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Kids in the Garden, The Junior Master Gardener Program
There's no better way to get kids involved in gardening than to introduce them to the Jr. Master Gardener program When you plant a seed in the garden and you actually eat the green bean, broccoli or lettuce, your self esteem soars.”What plants need...
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Wide Eyed Optimists, that\'s what we are!
The young magnolia I started from seed was frozen flat beneath the downed branches of the maple that grew behind it."Let us cut down these trees," the arborists said to me, "they will probably not survive, it would be best to take them down.""We will...
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Hereditary \
I want to lead you through my thoughts about why I love my flowers and "poo" on the rest. Is it limited to growing certain thing? Dad had to be careful not to bang his head on the pot when walking by or it was his own fault.
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Does Pruning Bell Peppers Help: How to Prune Pepper Plants
From the entire plant, carefully snip off the flowers and any fruit too small to have a chance to fully ripen before the frost. Most pepper plants have an overall Y shape and branches then create smaller and smaller Ys off of the main stems.
When Is It Time To Help A Doe In Labor?
If it is alive, it almost always will come out eventually, but this is where we think it's worth helping so your doe in labor does not get overly stressed. The No. 1 rule, no matter how proactive you get, is don't panic.
Butchering Tasks Kids Can Help With
Have older and/or stronger children bring animals to the killing zone and secure them where they're meant to be. Have a child or two help with setting up the water source you're going to use during the process to keep things clean.
Andrew\'s Ivy: A Legacy for My Son
"That's real good Andrew!" I tell him. Every day I try to direct his energy and he responds accordingly. They must have been sitting outside since the day before. "You are a big help to daddy".
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A Garden of Cupcakes
Place the top of the double boiler onto the bottom, and reduce heat to low. Beat until creamy. Alternating adding these mixtures to the butter mixture in the mixer, beating well between each addition.
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Use Arnica For Bruising
Unfortunately, homeopathics are one of the most “processed” forms of herbal medicine. That said, it is worth having arnica in your garden if you'd like to benefit from the oil, which you can easily make.
The string would be almost touching the ground. I was instructed on how to make a small funnel by halfways closing my hand and releasing the right amount of seed as I followed his precisely drawn line.
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Holistic Henhouse: Help Your Chickens With Homeopathy
If you don't see results in two days, you're probably using the wrong remedy. Nosodes are homeopathic vaccines; use them only as directed by a homeopathic veterinarian. Suggested uses and dosages are printed on remedy labels, but those are only guidelines.
National Tortoise Day Article: Proper Diet for Desert Tortoises
But it is incredibly toxic. Grasses, like the Fescue grass on the right have some protein and a probably a much better source of it than are these more concentrated unnatural forms.This Desert Tortoise (left) and Sulcata, or Spur-thighed Tortoise (right)...
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Helping A Gardenia Bush With Yellow Leaves
Even master gardeners with years of experience can lose gardenia bushes despite their best efforts. One method is to simply add the right balance of the missing nutrients to the soil around the plant (starting at about 5 feet away from the plant).
Scary Gardens: Help With Spooky Garden Designs
It's your garden palette and you're the artist. These charming, lanterns can be used as attractive/macabre centerpieces for tables or scatter them throughout the garden.are an absolute must for decorating a spooky Halloween garden.
Dave\'s Garden Book Review: The Insect Wonderland
Gardeners love books, as the number of titles devoted to the subject attest. Katydids come to life with violins and cellos. We hope this spotlight on some of our members' favorites is a nice change of pace for your Saturday morning.
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Autumn Fun: Visit a Pumpkin Patch!
For a family-friendly outing, why not visit a pumpkin patch? Wurth Farms qualifies for several of our Go Gardening categories, as they are not only a pumpkin patch, but a greenhouse, farm stand and CSA as well.I pulled in to the neatly groomed grounds...
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Making Snow Flowers with my Children
When I first moved to northwest Missouri I thought I would never grow accustomed to the severe winters. We simply enjoyed our time together and felt glad that we had made a little garden of snow flowers to admire from our kitchen window.The items needed...
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Stacey is a registered dietitian who recently appeared on the Rachel Ray show and has been on CNN, CBS and FOX-TV. Off in the distance we could see the children in the garden. Walking to the gardens, we passed several farm animals that included chickens,...
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Butterflies in the Classroom
We also have books and posters on the life cycle of butterflies and displays of the student's butterfly art work. We have used several from: including handprint butterfly craft, waxed paper stained glass butterfly (one of my favorite projects as these...
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Our Annual Earth Day Fair
Each year we have added new activities and participants.Our school is very small with an equally small budget. During the fair, all of the adults vote for their favorite. Projects are made of miscellanious items such as: egg cartons,cool whip bowls, toilet...
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The History of Growing Cotton in the Garden
Mississippi State University, The Perennial Patriot. One plant, five feet tall and three feet wide by September, might have a few or no blooms at any time.
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Not-so-scary necktie snakes are a fun and educational kid craft
I'd rather share my garden with a slithery snake or two than be up to my ears in marauding mice and rampaging rabbits!Gather the materials you'll need to make your soft and silky snake.
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A picnic in the winter? Indoors with the kids? Sure - and bring the house plants!
Have something on the sound system - my mother used to use a vinyl record (remember those?) of bird calls, or, the one with tropical sounds in the background. (But you, Dear Reader, must maintain the suspensionof disbelief.) The checkered tablecloth is...
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How To Help Children Cope With Farm Deaths
Children aren't unintelligent; they're just young. Sometimes, an animal is specifically raised with love and respect to be harvested and eaten by our family or others. It took me a minute or two to get my mom face back on and start comforting everyone...
What Is White Pine Blister Rust: Does Pruning White Pine Blister Rust Help
Pruning white pine blister rust is the treatment of choice for localized infections, but take care not to spread the spores when you're cutting out diseased tissue.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });It was...
Reconstructing my childhood garden
I remember the garden I knew as a child, with many roses and tall cosmos, with long petals we uses as fingernails in our play with all kinds of bushes full of flowers and beesouch, I almost feel every pinch they gave me when I tried to catch a bumble-bee...
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Fun feature: Dave\'s Garden Book Review
Gardeners love books, as the number of titles devoted to the subject attest. She studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Bussey Institute, Harvard and Ecole des Beaux-Arts.
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