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What Does Algae Mean

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What Does No-Till Actually Mean?
Even though this tool breaks apart the soil, it doesn't “turn” it over. Leaving the layers intact means leaving soil communities in place to continue to build humus. The largest tool used may be the broad fork.
Organic, What Exactly Does it Mean?
Coffee filters or used dryer sheets make excellent barriers to stop soil from leaking while allowing drainage. With all of the recent publicity about goods imported from China that contain harmful substances, I believe we need to become more concerned...
El Segundo
What Does Caliper Mean in Landscaping?
In the nursery trade, caliper measurements are not arbitrary. Once a tree's caliper exceeds 4 inches, the tree is measured at a height of 12 inches. Caliper measurements on young trees are taken 6 inches above the soil.
Santa Monica
Toxic Plants- What Does That Really Mean
Which plant should concern you more?Which is more dangerous to a person or dog, a large, fruiting cycad or a small Amanita mushroom?The former is potentially deadly toxic with all parts of the plant being poisonous, and may produce enough fruit to kill...
El Segundo
Seed Packets, What does it all mean?
Market growers and those preserving food need to know what yields to expect for canning or preserving. How can I use it to my advantage to successfully germinate the seeds inside? This term usually applies to perennials and biennials.
El Segundo
Biennial Plant Information: What Does Biennial Mean
What may be grown as a biennial in Portland, Oregon, for example, with a fairly temperate climate, would likely be treated as an annual in Portland, Maine, which has far more severe temperature extremes.There are many fewer biennials than perennial or...
ShoeTree. Tell us; What Does It Mean To You?
From Michigan to Oregon from California to Oklahoma, from sea to sea...why?I wonder; if the tree could think, what the tree would think about the burden of all those shoes...and the stink of them.I wonder; if the shoes have become bird houses; a high...
El Segundo
Burning Question: What Does \
Alexandra Grey: Equal access to healthy food for the poorest members of our society. At the Food Justice Meeting, people were asked to write what “food justice” means to them. The crowd split up into four groups to discuss four different areas of...
When Is A Plant Established – What Does “Well Established” Mean
When is a plant established? Well, what does well established mean? Trees and shrubs, for instance, can take two or more growing seasons to become established in order for their roots to branch well beyond the planting site.
Similarities Between Fungi & Algae
For example, while algae are a member of the protista kingdom, fungi are a member of the plant kingdom. Nevertheless, despite the significant differences, there are some similarities between fungi and algae.Algae and fungi both tend to thrive in moist...
Santa Monica
Watering New Plants: What Does It Mean To Water Well When Planting
If there is more than one inch of rainfall in your area, you do not need to water that day.The second week, you can wean the plant by watering every other day with a slow steady trickle for about 15-20 mins.
The Structure of Algae
The word algae refers to a group of organisms that show a great variety in structure and size, ranging from microscopic to over 50 meters in length. Kelp and seaweed are two well-known types of macroalgae.
Santa Monica
Meaning of Carnation Colors
Available in a wide variety of colors and often underrated, the ubiquitous carnation has been used as a symbolic gift across several cultures for ages. Typically believed to represent love, appreciation and acknowledgement, carnations can make for a meaningful...
Santa Monica
Which Flowers Mean Family?
The meaning of flowers or flora is an extensive process of symbolism. No one flower means family, nor does any flower have just one definition. Tiger lilies symbolize happiness and prosperity and are often given to couples getting engaged or married.
Santa Monica
Plant Sport Mutations – What Does It Mean When A Plant “Throws A Sport”
The inability to produce chlorophyll in the leaf indicates that some mutation has occurred. If you see something unusual with your plants and if the sport appears to have characteristics that would be desirable, it could be worth trying to root the plant...
What Does Well Drained Soil Mean: How To Get A Well-Drained Garden Soil
Read more to learn the importance of well-drained soil and how to get a well-drained garden soil for planting.Simply put, well-drained soil is soil that allows water to drain at a moderate rate and without water pooling and puddling.
The Characteristics of Golden Algae
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, algae and certain forms of bacteria convert carbon dioxide into organic material using the energy in sunlight. The zooplankton is then consumed by larger organisms as a vital link in the ecosystem's food...
Santa Monica
Control Algae Growth In Lawns: Tips For Controlling Algae In Grass
Keep reading for tips on controlling algae in grass.are often found in areas of turf that is not healthy enough to support good turf growth. It is also necessary to break apart the algae mat so that the grass can benefit from water.from healthy areas...
Spiritual Meaning Behind Flowers explains that the roots of a lotus are in the mud of materialism; its stem reaches up through the waters of experience, and its flower rests on top of the water in the sunshine of enlightenment.
Santa Monica
Flowers That Mean Sorry
The most common symbolic association is that of "I'm sorry," according to the website I'm Sorry Letters. In giving white poppies, the bearer conveys sorrow and consolation. To prolong cut life, white poppies should be cut only in the morning when the...
Santa Monica
What Is Algae: Learn About Types Of Algae And How They Grow
Mechanical filtration can catch some algae, as well as helping to eliminate the dead colonies, but you'll need to change or clean your filtration medium every few days until your algae colonies are under control.
Pond And Aquarium Algae Removal: How To Get Rid Of Algae
Consider covering as much as 50 percent of the surface of the water with water lilies. Overfeeding fish results in an abundance of droppings and nutrient-rich water. Some are attached to long handles that make reaching the bottom of the glass easier.
Flowers That Mean Unity
Hyacinth, hydrangea, sweet pea, hibiscus and morning glory are just a few of the popular flowers that can yield blue blossoms. According to Wong Yee Lee, writing for Chinatown Connection, lilies are appropriate gifts for weddings as emblems of long-lasting...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Spirulina Algae
Make sure the water has a composition of all the micronutrients, including potassium nitrate, sodium carbonate, magnesium sulfate and lime, that are needed in order to support plant life.Agitate the surface of the culture with an aquarium pump.Add three...
Santa Monica
Algae Is The New Protein
Algae are made of 50 to 60 percent protein, plus they have good fat, fiber, and an alphabet's worth of vitamins and minerals. « More The News Hog » Tags algae Alex Quinn/Flickr There's so much that can be—and is—said about algae.
The War Against Pond Algae
Undesirable vascular plants can be controlled by managing a phytoplankton bloom in late spring and early summer. A depth of 2 to 3 feet of water at the pond edge hampers light penetration to the bottom.
Flowers That Mean Forgiveness
It denotes that you want your relationship and events to be pure and seen as worthy, with any mistakes in the past forgiven and forgotten.Hyacinths are grown from bulbs and bloom in the spring.
Santa Monica