The best time to start growing olive trees in containers is spring, after all threat of frost has passed.Olive trees like extremely well-draining, rocky soil. Keep reading to learn more about potted olive tree care and how to grow an olive tree in a pot.Can...
Olive trees as houseplants? Growing a potted olive tree indoors has become popular. One reason people are taking to olive trees as houseplants is that caring for olive trees inside is easy.
Catholic priests use olive oil prior to baptism and to bless the sick, as do the Christ of Latter Day Saints.Early Orthodox Christians used olive oil to light their churches and cemeteries.
Do not add soil medium, compost or fertilizer to the newly planted olive tree. Leave the root ball alone except to remove or cut any circling roots. Spacing will vary according to the cultivar.Dig a hole the size of the olive tree's container.
It is best to space the process over three years. A tree's leaves produce its food, so having many leaves when the tree is young provides good energy for growth.When it is time to shape the tree, remember that it is better to make a few, well-placed cuts...
If the olive already has olive knot, carefully prune out the afflicted twigs and branches during the dry season with sanitized shears. Infection develops in the spring and early summer and produces galls ½ to 2 inches within 10-14 days.All cultivars...
Decide if you are going to press the olives for oil or brine to preserve them.There is a clock going here. Since olives are picked for both eating and processing into oil, the degree of ripeness matters.
The bark is an interesting shade of white. Tiny but very fragrant yellow flowers appear on the shrub in clusters in spring even before the leaves. They are an important nectar source for bees.Later in summer, the plant produces attractive blue-black fruit.
The seeds are prized for the nutty taste they add to baked goods.This heirloom pepperbox poppy features dark marks on the petals.The heirloom pepperbox poppy is an annual to biennial plant that grows to about 3 feet tall.
From smallest to largest they include non-pareil, surfines, capucines, capotes, fines and grusas.Capers are pickled in vinegar, brine, wine or salt prior to use. They need to be crushed before use.
Just a regular misting will keep them happy wherever you place them.– A very low-maintenance/high reward bulb, the paperwhite will grow in anything from soil to pebbles, creating deliciously fragrant white blossoms.A plant that can be kept year round,...
Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) is a cucurbit, related to cucumbers, cantaloupes and pumpkins. Remove the affected watermelons and improve drainage in the area. Remove the damaged fruit.
The caveat here is that the tree MAY re-emerge from the root crown, or it may not. This process is referred to as vernalization. While olive trees need to experience vernalization to set fruit, they freeze from extremely cold temperatures.Some resources...
The enhanced and/or cropped flower photos are by Arun KumarN, courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons and thisand Jardin Boricua, courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons and this. Unfortunately, most are only hardy to USDA zone 10, putting them "on the fringe"...
And my driveway runs parallel to theirs for, oh, 360 feet. Butterflies hang out during the day & hawk moths take a look-see in the evening.And to get this party started all I had to do was plant a few seeds.A few seedlings even popped up in my lawn this...
After completing my research, I found that I did not know much about them after all, beyond the fact they can spray a foul-smelling scent to defend themselves. Photos of each are shown below.
I now have wonderful raised beds to grow our vegetables in and the wood has leached all it's treated stuff out so we are safeWe still have our "formal" garden, but it's become the real garden I dreamed about.Yes, my hands still look like they've been...
But if you're passionate about olives and olive oil, do some research and look at the scenario for your property. The yields per acre for both SHD and high-density should be similar in well-managed mature orchards, in the vicinity of five tons per acre...
I truly could not be more excited – go ahead and call me a geek if you want – it would just be the truth! The veggie garden is looking really good right now. We're just getting 5 hens as they will lay enough to supply our little family and our gracious...
Certainly we have some successes along the way, but mistakes are sprinkled in here and there. We forget about them, so the reader is left with the notion that all of our gardening experiences have been overwhelming successes.So the reader comes to believe...
If you grow flowers and herbs for not just their appearance, but also their benefits as alternatives to housekeeping chemicals, then geraniums should be in your garden. Planting them circularly around the protected area or plants offers the best insect...
One of the most popular occupations for goats these days is simply being companions. Just about any breed of goat can make a good pet, though the smaller breeds are more popular as backyard companion goats.
Letting weeds grow around seedling sunflowers could block the much needed sunlight from the sunflower seedlings.Your sunflower seeds will be ready to harvest when the head turns down towards the ground.
“Hey!” I yelled at the nasty rooster. I really grew to love his kind nature. Mr. Mabel was staring up at me from his prone position, while the other chickens froze in their position on the lawn, looking at me.
That means if the temp in the water barrel gets to 65 your barrel will release 15,000 btu's before it gets to freezing. I haven't found any more doors to enlarge my sunroom to use the whole porch.Geraniums still blooming in mid december.
There you are wandering the aisles of the big box store or huge nursery. The helpful sales person stumps you with his first question-"Are you looking for annuals or perennials?" Well, what are annuals anyway?
Use a 10-10-10 fertilizer early in the season and again in mid-June, surrounding the plant 6 inches out. Roses need full sun, well-drained soil and good air circulation. Remove all dead wood or any canes that are thin, not growing well or weak, and deadhead...