Remove all tissue that is dead, diseased or injured. Use thinning cuts that remove approximately one third of a given branch, and avoid removal of more than 10 percent of plant tissue at a time.
« More Farm Inspiration » Tags do what you can , farmers , Theodore Roosevelt quote , World Food Day World Food Day was earlier this week, and if you're one of the lucky five-sixths of America who knows where their next meal is coming from, it may seem...
These structures help create the tropical environment ginger is looking for, especially if you live in a humid area and can close up your tunnel tight. Ginger rhizomes send up tropical-looking foliage that grows up to 3 feet tall.
I find the warblers and sparrows, hummingbirds and finches, jays and grosbeaks a colorful addition to the yard.Though I like any wildlife except for the mice and voles that forage in my garden, I find the birds exceptionally interesting and easy to attract.
Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Nevada, North Dakota, Rhode Island, and Wyoming do not have a state insect. So you see, you'll have to read the whole article to learn the identity of your own state's favorite.
Some sumacs emit a milky sap when pruned that can irritate the skin. To control the spread of sumacs, many trees are pruned down to the ground. Cut this growth off at the base. Most trees get pruned at this time, except those that have showy spring flowers...
The base of the flower lies above the cluster of leaves. Don't prune azaleas later than just after flowering because this removes the buds that form the next year's flowers.Azaleas flower and grow best in moist, acidic soil and sheltered sites in dappled...
Collect and dispose of the pruned flower spikes; if left on the ground at the base of the plant, they may attract unwanted insect activity. By the time the blossoms at the bottom of the flower spikes have opened, the ones at the top are usually spent...
If your path does lead to a commercial-kitchen installation, get multiple opinions from state and local regulators and collect this information in writing. In this case, take the time to slowly test and develop your product and research and write a plan...
Small marigolds can be grown in pots or used for edging, while the taller varieties make good cut flowers.Marigolds grow and flower best in full sun in moist, rich soil with good drainage.
As a farmer or farmers' market shopper, you can show your support for your favorite market through America Farmland Trust's “I Love My Farmers Market” celebration. With six weeks still left to go in the campaign, AFT has nearly reached that goal.
This will make them unfit for your dinner table., can be harvested like snap beans and eaten in the same way. Is easy, but many gardeners wonder, When do you pick beans? This chemical breaks down when the beans are cooked.The last way to harvest shell...
When harvesting scallions, choose the largest and use them first, as it is best to both harvest and use scallions right away. Keep the scallions in an airtight, plastic bag. Are simply young, immature onions that are easy to grow, not everyone is certain...
After several weeks, new growth on the main plant above the roots will grow into a new stalk with flowers appearing before long.With the explosion of orchids available in grocery stores, big box hardware stores and flower shops, there is a good chance...
According to the USDA Economic Research Service, 93 percent of corn grown in the U.S. in 2014 was genetically modified, so if this is a concern to you, seek out non-GM or organic corn feed grains.
Water the plant thoroughly if it wilts. Remove the foil that is often wrapped around the poinsettia's pot or poke holes in it so the water can drain freely from the pot. Never allow the poinsettia pot to sit in standing water or root rot will result.
These plants do best with spring planting, quick-draining soil and full sun, and live for many years with the same bulbs. If it doesn't, cut it to 1 to 2 inches long. Plants that receive frequent pruning are healthier and feature more new growth.Cut the...
Even today, I think there's a place in modern tool sheds for these time-tested tools that operate on manpower and have no need for gas, oil, spark plugs and such. A “cutting mattock” has a small axe blade on one side and a mattock blade called an...
Here, particularly on the portions of the driveway that wash out more easily, it's important to take care to make sure our tires touch different parts on different trips so that we don't create an indentation that rushing water will naturally gravitate...
7 Heritage Cattle Breeds to Raise with Your Children 6 Ways to Prepare Yourself and Your Cows for Calving Keep Cows Cool in Hot Weather Tags cattle , cows , farm , Lists , photos , pictures
Alternatively, you can wait until spring to prune back Heliopsis plants so finches and other small songbirds can enjoy the seeds throughout the winter. It all depends on your preferences.
Also known as, Echinacea has grown wildly and contently for hundreds of years without human “help,” and it can grow for many years in your landscape or flower beds without any maintenance.
Mr. B opened the door to our porch, and there was Ralph, a juvenile raccoon, face first in the cats' water bowl, with Jackson and Linny lounging nearby watching. Despite a minor scuffle between Jackson and Ralph that was all attitude and no substance,...
Do you need to deadhead glads? The notion that if you deadhead gladiolus you will get more blooms is not accurate. Deadheading gladiolus ensures continued beauty. This mars the overall beauty of the stem, so the impulse is to remove the dead flowers for...
To see early spring blooms in your Texas garden, tulips require a specific planting time.Many tulips require fall plantings for spring and summer blooming.All tulips require a fall planting, to give the bulbs time to sprout and take root for their spring...
Strawberries that look like two smooshed together, forked carrots with the the prongs wrapped around each other and eggplants growing (ahem) appendages taste just as wonderful as their perfectly shaped counterparts and should be celebrated.
“We also diversified to add cheese, meat and fruit shares, and this truck supports us in these added deliveries, as well.” Sheaffer found the process for their $25,000 loan straightforward: “Our local FSA representative talked us through the process,...