A nursery professional can provide insight into key differences between tree species regarding caliper, age and size to ensure you get the right tree for your landscape. Then the cross arm slides across the long arm until it rests snugly against the bark,...
These Aloes should be listed separately, rather than lump all the many hundreds of species of Aloe as one entity?Should I be concerned when one of my dogs decides to eat one (that is unlikely to happen by the way, despite my having over 600 aloes in the...
The depth that the seeds need to be planted. You need to nick or break the outer covering so that moisture can penetrate and germination can begin. Some require total darkness so that you need to cover the planting container so that no light is available...
The stem of the biennial will elongate or “bolt.” Following this second season, many biennials reseed and then the plant usually dies.Some biennials require vernalization or cold treatment before they will bloom.
Here is a link to the thread that inspired this article:. Basically, the story is of a wedding, a broken marriage and a fight. Have you seen a Shoe Tree? I am matter and I am here."?Do these trees leave you feeling angry, unsettled, interested, or amused?
Who profits from the production and sale of the seeds, the plants, the food, the processing and the final product? The ideas expressed here are not the opinions of Hobby Farms, but of individual farmers and food advocates rooted in the local-food movement.
When you started a new job, you initially needed a lot of nurturing and support in your position. At this point you would have been considered well established.This concept of being well established can be applied to the plant world as well.
Modern gardeners may not realize that the tendrils on a cucumber are natural.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });There's no reason to remove the tendrils from your cucumber plant, even if you don't plan on...
Ideally, you want your planting site's soil to drain at a rate of about 1-6” per hour. Adjust watering for the weather; if you're getting a lot of rain, water less. Wetting the soil 6-12” deep encourages roots to grow deeply.
Available in a wide variety of colors and often underrated, the ubiquitous carnation has been used as a symbolic gift across several cultures for ages. If you need to say "I'm sorry," a bouquet of these yellow blossoms will best convey the message.Purple...
The meaning of flowers or flora is an extensive process of symbolism. Different carnations often mean different things. No one flower means family, nor does any flower have just one definition.
If you've noticed something outside the norm in your garden, it could be the result of plant sport mutations. What are these? Bud sports are also a common cause of the variegation that is seen on some plant foliage.
These soils do not drain too quickly or too slowly. This is a question I've been asked by many of my customers. If you have heavy clay or compacted soil, either amend the soil to make it more porous or choose.
World religions use flowers to represent a wide variety of spiritual beliefs.The lily is commonly used in Christian symbolism. For centuries, flowers have been used to represent various meanings.
Flowers are viewed throughout the world as a means of expressing emotion from the bearer to the recipient. In giving white poppies, the bearer conveys sorrow and consolation. The most common symbolic association is that of "I'm sorry," according to the...
There are a number of flowers and flower combinations that speak of unity, mainly referring to unity between people, as in friendship, romance or marriage.A member of the onion family, this flower is also known by the less-romantic name "ornamental onion."...
If you have trouble telling someone you are sorry and wish for forgiveness, give them a bouquet of flowers representing these emotions. Depending on the color, the hyacinth flower denotes different meanings.
Other varieties have striations of yellow in the flower.Re-cutt the stems at an angle before placing into cool water.Encourage better water absorption by re-cutting the stems at an angle before placing into cool water.
Flowers frequently are used to communicate a special message when an individual wishes to leave a memorable impression on a friend, family member or romantic partner. According to the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, there are about 250,000 types of...
The flowers bloom up to three times, both in winter and through the spring. In Victorian-era England, the orchid was a symbol of luxury and decadence. Almost all flowers have deeper meanings, however--peace, purity and friendship, for instance.
The leaves are a grayish to blue-green. The flower also signifies courage, happiness and loyalty.The white carnation played a large part in the Roman Catholic religion.Mother's Day and white carnations have had an association for a long time because this...
Jasminum sambac, commonly known as Arabian jasmine or sampaguita, originated in India but now grows widely in China, Southeast Asia and the South Pacific. In addition to being strung into garlands, the sampaguita used for offerings may be threaded onto...
Blue tulips are not a natural phenomenon. Blue tulips are short, the flowers blue-violet or lilac in color. Blue flowers often grow with shades of purple, creating indigo, violent and lilac blooms.
Lucky bamboo is a popular plant for indoor growing. It is not a real bamboo plant, but is actually a slightly toxic water plant that can be grown in simple pebbles and water. Ten signifies completion or perfection, while twenty one stalks are considered...
As one will see there are many related complexities that pertain to marginal palm growing one might not guess at just thumbing through a list of cold hardy palms. Additionally wind itself is dessicating and can literally suck the life out of healthy,...
Liquid fertilizers are viable for up to 10 years.Fertilizers exist to correct soil deficiencies, providing plants with important nutrients that are lacking in their natural environment.
Red flowers, for example, symbolize passion and love. Like red and pink flowers, purple daisies sometimes indicate a romantic interest or fascination.Innocent, pure and perfect, white gerbera daisies are a lovely gesture when sent from parents to their...