, and I have a big box full of them now that I use to process our kitchen waste. This situation is doubly frustrating because I know where to find a lot of potentially tasty bugs.
There is, in fact, some toxicity to sweet peas.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });The seeds of sweet peas are mildly poisonous containing lathyrogens that, if ingested, in large quantities can cause a condition...
It depends largely on the variety. In fact, Bucknell University relates that an ancient Roman physician double-boiled the bulbs and enjoyed eating them with vinegar, fish sauce and oil.
By the time you get to 8,000 feet, you're adding a full 20 minutes to your processing time.” The guidelines below, based on recommendations from the University of Georgia National Center for Home Food Preservation , will help you convert a recipe so...
You want to maintain a temperature of 150 degrees F inside the oven.Turn the foods often. They have compartment in which to insert a fertilizer capsule. Since before recorded history, people have dried foods such as meats, fruits, and vegetables.
This is a device which can easily be set for 5, 10 or 15 pounds of pressure. This is done in home canning by using a pressure canner.A base deep enough to hold the size jars being processed without obstructing the locking lid.A rack on which the jars...
The Peruvian fern insect exclusively eats ferns. In the spring and early summer, the bullfinches switch to three different types of fern. Other insects that eat ferns include aphids, whiteflys, cutworms, beetles, crickets and grasshoppers.
You can store them just like that, in a zip-top plastic bag. After coring, seeding, or pitting, and cutting away any bad areas as needed, fruits for making roll-ups are pureed, so it really doesn't matter whether they looked pretty to start with.dehydrator...
There are several kinds of food pantries and kitchens that can use your extras.Some food pantries are open daily or certain days of the week. Unfortunately, some kitchens are no longer allowed to accept produce (for safety reasons).
The co-op provides sample menus and recipes for dishes made from local ingredients. But could you eat only local foods for an entire month? Willy Street Co-op Madison, Wis. Eat Local Challenges – Urban Farm Online farmers market, eat local, national...
In fact, the (wild but not Asian) lily bulbs can be cleaned and thinly sliced to eat as well. Tags Hungry Locavore , locavore “You didn't eat your flowers,” my hostess said. Judith Hausman As a long-time freelance food writer, Judith Hausman has written...