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What Does Caliper Mean in Landscaping?
As a general rule, a 1-inch caliper tree in a nursery or garden center suggests a tree that is about 8 feet tall, while a 3-inch caliper measurement can mean a tree near 14 feet tall.
Santa Monica
Toxic Plants- What Does That Really Mean
What does it mean to say a plant is toxic? That may seem like an odd question, but is one that has bothered me for years, and particularly as I read another senseless, long list of toxic plants on the internet.
El Segundo
Seed Packets, What does it all mean?
Some seeds require light to germinate so you just need to lay them on the soil surface and not cover them with anything. The number of seeds in the package will be listed along with the sell-by date.One feature that Johnny's provides that I haven't seen...
El Segundo
Biennial Plant Information: What Does Biennial Mean
Annual and perennial is fairly self explanatory, but what does biennial mean? The three terms annual, biennial and perennial are most commonly used to classify plants due to their life cycle and bloom time.
ShoeTree. Tell us; What Does It Mean To You?
What feeling does a Shoe Tree give you? What do you think about Shoe Trees? I am matter and I am here."?Do these trees leave you feeling angry, unsettled, interested, or amused? Have you seen a Shoe Tree?
El Segundo
Burning Question: What Does \
At the Food Justice Meeting, people were asked to write what “food justice” means to them. That's justice. This is what I eventually came up with: Food justice = affordable access to responsibly, sustainably, humanely produced food for everyone.
When Is A Plant Established – What Does “Well Established” Mean
These are the signs of well-established garden plants.The amount of time it takes a plant to become established is variable depending on plant type and it also could depend on the growing conditions.
Watering New Plants: What Does It Mean To Water Well When Planting
You will only have to water these established plants on hot, dry days or if they are showing signs of distress. Many plants don't get a chance to develop the deep vigorous roots they'll need, because of insufficient watering.
Meaning of Carnation Colors
Additionally, when shared on Mother's Day, some use white carnations to represent and honor the memory of those moms who are no longer with us.Pink carnations are the most commonly shared and are believed to have the deepest meaning.
Santa Monica
Which Flowers Mean Family?
Tiger lilies symbolize happiness and prosperity and are often given to couples getting engaged or married. Roses have long since symbolized love in all forms, tulips symbolize the declaration of love and sunflowers symbolize dedicated love.
Santa Monica
Plant Sport Mutations – What Does It Mean When A Plant “Throws A Sport”
If you've noticed something outside the norm in your garden, it could be the result of plant sport mutations. What are these? Read on to learn more about plant sports.A sport in the plant world is a genetic mutation that results from a faulty chromosomal...
What Does Well Drained Soil Mean: How To Get A Well-Drained Garden Soil
Likewise, when soil does not drain quickly enough and plants are left in pooling water, their oxygen intake from the soil is reduced and the plants can die. Also, plants that are weak and suffering from insufficient watering are more susceptible to disease...
Spiritual Meaning Behind Flowers
According to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, he incorporated a white rose into his seal "to show that faith causes joy, consolation and peace. A red rose often means love, while a pink carnation means admiration.
Santa Monica
Flowers That Mean Sorry
Almost every variety of flower has a particular meaning associated with it, and there are several flower varieties considered to specifically symbolize the sentiment "I'm sorry."Purple hyacinth is the flower most commonly regarded as a symbol of regret.Purple...
Santa Monica
Flowers That Mean Unity
Red and white roses are often used in weddings or given between sweethearts as a bouquet. Their meanings can change over time, which is why one flower can have a variety of meanings.
Santa Monica
Flowers That Mean Forgiveness
Tulips are grown from bulbs and bloom in the spring. Giving flowers is a kind gesture meant to please the recipient, so if you find yourself regretting some event or situation, give "forgiveness" flowers to tell them you're sorry and let them know you...
Santa Monica
What Do Yellow Tulips Mean?
Tulips are available in a wide range colors, each with their own meaning.Yellow tulips are generally associated with "cheerfulness".According to, the meaning of yellow tulips has evolved over the years.
Santa Monica
Flowers That Mean Thank You
Flowers frequently are used to communicate a special message when an individual wishes to leave a memorable impression on a friend, family member or romantic partner. According to the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, there are about 250,000 types of...
Santa Monica
The Meaning of Blue Orchids
Rare blue orchids are beautiful and colorful, but throughout history they have also been symbols of strength and peace. Some florists and gardeners may turn white orchids blue with simple food colorful, because true blue dendrobiums can be difficult to...
Santa Monica
Meaning of White Carnation Flowers
White carnations are also the official flower of the national college fraternities of Delta Chi, Delta Sigma Phi, Phi Beta Sigma and the sorority Chi Omega, according to the University of Connecticut.In ancient Rome, white carnations were called Jove's...
Santa Monica
Meaning of the Sampaguita Flower
The growing of sampaguita and the making and selling of these garlands has become an important part of the rural economy.Sampaguita are popular additions to leis and other floral garlands.Although nowhere else in the South Pacific has institutionalized...
Santa Monica
The Meaning of Blue Tulips
Deep violet tulips are often commonly called blue tulips.Blue tulips, like other tulip flowers, grow in an upright, bell-like shape. Through flowers, it's possible to express love, desire, sorrow, friendship and many other emotions.The color blue is symbolic...
Santa Monica
Spiritual Meanings of Lucky Bamboo
Lucky bamboo is a popular plant for indoor growing. It is not a real bamboo plant, but is actually a slightly toxic water plant that can be grown in simple pebbles and water. It produces several stalks and leafy growth.
Santa Monica
Cold Hardiness and Palms- what does it mean and what can be done about it?
This article is not about what these palms are (that article was already published a few weeks ago), but more about cold hardiness itself and how it relates to palm growing. Wrapping my also itself protect the leaves some.Trimming a palm before a frost...
El Segundo
Does Fertilizer Expire?
Dormant plants do well with dry fertilizer while actively flowering or fruiting plants will benefit from a fast-acting liquid fertilizer. The answer depends on the type of fertilizer in question.
Santa Monica
Meaning of Gerbera Daisy Colors
When sending daisies as a general well wish with no other intended message, feel free to send a vibrant bouquet that contains several different colors. Their large, colorful blooms look like miniature sunflowers and are the perfect way to lift someone's...
Santa Monica
What Do Tulip Colors Mean?
For your garden, try a white or cream variety in the Lily-Flowered Tulip family.The happiest tulip color meaning is orange. Given to a significant other, it shows the strength of your bond and connection.
Santa Monica