Wash greens well before eating.in spring by sowing every week during the cool, rainy season. Cut out thick ribs and wash the leaves well. Harvesting kohlrabi leaves in early spring is the best time to get flavorful, tender greens.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Also, keep the kohlrabi away from your Is German for “cabbage turnip,” aptly named, as it is a member of the cabbage family and tastes much like a. The benefit might be by adding nutrients into the soil, repelling pests, sheltering beneficial insects,...
It is also low in calories with one cup of diced kohlrabi weighing in at only 4 calories, a great reason for propagating kohlrabi seeds!Starting kohlrabi from seeds is a simple process.
(), but it will get woody and tough if they stay above 75 F. Kohlrabi row spacing should be about 1 foot apart.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Once the seedlings have sprouted and have a couple of true...
Gigante is best for fall.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });When growing kohlrabi, remember that most growth occurs in spring or in fall.
It does very well in well-drained fertile soil. Continue harvest until the stems are 2 to 3 inches in diameter. You can also transplant the some of the surplus seedlings to fill in blanks in other parts of the row or into additional row space if more...
They are sometimes called mustard greens, white mustard or leaf mustard.TOMIO TAKAHASHI/amanaimagesRF/amana images/Getty ImagesMustard leaves are broad and flat veined. Sometimes colored black, purple or green, the seed pods split in the middle to expose...
These have five petals and are approximately 1 inch in diameter.The blossoms grow in clusters of 4 to 10 among ovate shaped leaves. Others are more shrub-like in stature.In the fall pear trees lose their leaves as they are deciduous.
Their tiny leaves close like hands when touched--even by the rain--and their pink, red or yellow flowers are composed of thousands of individual rays like fireworks.Mimosa trees grow to their full height of 30 to 40 feet quickly, but they are also short-lived.
Washing the affected area and avoiding sunlight for a few days can reduce irritation.and livestock. By contrast, its relativespoison hemlock and water hemlock are deadly and giant hogweed is extremely toxic to skin, causing large weeping, painful blisters.
Although the plant likes dry soil, it benefits from occasional water during hot, dry weather. In cooler climates, grow hummingbird plant as an annual. Plant thisin full sunlight and well-drained soil, then sit back and watch the show as hummingbirds flock...
The bottom of the stem has long leaves and feather-like leaves are on opposite sides of the upper stalk. Re-sowing every two weeks will ensure a continual supply of these fresh greens.
Unlike lilacs, which bloom for only a few weeks in spring, wisteria blooms once in late spring-early summer and again in late summer-early fall. They bloom in mauve, rose, blue and white.
Both plants, however, are listed by the USDA as invasive non-native plants that are illegal to plant or sell in some areas. Similar to other members of the figwort family, island snapdragon prefers full sun.
Small white or brightly colored hydrangea blossoms (Hydrangea spp.) form dense bunches of domed and cone-shaped terminal flower heads. All parts of hydrangeas are toxic and may cause stomach upset if eaten.In late spring, yellowish-green flower heads...
The acorns occur either by themselves or in clusters of three to five nuts.There are more than 60 species of oak trees in North America, and each produces acorns.There are several species of red oak.
Water young lilacs weekly during dry weather. Their scent is intense and slightly spicy, with less sweetness than common lilacs. Established plants can tolerate drier conditions.To extend the lilac season, plant several varieties.
Lavender derives its name from the Latin word lavare, which means to clean, bathe or wash. "Herbaceous," "woody," "undertone of mint," "earthy," "smokey," "apple-like" and "green" are descriptive of the taste of lavender.
The aroma comes from the fact that the tree is a hybrid with a citrus tree. The oils are used for aromatherapy, massage oils and calming agents.One variety of eucalyptus, the Eucalyptus citriodora "Hook," also known as the lemon-scented gum, has, as its...
Hybrid varieties of impatiens that feature fully double petals, however, resemble miniature roses, according to Clemson University. On average, petunias need between 1 and 2 inches of water per week.
Hostas, hardy from USDA zones 3 through 9, have lilylike, trumpet-shaped flowers in white and purple. The length of the flower will vary according to species.Datura is a classic example of a flower with a trumpet shape.Brugmansia (Brugmansia spp.), desert...
The yellow coneflower (Echinacea paradoxa) features bright yellow rays and a dark brown center. The purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) is a similar color the Tennessee coneflower but features drooping petals like the black-eyed Susan.Planting coneflowers...
Violas bloom 12 to 14 weeks after planting.Impatiens are treated like annuals even though they are actually perennials. Daily watering may be necessary in order for the plant to thrive during warm weather.
According to Cornell University, the flowers are green when they open then gradually change color, turning purple or white. This plant will climb if provided support.Cathedral bells are also known as cup and saucer vine.
True cattails belong to the genus Typha. The flower spikes have two different appearances. At a later stage, they take on a cottony appearance as the mature seeds detach and begin to float away.
This is a particularly nasty weed, so take precautions when you go hiking in these areas.) is a small shrub with leaves that resemble those offlower. Washing alone won't prevent blistering.Once the itching stops and the blister bush blisters are no longer...
When a stapelia is flowering, it is easier to tell it apart from similar looking aloe and agave plants. The leaves are a bit more like cactus leaves than the aloe or the agave. The flowers are not quite as tubular but are often mistaken for aloe flowers...