In the wild, the mature trees range in height from 60 to 200 feet, though prostrate cultivars derived from them may grow no taller than 1 1/2 feet. Deodar cedar is hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 through 10, and the other...
These hardy plants spread through seeds and the development of rhizomes, or underground stems.All wild blueberries produce blue-black, round fruits -- their most distinctive characteristic.
A single larva can eat dozens of aphids per day and eat other soft-bodied garden pests as well such as scale, adelgids, mites and other insect eggs. It's true that the larvae of ladybugs look rather fearsome.
Honey mushroom fungus becomes visible in the spring when the fungus “blooms,” sending forth yellow-brown to honey-colored toadstools with a unique white ring around the stem. Avoid stressing the trees by watering consistently.
This small tree grows in South Africa and Swaziland.Gardenias commonly grown by American gardeners include the lemon, native, and scented gardenia. The white flowers on these shrubs attract diurnal moths, such as the gardenia bee hawk moth, that resemble...
It's important to keep healthy roots in plants that are already established, of course, but it's even more important tocheck for healthy roots in plants you buy in the storeIf you buy a plant with a bad root system, at best, it will take it a long time...
Buddleia is also referred to as a summer lilac or a butterfly bush, the latter due to its unique ability to attract butterflies. In addition, both plants have a strong perfumed fragrance.
Originally imported as ornamentals, toadflax plants now are unwanted weeds that harm the environment by crowding out beneficial plants needed for animal forage.There are many species in the monkeyflower clan ("Mimulus"), which has long been placed in...
All parts of hydrangeas are toxic and may cause stomach upset if eaten.In late spring, yellowish-green flower heads grow to 8 inches across and eventually turn pure white on the Chinese snowball shrub (Viburnum macrocephalum), which somewhat resembles...
Acorns differ in color, size and texture depending on the type of oak from which they are produced. The cap-like structure on the upper part of an acorn is the cupule. They have a thin, saucer-shaped cupule.
Fertilize geraniums with a 10-20-10 fertilizer every four to six weeks, and mulch around the plants to preserve moisture and inhibit weed growth.Petunias and impatiens are both highly popular bedding plants, according to Clemson University.
Hardy in USDA zones 9 and 10, datura has large, trumpet-shaped blooms that face the sky. Desert willow is a multistemmed tree that is also cold hardy. In the fall, the foliage changes from green to purple.
Sunflowers, with their bright yellow petals and dark, central cones, are some of the most iconic flowers in the American landscape. The black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta var. The yellow coneflower (Echinacea paradoxa) features bright yellow rays and a...
The small, colorful blooms are easy to grow and simple to maintain. Violas are capable of flowering into the fall and have such high resistance to cold that they're a good choice for northern regions.
The green, bell-shaped part looks like a flower, but is actually the calyx, or the leaves, in the center of which sits a small white flower. It's a treat to watch bees crawl in and out of them gathering pollen, and it's always a pleasant surprise to stumble...
The flower spikes have two different appearances. One such plant is pampas grass (genus Cortadera). They grow in aquatic environments, especially at the edges of lakes or rivers and in wetlands.
They force their way through any tiny crack or crevice they can find. Boxelder bugs are major nuisances around the house but, fortunately, boxelder bugs in gardens are relatively harmless.
American elderberry flowers are also edible.Elderberry jams and jellies has a sweet-tart taste with earthy undertones. You can use the fruit dried, fresh or frozen.Three main varieties of elderberry grow in North America.
Because pansies are planted in the fall, the winter sun helps germinates the seeds or causes them to bloom. Indicate on your diagram how much sun each area receives. You can also get more sunlight to your garden beds by pruning overhanging trees.
Agave, like aloe vera, also has many uses. The juice from the aloe plant is used in medicines as well as cosmetics. Both agave and aloe have serrated leaves.Stapelia, like aloe, is a succulent.
It is a sweet, seedless fruit that has no core. Yes, it is indeed, technically speaking, a fruit. It is low in calories and a good source of vitamin C.Physalis, or cape gooseberry, is a fruit commonly grown in South Africa and Columbia.
Affinis, have blades less than a foot long. The leaf veins contrast sharply in color with the main leaf surface in many species. Daigremontiana) and Christmas kalanchoe (K. Caladium bicolor and C.
Spread out the nutrient rich casting to benefit more of the sod area and prevent the concentrated burning.If you want to minimize worm activity on the surface of the soil, reduce watering.
Slugs and snails are mostly active at night and hide under rocks and debris during the day. Destroy them by plopping them into bucket of soapy or salty water. Be sure to check under leaves, too, as both animals can cling to almost any surface.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Yucca foliage lacks spines on the leaf edges, but the leaf tips are usually pointy and sharp. When not in bloom, the foliage is unimpressive. Century plant leaves are leathery and tough with spines.
Wind is an ever-present problem in arctic-alpine environments. When the snow melted a few days later, the plants looked no worse for wear. Pollinating insects take advantage of this, ‘hanging-out' inside the blossoms where it is warmer.
The mature pods are a grayish-brown and the seeds inside are dark brown.According to the Plant Conservation Alliance, "One study showed that 90 percent of the seeds were viable after 5 years and, for another species of mimosa, a third of its seeds germinated...