Try to visit on a warm day, and most days will be warm.During monarch season, the grove is staffed every day by volunteers who are ready to answer your questions. Some of this next generation will continue the migration north.
Some non-native pipevines should be chosen with caution. These other pipevines will be the topic of my next article.Thanks to MissSherry for the photo of the pipevine butterfly on a zinnia, to magpye for the butterfly larva, and to debnes_dfw_tx for the...
I study my field guides learning their names and like most folk on DG, worry about plummeting numbers of species in the news. Click onto take you to their website and watch videos of both the black and white scan and the colored model of what they saw.
However, the pipevine swallowtail larvae find at about the first instar that the tropical pipevines do not supply the nutrition necessary for their continued survival. The pipevine swallowtail is not a tropical butterfly, and its larvae will not survive...
Give them open areas and places where they can rest in safe cover and you should have a good number of species visiting your garden, but stay alert for the little Snout Nose. The trick is to know which ones are friends and which ones are foes.
It featured two bands of lookout windows circling the top, from which wethe Higbee Beach Wildlife Management Area and Cape May Point State ParkOur pleasant guide, stationed at the top of the historic tower, pointed out the remains of the formerHarbison...
Host plants are those on which the female butterfly lays her eggs and on which the caterpillars will feed. They have six pairs of eyes but their vision is poor. If you'd like to increase Monarch butterflies in your yard, add some milkweed host plants...
The excessive use of non-selective herbicides such as Monsanto's Roundup kills everything it touches except for Genetically Modified Crops (GMO's). Several other nearby trees had been downed also.
This series of articles will help identify some of the most unusual ones and give you a peek into their lives. They also exhibit a slight migratory habit, but unlike the Monarch, the migration is northward.
Native orange butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa) is more difficult to establish in gardens but may well be worth the extra effort required. Tropical milkweed (Asclepias curassavica) is not native, but it is often chosen for garden plantings because of...
They have been the subject of many stories and legends throughout history and never fail to bring a smile to faces young and old.Butterflies come in a huge range of sizes, shapes and especially colors.
As the weather warms up in the second half of February, these same butterflies mate and then begin the first leg of the long return flight north. Here they enter hibernation between late October and early November.
Flowers can be many colors, from white to yellows, oranges and reds, as well as the pink of the common milkweed. It seemed like a very good idea when I first decided to let the milkweeds grow, but I have since discovered the drawbacks to this plant.
When it defoliates in autumn, the leaves change color naturally; but during the growing season, yellow leaves on my butterfly bush can signal other problems. Butterfly bush should be grown in a pH of 6.0 to 7.0. If soil is overly acidic, phosphorus ions...
They are extremely cold sensitive, but in warm enough weather they are evergreen.Once established, they are very drought tolerant. Keep an eye out for volunteer seedlings and weed them out when young if you don't want the shrubs to spread all over your...
As the name suggests, butterfly pea flowers are favored by butterflies, but birds and bees love them, too.includes about 40 species around the world, but only three are native to the United States.
Want to know more about growing butterfly vines? Cutting the plant down to about 2 feet in spring will reinvigorate yellow orchid vines.Pests and diseases are rarely a problem for this hardy vine.
Keep reading for reasons why there may be no flowers on a butterfly bush, as well as ways to get a butterfly bush to bloom.There are a few reasons a butterfly bush will not bloom, most of them related to stress.
It makes it easier to research by scientific name to find out more about them. In addition, the macro setting on these cameras often blurs the background with a shallow depth-of-field just like a professional camera lens would.
Buddleia leaf spot isn't anything to worry about, though, as long as you figure out what's causing it and manage it promptly.Growers are often alarmed when leaf spots appear suddenly and spread across leaf surfaces.
Some states, like Oregon, have even banned sales of the plant.Butterfly bush control is very difficult. Look for the trademarked series Buddleia Lo & Behold and Buddleia Flutterby Grande.
Out west the Oregon NABA chapterappear less encouraging. Without a doubt, the best thing you can do is to plant or protect host plants for butterflies. The forum did not disappoint me of course and with all the information offered I was on my way to raising...
As you fold it over, make a loop at the top. It's easy to get hooked on this simple technique. I like to have some white clay on hand to mix in for lighter shades.Put all your butterflies and beads on a baking sheet, checking each one as you go to be...
Are great assets in the garden. Just because they can survive the winter does not mean they will come bouncing back from it, especially if the weather has been particularly bad. They bring vibrant color and all kinds of pollinators.
Once established, the butterfly bush plant pretty much takes care of itself, other than the occasional watering and pruning. When transplanting a butterfly bush, carefully dig up as much of the root system as possible and move to its new location for...
You can also choose different butterfly bushes by flower color; blossom hues range from dark purple through pink to white. The tiny lilac flowers wink at you with orange eyes.If you want a butterfly bush with large, white flowers, go for White Profusion...
The seedlings should be removed as soon as possible.Young shrubs that are cut off at ground level may re-emerge, so remove the roots along with the top growth. The symptoms are yellowing leaves, and in severe cases, twig or stem dieback.Any time you grow...