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What Does Caliper Mean in Landscaping?
A nursery professional can provide insight into key differences between tree species regarding caliper, age and size to ensure you get the right tree for your landscape. Calipers come in many sizes and styles, but all measure the same way.Issues of tree...
Santa Monica
Toxic Plants- What Does That Really Mean
That may seem like an odd question, but is one that has bothered me for years, and particularly as I read another senseless, long list of toxic plants on the internet. Which plant should concern you more?Which is more dangerous to a person or dog, a large,...
El Segundo
Seed Packets, What does it all mean?
This is usually accomplished by using a sharp knife or sand paper to penetrate the outer coating. This data has been gathered from extensive testing by the seed companies. Tables are usually found in the seed company catalogs.
El Segundo
Biennial Plant Information: What Does Biennial Mean
Climatic conditions in your area which are unseasonably cold, with lengthy periods of frost or cold snaps, affect whether the plant will be a biennial or an annual, or even if a perennial appears to be a biennial.Today, plant breeding has resulted in...
ShoeTree. Tell us; What Does It Mean To You?
Is there such a tree in your city or in your past? What feeling does a Shoe Tree give you? The main picture for this article is of a Shoe Tree located between Broken Arrow, Oklahoma and Wagoner, Oklahoma.
El Segundo
Burning Question: What Does \
Food justice—seed to plate—is a complicated concept, but it's not beyond us to work toward our own personal definitions of food justice. Naomi Witzke: It's when our food choices support the health of the planet, the well being and humane treatment...
When Is A Plant Established – What Does “Well Established” Mean
A plant provided with poor growing conditions will struggle and take longer to become established, if it does at all.Situating your plant in a suitable location (taking into account lighting, spacing, soil type, etc.) along with following good horticultural...
Watering New Plants: What Does It Mean To Water Well When Planting
If your soil is too, you will have to adjust your soil or watering habits to give the plants the water they need. If it is dry, water it; if it is wet, give it time to absorb the water in the soil.If watered properly the first growing season, your plants...
Sustainable Wine
Raise a glass to sustainability with your next sip of wine. To be SIP Certified , growers must follow a set of strict standards relating to soil and water conservation, integrated pest management , energy conservation , and protection of biological and...
Meaning of Carnation Colors
For this reason, most associate them to represent the undying love of a mother or maternal figure, although they are also often used to express gratitude in a variety of situations.
Santa Monica
Which Flowers Mean Family?
They are appropriate for a number of holidays and occasions as gifts for a family.If you have been invited to a housewarming party, choose Queen Anne's lace or carnations as a gift for the family and new home.
Santa Monica
Plant Sport Mutations – What Does It Mean When A Plant “Throws A Sport”
The sport may be cultivated to make a new variation of the plant. The results of the mutation are a segment of the plant that is distinctly different from the parent plant in both appearance (phenotype) and genetics (genotype).
What Does Well Drained Soil Mean: How To Get A Well-Drained Garden Soil
This is a question I've been asked by many of my customers. Also, plants that are weak and suffering from insufficient watering are more susceptible to disease and insect damage.can drain poorly and cause plants roots to sit too long in wet conditions.
Spiritual Meaning Behind Flowers
World religions use flowers to represent a wide variety of spiritual beliefs.The lily is commonly used in Christian symbolism. Lilies are also associated with Easter, the day Christians believe Jesus rose from the dead.The Luther Rose is the seal of Martin...
Santa Monica
Flowers That Mean Sorry
A bouquet of purple hyacinth expresses the bearer's sadness over a situation and asks for forgiveness. They are heat-resistant and grow easily with little care. White poppy grows easily in the summer with minimal care.There are many different varieties...
Santa Monica
Flowers That Mean Unity
There are a number of flowers and flower combinations that speak of unity, mainly referring to unity between people, as in friendship, romance or marriage.A member of the onion family, this flower is also known by the less-romantic name "ornamental onion."...
Santa Monica
Flowers That Mean Forgiveness
They are identified by a cup-shape of pointed petals atop a tall, green stem. In doing so, you are telling them that you wish to put away the past and begin a new season that is full of happiness.
Santa Monica
What Do Yellow Tulips Mean?
Tulips are available in a wide range colors, each with their own meaning.Yellow tulips are generally associated with "cheerfulness".According to, the meaning of yellow tulips has evolved over the years.
Santa Monica
Flowers That Mean Thank You
Camellias are evergreen shrubs that provide winter interest in a garden, so they may be viewed as the gift that keeps on giving all year long. For example, dark pink roses are ideal for saying "thank you," peach petals note appreciation as well as sincerity,...
Santa Monica
The Meaning of Blue Orchids
The shades of blue may vary from florist to florist.Blue orchids require full sun to grow, reaching up to 30 inches in height at full bloom. Ancient inhabitants of China used the plant medicinally, to treat coughs and lung disorders, according to Online...
Santa Monica
Meaning of White Carnation Flowers
Renaissance-era paintings illustrate the tradition of the bride and groom exchanging white carnations at their wedding to signify the vow of faithfulness. Leonardo da Vinci immortalized this association in his 1476 painting, "The Madonna with the Carnation."...
Santa Monica
Meaning of the Sampaguita Flower
Wandersee and Renee M. Like other species of jasmine, sampaguita is exceptionally fragrant, with small white flowers that, in warm climates, bloom throughout the year. The jasmine flowers are placed into dried tea leaves to infuse their scent and flavor.
Santa Monica
The Meaning of Blue Tulips
To create blue tulips, white tulips may be dyed to achieve the right color. When given to someone else, the flowers convey a message of trust and loyalty. Each flower has its own meaning, with different flower colors often representing new shades of meaning.
Santa Monica
Spiritual Meanings of Lucky Bamboo
These are all derivations of the name of a Chinese goddess who is a symbol for mercy and compassion. Lucky bamboo has several different spiritual meanings, most originating in China and Chinese customs.Lucky bamboo symbolizes blessings, prosperity and...
Santa Monica
Cold Hardiness and Palms- what does it mean and what can be done about it?
In a climate where radiational freezes are the dominant cold exposure, microclimate can make the difference in being able to grow 50 species of palms versus 400 species of palms. Additionally wind itself is dessicating and can literally suck the life...
El Segundo
Does Fertilizer Expire?
A fertilizer labeled 5-10-5, for example, is 5 percent nitrogen, 10 percent phosphorous and 5 percent potassium. Liquid fertilizers have a faster absorption rate of less than 24 hours.
Santa Monica
Meaning of Gerbera Daisy Colors
Typically associated with red roses, red is a love symbol in any flower variety, including carnations and gerbera daisies. They're merry, which makes them an excellent choice for any happy occasion like birthdays, engagements or promotions.
Santa Monica