Freezing the berries then removing them from the stems may make the task easier. European elderberry (Sambucus nigra) is also known as black elder or common elder. American elderberries are definitely the sweetest variety, however, elderberries do not...
Parasites And Other Health Issues Goats aren't native to North America. If you haven't noticed a particular parasite being problematic with your herd, don't fret and save your money.
A herd of five or six weed-control goats can't be expected to clear out many acres of land rapidly, but they can be effective on smaller lots. In today's world, where most people buy their meat and dairy in the grocery store and wear clothing made from...
To be safe, you can cap the canning jar. In the heat of the summer, I take one of my children with me to milk so they can run the milk up to the house and filter it ASAP while I finish up with the animals.
Consists of wall, sole and frog. Use these quick facts to better understand how your goats operate. Color varies by breed and coat color. Grows constantly. Nostrils: narrow, just above the mouth; good sense of close-up smell to discern feed Mouth: Upper...
There they remain, although an ever-increasing number of hobby farmers and goat admirers are embracing this unusual, all-American breed. Pat and her husband, Clark, raise Tennessee Meat Goats, TexMasters and Boer goats on their Bending Tree Ranch near...
Must Have Manure Before applying manure to your garden—or any other amendment, for that matter—the first thing you should do is test your soil . Chicken Manure Chicken manure is widely regarded as the best—read: most nutritive—manure.
Seramune Equine IgG, Seramune Bovine IgG and Goat Serum Concentrate are typical IgG supplements produced by Sera, Inc., ( ) for foals, calves and kids respectively (shepherds use Goat Serum Concentrate for newborn lambs, as well).
It's made of soft 1-inch webbing from a 30-foot longe line designed for horses . This harness should fit snuggly, with the chest strap assembly lying exactly as shown on my nephew Edmund—no higher or lower in front.
If you try it from the side, you will probably push the needle all the way back out the other side and squirt the meds outside your goat, where they will do no good. Subcutaneous Injection Lisa Seger You can give a goat an SQ injection anywhere you can...
It usually takes goats 150 days, plus or minus five days, to carry kids to term. Alabama A&M and Auburn Universities “ Reproductive Management of Sheep and Goats ” says doelings should weigh at least 60 percent of their adult weight.
Send me your question! Please keep in mind that I receive a lot of questions, so I won't always be able to answer each one immediately. I think I do! Maybe not Rudolf, though, because my nose is the wrong color.
« More Mondays with Martok » Tags butter , cheese , goat's milk , kefir , Martok , Sue Weaver , yogurt They didn't know it, but they were teaching their bodies to digest milk. Mom gets them all, and she isn't alone.
Recipe No. 1: Combine 2 cups white vinegar, 1 cup Avon Skin So Soft bath oil, 1 cup water, and 1 tablespoon eucalyptus or citronella oil in a spray bottle. Black Flies John Flannery/Flickr Black flies are smaller versions of horseflies.
The breed's overall appearance is alert and graceful. White is the preferred color, though some Saanen come in cream, as well. Saanen Agriculture Food And Rural Communities/Flickr The Saanen , another goat that hails from Switzerland, is believed by some...
With the ELISA, it's recommended that all resident goats in the herd be tested to achieve a CAE-free population if that is the goal of the owner. Coincidentally, mature goats were also developing arthritis, which would result in some goats going lame.
This is Sweetie. If you go to—and especially if you buy at—sale barns there are things you really should know. People bring their animals to sale barns to sell them fast, but they're not good places to buy.
This keeps the animal healthy as well as reduces the chance of the kids dying or developing health problems shortly after kidding. There is never just one right answer to animal husbandry, especially when it comes to nutrition.
Sherman who wrote the book Goat Medicine, wattles “contain a central cartilaginous core, smooth muscles, connective tissue, nerves, and blood vessels.” They're covered with hair and are usually 1 to 2 inches or so long.
Build your skills toolbox. Step 3: Talk To Your Vet About Medicating I will not get into what specific egg counts indicate a need for administering deworming medications. The count can vary depending on the goat in question and the season.
No, make that great fencing. Do they set up at a farmers market or just sell in boutiques? A good balance sheet and a good budget can make or break any business. Hang up flyers, do social media campaigns, guest vend farmers' markets—think of all the...
Because I'm a studly buck, I'm going to talk about goats this week, and we'll discuss llamas and alpacas next week. Today's "Ask Martok" question is something I have a teensy bit of experience with: goat breeding.
You will be giving a lot of it, and the fortified B would have to be given in too high of a dose to be practical. In addition to basic first-aid supplies, here is a list of things I like to keep in my goat medicine chest at all times.
We goats have prominent eyes with panoramic vision between 320 and 340 degrees, and binocular vision of 20 to 60 degrees. Uzzi and I helped Mom research a book she wrote called The Backyard Goat: An Introductory Guide to Keeping Productive Pet Goats (Storey...
See, my mom and dad eat a lot of yummy vegetarian pizzas from a convenience store called Casey's in Thayer, Mo. Mom heard she could get a coupon for a free pizza by entering Casey's Famous People contest, so she nominated herself for being a crazy goat...
Be careful if attempting to start the training an adult buck. When folks think about “working” farm animals, goats are not often the first to come to mind. Revitalizing The Land Goats can also be extremely useful for clearing land .
If we see the water break, we go ahead and put a couple fingers inside to see if we can feel baby parts. If it is alive, it almost always will come out eventually, but this is where we think it's worth helping so your doe in labor does not get overly...