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What Does Caliper Mean in Landscaping?
This assures homeowners make valid comparisons when purchasing new trees for their homes.Generally speaking, the larger a tree's caliper, the larger the plant. This measurement is generally made 4 1/2 to 5 feet above the soil.
Santa Monica
Toxic Plants- What Does That Really Mean
Some substances are very mildly toxic, but if one were to ingest enough of it, significant poisoning could occur.If a dog ate 100 lbs of lawn clippings, it would certainly become very ill, possibly even bloat and die.This problem with the definition of...
El Segundo
Seed Packets, What does it all mean?
Tables are usually found in the seed company catalogs. How can I use it to my advantage to successfully germinate the seeds inside? For example if you need 100 plants and the minimum germination is listed at 85% you should plant 115 seeds to be sure that...
El Segundo
Biennial Plant Information: What Does Biennial Mean
Flowering may also be brought about by the application of gibberellins plant hormones, but is rarely done in commercial settings.When vernalization occurs, a biennial plant may complete its entire life cycle, from germination to seed production, in one...
ShoeTree. Tell us; What Does It Mean To You?
There are additional comments and pictures posted on the link.Once I became interested in Shoe Trees, I searched the web and found that Shoe Trees already have quite a history; one site stated that there are over 70 Shoe Trees in the United States.
El Segundo
Burning Question: What Does \
What if each of us wrote this on an index card and posted it somewhere that we can look at it every day? When you tell people what they can and can't buy/eat you assume that they're too stupid to recognize what is healthy and what isn't.
When Is A Plant Established – What Does “Well Established” Mean
A plant provided with poor growing conditions will struggle and take longer to become established, if it does at all.Situating your plant in a suitable location (taking into account lighting, spacing, soil type, etc.) along with following good horticultural...
Watering New Plants: What Does It Mean To Water Well When Planting
Wetting the soil 6-12” deep encourages roots to grow deeply. Never blast water on the base of the plant, as this causes erosion of the soil and just wastes all the water that the plant doesn't get the chance to soak up.For the first week, continue to...
Meaning of Carnation Colors
Typically associated with rejection, disappointment and even dejection, the best situation in which to offer yellow carnations are in times of sympathy, such as the loss of a loved one, a job or even simply to express regret or sorrow.
Santa Monica
Which Flowers Mean Family?
Carnations as a whole represent pride and beauty, which are what people often associate a new home with, making them an appropriate gift for a family. Different carnations often mean different things.
Santa Monica
Plant Sport Mutations – What Does It Mean When A Plant “Throws A Sport”
In many cases the new trait can be handed down to the organism's offspring.Plant sport mutations can add flecks of white to a flower or double the amount of flowers on a stem. If you see something unusual with your plants and if the sport appears to have...
What Does Well Drained Soil Mean: How To Get A Well-Drained Garden Soil
Sandy soil can drain water away from plant roots too quickly. Also, plants that are weak and suffering from insufficient watering are more susceptible to disease and insect damage.can drain poorly and cause plants roots to sit too long in wet conditions.
Spiritual Meaning Behind Flowers
In pictures of Biblical events such as the annunciation, the virgin Mary is shown holding a lily. The rose is white, not red, because white is the ideal color of all angels and blessed spirits."For Zen Buddhists, the lotus represents the pattern of growth...
Santa Monica
Flowers That Mean Sorry
Flowers are frequently used to express feelings of sorrow, as well as to convey a sense of comfort and consolation, to the receiver of the flowers. Scarlet geranium are large plants that produce bright red flowers throughout the summer months.
Santa Monica
Flowers That Mean Unity
According to Wong Yee Lee, writing for Chinatown Connection, lilies are appropriate gifts for weddings as emblems of long-lasting love, and as expressions of unity between friends.
Santa Monica
Flowers That Mean Forgiveness
Giving flowers is a kind gesture meant to please the recipient, so if you find yourself regretting some event or situation, give "forgiveness" flowers to tell them you're sorry and let them know you care.Daffodils, among other flowers, signify forgiveness...
Santa Monica
What Do Yellow Tulips Mean?
Although they are commonly seen potted, tulips are relatively easy to care for in flower gardens.Yellow tulips range greatly in their color, from bright yellow to an orange yellow.
Santa Monica
Flowers That Mean Thank You
Sweet peas say "Thank you for a lovely time." They add interest when placed in a mixed-flower bouquet, but are also attractive when presented in a cluster of only sweet pea blooms.
Santa Monica
The Meaning of Blue Orchids
Almost all flowers have deeper meanings, however--peace, purity and friendship, for instance. Some florists and gardeners may turn white orchids blue with simple food colorful, because true blue dendrobiums can be difficult to find.
Santa Monica
Meaning of White Carnation Flowers
In many religions, white carnations are also used at funerals. Cultivated for more than 2,000 years and named "flower of the gods," it was used to create garlands for ancient Greek ceremonies.
Santa Monica
Meaning of the Sampaguita Flower
The buds are harvested first thing in the morning and retain the scent more strongly than do fully open blossoms. In addition to being strung into garlands, the sampaguita used for offerings may be threaded onto a long wooden needle.Sampaguita is the...
Santa Monica
The Meaning of Blue Tulips
Deep violet tulips are often commonly called blue tulips.Blue tulips, like other tulip flowers, grow in an upright, bell-like shape. Breeder, Darwin, Parrot, Cottage, Lily-flowered and Early tulips are the most popular varieties of blue-purple tulips.
Santa Monica
Spiritual Meanings of Lucky Bamboo
Five and six stalks attract wealth. According to, growers can also place lucky bamboo near sick people to help them heal more quickly.In Thailand the lucky bamboo is known by several names, including Guan Im, Quan Yin and Kwan Yin, depending...
Santa Monica
Cold Hardiness and Palms- what does it mean and what can be done about it?
This article is not about what these palms are (that article was already published a few weeks ago), but more about cold hardiness itself and how it relates to palm growing. As one will see there are many related complexities that pertain to marginal...
El Segundo
Does Fertilizer Expire?
Pesticides and herbicides, however, do expire and have a shelf life of four years. The trade-off for this speedy effect is a shorter shelf life. Liquid fertilizers come in spray bottles that attach to the end of a garden hose, allowing for irrigation...
Santa Monica
Meaning of Gerbera Daisy Colors
Darker shades of pink can sometimes express gratitude but may also express sympathy or concern. While orange celebrates the warmth of new and old friends, yellow is more appropriate for close friends whose bond extends beyond the more bubbly aspects of...
Santa Monica
What Do Tulip Colors Mean?
A bride carrying white tulips represents purity and innocence. A white tulip can also express regret and can be given when offering an apology or presented at a funeral. It's a sign of caring, wishing happiness and expressing an attachment.
Santa Monica