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What Can I Feed My Bunny

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Can I Plant My Azalea Outside?
To loosen a tightly bound plant in a plastic pot, you can roll it on the ground and press down on the side with your foot.The hole for an azalea should be twice as wide as the root ball, but only one and a half times deeper than the root ball.
Santa Monica
Can I Grow My Own Yerba Mate?
It's an evergreen shrub or small tree, and it's dioecious, meaning separate male and female trees. Stick cuttings in a perlite and peat moss mixture.Seeds are found at many online stores.
Santa Monica
Can I Plant My Split-Leaf Philodendron Outside?
Disinfect pruning tools by spraying them with an aerosol household disinfectant between plants. If you provide the right light and regular watering, at least once a week, your plant will thrive outdoors.
Santa Monica
Can I Add the Pulp From My Juicer to My Garden Soil?
When you combine your pulp with other organic materials such as fallen leaves and grass clippings, it becomes more nutritious to your plants than pulp alone.Worm composting, or vermicomposting, is the practice of utilizing red wiggler composting worms...
Santa Monica
Farm Planning, Part One: How Can I Feed Myself?
Notice feelings associated with the thoughts. As a bonus step, take your circled words and hold them close to your heart. What are your monthly expenses and income? Who relies on you?
Can I Save My Tomato Plants After a Frost?
Signs of frost damage include soft and discolored stems and leaves, and sunken leaf spots that are tan to brown. At temperatures below 60 F, production slows or stops, and the plants don't grow or produce when temperatures are cold enough to develop frosts.
Santa Monica
How Much Nitrogen Can I Put on My Vegetable Garden?
But later as the fruit starts to form they need a fertilizer that has high concentrations of potash.For optimal production, fertilizers need to be added every year to the vegetable garden.
Santa Monica
Can I Milk Sheep?
A dairy sheep's lactation generally runs 220 to 240 days, slightly shorter than a dairy goat's lactation. A nice thing is that sheep milk freezes very well, so you can save it up until you have enough for cheese.
I (heart) my garden , my garden (hearts) me
That site illustrates creative ways to garden despite disabilities and physical limitations, including the recovery from a heart attack or heart surgery. In addition, the product guide shows quite a few aids and accessories for gardening.
El Segundo
What is PED and How Can I Keep My Hogs Healthy?
As such, your best prevention is to implement stringent biosecurity practices on your farm, including but not limited to quarantining new additions and recent returns from shows and exhibitions; quarantining symptomatic animals; utilizing separate supplies,...
Garden Art: How Can I Protect and Preserve My Garden Art?
Look for those at your local wild bird store.Some repairs can be made with cement/concrete repair products, like PC Crete, which can be found in hardware stores. All 3 pots were hideous before their makeovers.
El Segundo
Backyard Bird Feeding
From my computer desk, I have a clear view of several feeders and a bird bath in my yard. Like my garden journal, I also keep a Yard Bird list and post unusual species on our local birding hotline.
El Segundo
Can I Grow Cauliflower Indoors?
Plant one of the seedlings at the direct center of the container, and plant each plant at least 18 inches removed from the first and from each other. Maintain temperature around the cauliflower between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit; temperature variations...
Santa Monica
Can I Sprout Poppy Seeds?
Sprouting takes two to five days. Buy poppy seeds to sprout from plant or gardening stores. Horticulturalists at Texas A&M, however, note that popular store bought varieties, such as the California poppy and Shirley poppy, are legal to grow.
Santa Monica
Can I Burn Sumac Trees?
Burn sumac wood only if you are certain it is not poison sumac, and only under certain controlled circumstances.Schedule controlled burns for August, when the plants are somewhat dry.Smooth sumac, which is not toxic, grows wild in ravines, glens and prairies,...
Santa Monica
Can Chickens & Ducks Share Feed?
A Caution About Feeding Ducklings Ducklings can be fed regular chick feed, but it should not be medicated. There are feeds on the market labeled for mixed flocks, but most are formulated for meat birds.
My Grapes Have Been Green for Sometime How Can I Ripen Them?
The longer the grape remains purple, the higher the sugar content becomes.Harvest your grapes when your samples conform to your desired taste. Be careful not to damage any other fruit-bearing trees or bushes if you want to produce fruit from multiple...
Santa Monica
Should I Trim My Alpaca\'s Teeth?
Wear thick leather gloves when handling the tool. These are dangerous to the animal and operator. As in all other procedures, they're remarkably tolerant of incisor tooth trimming if approached calmly and with minimal restraint.
Should I Dredge My Farm Pond?
If you're wanting to stock a pond with fish, Michigan State Extension Service recommends dredging it to 15 feet or more to improve fish habitat. Depending on water clarity, sunlight does not typically penetrate beyond 3 to 4 feet of water depth, which...
How Do I Deadhead My Amaryllis?
The open wound leaves the plant vulnerable to disease.After all of the flowers have died, cut the stalk to within 2 inches of the base of the plant. The flowers emerge in a on the end of a long stalk.
Santa Monica
Feeding Seedlings: Should I Fertilize Seedlings
So what about seedlings? This can be found in most common fertilizers that are designed to promote plant growth.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Don't fertilize your seeds before they've sprouted (Some...
Can I Replant My Ponytail Palm – How And When To Move Ponytail Palms
Potted ponytail palms are. Continue digging until you are below the main part of the root system. Small ponytail palms grown in containers are fairly easy to move to bigger pots.First, remove the plant from its pot by sliding a flat instrument, like a...
When Can I Transplant a Pieris?
Pieris (Pieris Japonica) is a four-season beauty in the home garden. Its lightly scented flowers hang in droopy clusters and may be red, white or pink. They transplant best during chilly and rainy weather.
Santa Monica
Can I Root Plumbago From Cuttings?
Take cuttings from the mature root (1/4- to 1/2-inch diameter) of a two- to three-year-old plumbago in late winter or early spring, says the University of Florida IFAS Extension. Place the cutting and firm the soil around it.The University of Florida...
Santa Monica
Can I Plant Tomatoes With Beets?
Companion planting is a gardening technique that emphasizes plant compatibility; for instance, climbing vines and tall plants, such as tomatoes and corn, work well when paired with low-growing crops, such as beets and cucumbers, since they do not compete...
Santa Monica
Can I Plant Zinnias in Pots?
Choose compact, well-branched plants with flower buds and healthy, bright green leaves that aren't discolored. Start seeds indoors about six weeks before the last spring frost, sowing them in a moistened, soilless mixture in flats or small pots.
Santa Monica
How Can I Treat Pig Mites?
In most herds, ivermectins are still very effective against internal parasites of pigs, so don't jeopardize this effectiveness by overusing them to control external parasites. They can also be seen, moving on the head and back of affected animals or attached...