Historians will appreciate the detailed descriptions of regional styles and patterns. Many mountain grocery stores accepted baskets as barter for food and without this practice; many Appalachian families would have gone hungry.
Moving the wreath indoors in winter makes a great centerpiece or wall hanging and a reminder of the gardening year ahead. Also, you don't need to buy plants, but can take cutting from the garden or potted plants.
I let this batch slightly dry before raking them. Grass clippings contain nitrogen. Over the past weeks, it has compacted and now takes up much less space. It is just around the corner from my back door and you don't even know it is there.
If the system is too dry, the process stops. So, we can take away two lessons from this incident; juicy fruit may attract ants and you must maintain proper moisture levels to keep your compost working.The materials in the composter compact as the wet...
Martha Enriquez, of Pine Lane Soaps in Batavia, Ohio, uses this basic soap recipe for her goat's milk soap. Make homemade soap from milk using this basic recipe from soapmaker Martha Enriquez of Pine Lane Soaps.
For example, tall, heat-loving, long-season plants are complemented by short-season, ground-hugging plants or small, below-ground crops.Tomatoes are a vegetable garden favorite, but they are also heat lovers that require full sun.
The jaws are fused open, which makes the flowers resemble butterfly wings. Mix double azalea form snapdragons with star-shaped jasmine or carpet the ground around a Cool Salmon snapdragon with delicate purple Royal Carpet alyssum.
But it was not until 2010 that it was legal for Liquid Fence to label products safe for food crops.Gardeners wishing to use Liquid Fence Deer and Rabbit Repellent on vegetables have the government's approval to do so, but there are other steps the consumer...
Place the flower heads in a paper bag in a dry place for a week to continue the drying process.Once the seeds are dried, hack at the bag to separate them from the flower head. Milk thistle (also called silybum milk thistle) is a tricky plant.
Since lye can burn your skin, you need to be very careful when handling it. Also, depending on the additives you've included, you may need to be careful of high temperatures because the additives may burn or degrade in quality.
Keep the soil consistently moist. Plant one of the seedlings at the direct center of the container, and plant each plant at least 18 inches removed from the first and from each other.
Place in a well-lit area. Seeds should not overlap. Sprouts can tolerate frost but cannot be expected grow in temperatures exceeding 90 degrees. Spread seeds over a damp napkin or towel-lined tray or plate.
Cut down any suckers that appear. Use this method on level prairie surfaces and near natural bodies of water only. Burn sumac wood only if you are certain it is not poison sumac, and only under certain controlled circumstances.Schedule controlled burns...
The salt in Gatorade works along with other electrolytes to the advantage of humans while those electrolytes do not have the same effect on plants. Salt is a desiccant, meaning it draws moisture from plants from the inside out.
I recommend stuffing the herbs in a muslin or cheesecloth packet kept together with a knot or running stitch to keep the organic material from sneaking through the sweater material.
Sometimes we know exactly the direction we should go and sometimes the path is not so clear. Life is like gardening in that we all complete a circle of life. Other times, over caring for things can cause them hardship.More times than not, that little...
"What is this?" I asked. Maybe she'll grow up and the wonder of grass, the spell of a red and white tulip bloom, and the captivating smell of garden herbs will all fade away into something like an un-cherished memory.But I will cling to this memory the...
Much of this time is directed toward senior citizens and the disabled who are unable to tend their own gardens.Educators who have observed students in this program have reported seeing marked improvement in grades and social skills over others who did...
Transplant hardwood cuttings during the winter months.Transplant mature bushes during spring and autumn. Avoid the winter months, as the flower buds have already formed on the bush.
Covering the cuttings with a clear plastic covering helps conserve moisture and prevents wind damage. Bury 2- to 6-inch-long cuttings horizontally under 1/2 inch of rooting medium.Keep plumbago cuttings out of direct sunlight but in a bright place until...
Keep reading to learn more about companion planting withSome good jalapeno companion plants are those that improve the flavor of the peppers., in particular, improves the flavor of all pepper varieties, jalapenos included, if it is planted nearby.Jalapeno...
Remember to allow a few feet between the plant and the house or fence, if that's where you are planting it.Azaleas love acidic soil with a pH of 4.5 to 5.5. You can take a sample of your soil and have it tested at a lab or buy a soil testing kit at a...
Recently so called improvements in lighting have resulted in very high intensity lighting. When the first autumn frosts arrive, these green leaves die and the trees lose the resources that normally are scavenged during senescence.
It never mattered how harsh our winters were, we knew there would be a summer full of bloomDuring our past winter, Kentucky and some surrounding states suffered major ice storm damage.
These were her favorites. Outside we went and there in that old maple, hanging from a trailing segment of ‘baby, was the most gorgeous white bloom I had ever seen. Are you kidding me?
When the water boils, turn the heat off. Leave the pan on the burner of the stove.Wait 15 to 20 minutes while the lemon grass sections steep in the hot water. Its fragrance and taste strongly resemble lemons.
This also helps promote new branching behind the old flower, keeping the plant bushy. Growing them is easy, requiring only a little care at the start and some tidying during the season.Zinnias are easy to get started from seeds, because their seeds are...