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What Does Caliper Mean in Landscaping?
Based on typical characteristics for any tree species, knowing the caliper provides a reference that suggests the tree's size and shape without actually seeing a photo or viewing the tree in person.
Santa Monica
Toxic Plants- What Does That Really Mean
That may seem like an odd question, but is one that has bothered me for years, and particularly as I read another senseless, long list of toxic plants on the internet. What does it mean to say a plant is toxic?
El Segundo
Seed Packets, What does it all mean?
A 100-foot-row of bush beans will require a half-pound of seed and will yield approximately 80 pounds of beans. Some seeds require light to germinate so you just need to lay them on the soil surface and not cover them with anything.
El Segundo
Biennial Plant Information: What Does Biennial Mean
Flowering may also be brought about by the application of gibberellins plant hormones, but is rarely done in commercial settings.When vernalization occurs, a biennial plant may complete its entire life cycle, from germination to seed production, in one...
ShoeTree. Tell us; What Does It Mean To You?
There are additional comments and pictures posted on the link.Once I became interested in Shoe Trees, I searched the web and found that Shoe Trees already have quite a history; one site stated that there are over 70 Shoe Trees in the United States.
El Segundo
Burning Question: What Does \
It isn't nearly as eloquent as some of the other responses we received that night. Follow the web yourself in the photo below. At the Food Justice Meeting, people were asked to write what “food justice” means to them.
When Is A Plant Established – What Does “Well Established” Mean
I mean, you really can't rip your plant out of the ground to gauge its root growth; that just wouldn't be a good idea, would it? Read on to learn more about “well-established” garden plants.Let's take a moment to think about our jobs.
Watering New Plants: What Does It Mean To Water Well When Planting
This can be done for a group of new plants with a soaker hose laid out so it runs by the base of all the new plants. Never blast water on the base of the plant, as this causes erosion of the soil and just wastes all the water that the plant doesn't get...
Sustainable Wine
The Central Coast Vineyard Team , a nonprofit grower group that promotes sustainable wine growing through research, education and outreach, designed the SIP Certified program to promote sustainable practices in vineyards.
Meaning of Carnation Colors
Like most things in life, it's the thought that counts! Their complicated story starts with the crucifixion of Christ, where they were said to have sprouted after having been watered with the tears of the Virgin Mary.
Santa Monica
Which Flowers Mean Family?
Gardenias are flowers that represent children and family because of their meaning of purity and sweetness. Peonies symbolize a happy life and happy marriage as well as good health, compassion and prosperity.
Santa Monica
Plant Sport Mutations – What Does It Mean When A Plant “Throws A Sport”
The sport may be cultivated to make a new variation of the plant. Read on to learn more about plant sports.A sport in the plant world is a genetic mutation that results from a faulty chromosomal replication.
What Does Well Drained Soil Mean: How To Get A Well-Drained Garden Soil
Read more to learn the importance of well-drained soil and how to get a well-drained garden soil for planting.Simply put, well-drained soil is soil that allows water to drain at a moderate rate and without water pooling and puddling.
Spiritual Meaning Behind Flowers
In pictures of Biblical events such as the annunciation, the virgin Mary is shown holding a lily. According to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, he incorporated a white rose into his seal "to show that faith causes joy, consolation and peace.
Santa Monica
Flowers That Mean Sorry
A bouquet of purple hyacinth expresses the bearer's sadness over a situation and asks for forgiveness. Indigenous to the Mediterranean and Asia, asphodel begins to blossom aromatic yellow and white flowers in late spring and continues to produce flowers...
Santa Monica
Flowers That Mean Unity
According to Wong Yee Lee, writing for Chinatown Connection, lilies are appropriate gifts for weddings as emblems of long-lasting love, and as expressions of unity between friends.
Santa Monica
Flowers That Mean Forgiveness
They are identified by a cup-shape of pointed petals atop a tall, green stem. They are identified by fragrant clusters of bell-shaped flowers. White tulips denote a new beginning and a sense of worthiness.
Santa Monica
What Do Yellow Tulips Mean?
Originally yellow tulips meant "hopeless love"; however, they are now more commonly associated with thoughts of cheerfulness.Tulips are relatively easy to care for in flower gardens.Tulips are one of the more easily recognizable flowers with their large...
Santa Monica
Flowers That Mean Thank You
Camellias are evergreen shrubs that provide winter interest in a garden, so they may be viewed as the gift that keeps on giving all year long. Gratitude and appreciation may be expressed with roses, too, but different colors communicate slightly different...
Santa Monica
The Meaning of Blue Orchids
Almost all flowers have deeper meanings, however--peace, purity and friendship, for instance. Ancient inhabitants of China used the plant medicinally, to treat coughs and lung disorders, according to Online Flowers Guide.Blue orchids are rare, so only...
Santa Monica
Meaning of White Carnation Flowers
Renaissance-era paintings illustrate the tradition of the bride and groom exchanging white carnations at their wedding to signify the vow of faithfulness. This method of fever control was also used during the 16th century.The white carnation is a perennial...
Santa Monica
Meaning of the Sampaguita Flower
The making of jasmine tea dates back to the Song dynasty, around a thousand years ago, and is associated with the Fujian province in southeastern China. The name sampaguita evolved in turn from "sambac" through the Spanish colonizers of the Philippines,...
Santa Monica
The Meaning of Blue Tulips
Hybrid tulip species in shades of violet and lilac may also be created to make blue blossoms. Dark blue is said to stand for truth. Blue tulips are also called pasque flower, wild crocus, lion's beard and prairie anemone.Tulips originate from Persia and...
Santa Monica
Spiritual Meanings of Lucky Bamboo
These are all derivations of the name of a Chinese goddess who is a symbol for mercy and compassion. It produces several stalks and leafy growth. Three stalks are common and lucky bamboo with this many stalks are given as gifts, the three shoots signifying...
Santa Monica
Cold Hardiness and Palms- what does it mean and what can be done about it?
Many growers in certain towns may have microclimates that allow them to grow species no one else is able to grow depsite them all living in the same climate zones. Additionally wind itself is dessicating and can literally suck the life out of healthy,...
El Segundo
Does Fertilizer Expire?
Dry fertilizer is first absorbed into the soil and then extracted from the soil by the plant's roots. The trade-off for this speedy effect is a shorter shelf life. Ideally, however, the determining factors are application technique and absorption rate.
Santa Monica
Prunes or Dried Plums: By Any Name, A Healthy Treat
Grown from special varieties with an unusually high sugar content, prune plums can be dehydrated without undergoing fermentation, and do not require any additional sweetening. Use chopped prunes as you would any other dried fruit, to sprinkle on hot cereal...
El Segundo