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All About Pack Goats
These goats know the ropes and enjoy their job.” The type of goats typically used for packing should have a larger body type, sound structure and a willing disposition, advises Jan Huffaker, president of the North American Packgoat Association, an organization...
What Do Elderberries Taste Like?
You can use the fruit dried, fresh or frozen.Three main varieties of elderberry grow in North America. Freezing the berries then removing them from the stems may make the task easier.
Santa Monica
Raise Goats On 1 Acre Or Less
For shelter, you don't need a full-sized barn, but be sure it's big enough for the number of goats you plan on having to move around in comfortably. You may not need their permission, but stating your intentions up front may avert problems down the road.
Weed-Control Goats
They have fulfilled these important roles for thousands of years, enabling humankind to survive and thrive on just about every continent. A herd of five or six weed-control goats can't be expected to clear out many acres of land rapidly, but they can...
Goat Stats
Horns: Most have 2 horns, made of living bone surrounded by keratin and other proteins. Grows constantly. Sub Goat Physiology Life span: 10 to 12 years, up to 30 in rare cases Heart rate: 70 to 80 beats per minute Respiratory rate: 15 to 30 breaths per...
Myotonic Goats
They give me a reason to get going every morning in any kind of weather,” Mike adds. They're easy keepers, adaptable and they tend to be parasite-resistant. The most common color is black and white, but Myotonics come in all colors, patterns and markings.
Chicken Vs. Goat Manure: Which Is Best?
Tags chicken manure , garden , soil For one, if you or a neighbor keeps the the animal, the manure is free or very cheap, which isn't true of commercial organic fertilizers. Avoid applying fresh manure in any area where you'll be harvesting in the next...
Colostrum for Your Livestock Bottle Babies
There are plenty of questions and preparation to consider, too. This article contains excerpts from Bottle Babies, by Sue Weaver, a Hobby Farms contributing editor. Many breeders freeze it for emergencies, so ask around and locate some in case you need...
About Goat Milk
It is similar in total fat concentration, but lower in cholesterol. It appears in Popular Farming Series: Goats , a publication with in-depth information for those who own or would like to own goats.
Sew a Goat Harness for Pulling
The padding is homemade woolen felt Mom makes by repeatedly laundering pieces of a secondhand wool blanket in hot, soapy water. On each piece, turn under one end 2 inches, and sew to a chest strap ring.
Goat Health How-To: Injection And Drenching
I've written before about what items you might want to keep in a goat medicine chest , but some of those things are useless if you don't know how to administer them. The only other real prep we do before an injection is to clean off the top of the medicine...
When To Breed Young Dairy Goats for Milk
That means putting them in with a buck only when you're certain they're in heat, instead of turning them out in a pasture with him to get bred whenever it happens. They all weigh way more than 135 pounds, and Katy the Alpine weighs more than 135 pounds,...
Can This Goat Pass as a Reindeer?
It's cool! But Rudolph isn't the only famous Christmas reindeer; there are also the reindeer that pull Santa's sleigh. But enough of fictional reindeer. In 1902, Baum wrote a story called The Life and Times of Santa Claus in which 10 reindeer pull Santa's...
Mm-mmm, Milk!
In ancient days, nobody much older than 4 years of age could digest milk because their bodies couldn't produce lactase. When Uzzi and I were little kids, we drank milk from bottles .
5 Flies Bothering Your Goats—And How To Stop Their Bites
Horn Flies USDA/Flickr Horn flies are teensy, roughly half to 3/4 the size of the common housefly. Adults spend most of their lives on a specific host, congregating on its back and shoulders or on its underside.
For Hardy Dairy Goats, Look To The Swiss Alps
Today, the Saanen is registered by the ADGA and the AGS and is represented by the National Saanen Breeders Association. The largest of all dairy goats, bucks can stand as tall as 35 inches at the shoulder and weigh 160 pounds, while does are 30 inches...
Protect Your Goats From CAE
In kids, depression, head tilting, circling, leg paralysis, body temperature increases and even blindness might also be observed clinical symptoms. With adult goats, chronic polyarthritis pain is usually an observable sign, along with synovitis and bursitis.
Meet Sweetie, the Pygmy Goat
Keep the animal in quarantine for at least three weeks—four is better. Some serious diseases you can bring home are strangles and flu in horses; hoof rot in cloven-hoofed animals; an incurable abscess-causing disease called caseous lymphadenitis in...
Nutrition Matters: What To Feed Your Dairy & Meat Goats
The animal's diet should also start to contain a high-energy feed, such as grain, if none was being offered before. This keeps the animal healthy as well as reduces the chance of the kids dying or developing health problems shortly after kidding.
New Kids: Esme and Jimmy
Both sexes and nearly all breeds can have wattles, but they're especially common on Swiss dairy goats like Alpines , Saanens and Toggenburgs , but rare on us Nubian goats. She takes them all outside to poo and pee instead of using an indoor pad, like...
Fecal Egg Counts: Why & How to Do Your Own
Step 1: Collect Poop Samples Collect fresh poop from the goat to be tested. When it comes to effectively managing parasites in your herd—no matter the size—knowledge is power. While it's a dirty job, testing your goat's poo is the most effective way...
Goat Farming Business Plan
Raise goats for profit by taking your ideas and putting them down on paper. Meat Breeds of Goats: Boers Kikos Dairy Breeds of Goats: Nubians Saanen Alpine LaMancha Fiber Breeds of Goats: Angora Cashmere Nigora Pygora Dairy breeds can be raised for meat—what...
The Birds and Bees—Goat Edition
Ask Martok! Do you have a livestock or wildlife question you want me to answer? Send me your question! « More Mondays with Martok » Tags buck , bucks , doe , does , in heat Then Katy came to my pen because it's smaller and she ran away from me, too.
7 Medicines For Your Goat First-Aid Kit
Stock your medicine cabinet now to help further your preparedness. In a true polio case, you will want to have straight thiamine, which is available only by prescription, but if your goat is in an early stage, you can often turn them around with the more...
It\'s About Goats - Part 2
If you do, leave a comment! I'd like to say more but I don't want to bore my fans. « More Mondays with Martok » Tags buck , goat , goats , she-goats Instead, focus on the target goat's nearest shoulder.
Crazy Goat Lady
I got to demonstrate how I use the laptop to write my blogs. Visitors will vote for their favorites and the grand-prize winner will get $5,000! Josh asked Mom what she would go if she wins the grand prize, and she said, “I will use it to feed more animals.”...
Working Animals On The Farm: Goats
Some breeds of male goats can pull twice their weight, but it's not a good idea for the health of the animal to pull more or to be made to pull heavy loads repeatedly. Some can be used for showing, as well as strictly for breeding.