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Garden Crafts: How-to Instructions For A Macrame\' Hanging Planter
This time, instead of coming straight down from your square knot, join neighboring groups, so that the next square knots will fall halfway between the first group. Mark this point with a piece of tape or safety pin.
El Segundo
Bad luck with houseplants? Try lucky bamboo
Your odds may improve with Lucky Bamboo. Fertilizers labeled for hydroponic growing would be most suitable.The most common, of the few complaints about lucky bamboo, is that a single stem may suddenly turn yellow for no apparent reason.
El Segundo
A Grapevine Christmas Tree
The rain and cold of winter does little harm to the tough grapevine construction.Grape vines are easy to find because they grow wild throughout the countryside. What could I use to make a grapevine Christmas tree?
El Segundo
Warm and Cozy Buckwheat Seeds?
Buckwheat seeds are sterile, non-flammable (unlike buckwheat hulls) and never develop a burned odor no matter how often the cozies are heated.One cozy is fat and can be used to warm your feet or wherever you are cold.
El Segundo
My favorite, versatile, new gardening tool is my \
How could I refuse? My phone holds a lovely portrait of a sunkissed compost tea brewer in front of the local organic market. One day I came upon bare root roses at bare bones prices.
El Segundo
Hummers at your window - a great gift idea!
I don't want my friends to move on to 'sweeter pastures'. I'm an internet shopper, but you can very likely find one at a local retailer also. This one is also easy to clean and fill.
El Segundo
Garden Headaches: Stinkbugs and Weeds
As you can see by the picture, a week and a half later, it seems to be working. The skin and flesh of the fruits is completely corked from their feeding. I am surprised there are so many stink-bug nymphs caught in the trap because it's a pheremone based...
Party Favors From the Heart: African Violets and Handmade Containers
What could be better? Raku is an ancient art of heating glazed clay to about 1900 degrees, then removing it from the kiln mid-fire and placing it into a newspaper or hay bed. I needed something relatively cheap since I was going to have 150 guests and...
El Segundo
Gardening Gifts A to Z
If your giftee is already a subscriber,- Beginner and advanced gardeners alike enjoy the wealth of information and sometimes fresh perspectives they find in a new, encyclopedia style book.
El Segundo
Diana\'s Anise Biscotti
Our family's favorite recipe for Sicilian anise toast cookies, Biscotti all'Anice, uses fresh fennel or anise seeds from our garden, which add a special flavor to these low-fat cookies.
El Segundo
What the Gardener Gets for Christmas
Did it say, “Garden more, work less?” Or did it say, “Time Began in a Garden?” They don't say, “Bunny Crossing” or “Dad's Garden” because they're always for hanging on walls indoors.
El Segundo
Plant Profiles For New Gardeners: Sempervirens tectorum, Hens and Chicks
They make great plants for vacation homes and for gardeners with hectic work schedules. In realty, this was an excellent choice, because the fleshy leaves contain quite a bit of moisture which makes it hard for fire to catch and burn.This plant reproduces...
El Segundo
Gifts from and for Gardeners: How to Make a Discharge Printed Vest
I usually let mine soak in this mixture while I'm cleaning up my mess. The thought and care involved in choosing the gift is often more valuable than the actual item This is to eliminate any dark edges where bleach spray may not reach.
El Segundo
Handmade decorative paper with added flowers, seeds, leaves
The sheets I put on my windows dried in several hours although they tend to adhere to the glass if you let them get fully dry. When most of the water has been drained off, the sheet should easily come loose from the deckle if you turn it upside down on...
El Segundo
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Zinnias
Here in west KY, we plant zinnias again at the end of July for a great show that will take us through the rest of the summer and on into autumn. Without a little guidance from seasoned veterans, they often choose seeds and plants that are more challenging...
El Segundo
Clay Critters for Plant Pots: A great kid craft for inside days
Gently press your ladybug into position near one edge of the leaf.Find a pot like the one you want to decorate with your critter. You could also condition the clay by running it through a pasta machine (clean it carefully afterward, or use a garage sale...
El Segundo
What Are Hay Bales For?
Bales act as an easy-to-find food source for animals when there is not enough grazing material available.Hay bales are sometimes used merely for decoration. Hay is simply the cut down grass and other plants in fields that are gathered together in bundles,...
Santa Monica
Just add water, Paperwhites bring a hint of spring
Most growers discard their bloomed-out paperwhites, but if you have a warm garden you may plant them outside. But forcing paperwhite narcissus bulbs to bloom can be almost as easy as "just add water."
El Segundo
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Daylilies
Plant your seeds in a container that you can monitor for the best results. Originally, yellow, orange and red were the only colors available and the flowers all had a similar shape.
El Segundo
Are Egg Shells Good for Roses?
Most commercial fertilizers contain lime.Eggshells can be added to home compost piles to add calcium and lime to the mix. Roses grow best at a moderate pH level of about 6.5. Lime adds magnesium to the soil and helps increase aeration and drainage.
Santa Monica
What Plants Are Mistaken for Marijuana?
But this plant is poisonous and does not produce cannabis.Marijuana is illegal in the United States, except in some states for approved medical uses. (Neal Fowler) under the Creative Commons Attribution license.This unidentified nonmarijuana plant is...
Santa Monica
Are Geese Right For My Farm?
Feeding And Caring For Goslings Because goslings can imprint on you, it's always best to start with baby geese. Have you thought about adding a gaggle of geese to your farm? Geese prefer to mate in open water, so if you plan to breed your geese, having...
Are Poppy Seeds Bad for Birds?
The plantings serve a dual purpose of providing a visually pleasing view during blooming and wildlife habitat through the fall and winter.Poppy seed is included in domestic bird seed mixes meant for parrots, parakeets and cockatiels as an aid to digestion...
Santa Monica
Are Turkeys Right For My Farm?
It may just take a little more work to sell and store, but there is certainly a market for it. Out of season turkey may be just as profitable as in season if done smartly. You want your hatch rate to be at a high enough percentage that you're not having...
Are Pine Cones Good for Mulch?
Use whole or shredded pine cones around perennials. Due to their open cone architecture, whole pine cones encourage air circulation while protecting soil from wind erosion. As the cones slowly decay, the bottom scales in contact with wet soil decompose...
Santa Monica
Are You Ready for a Horse?
If this is your first horse-owning experience, check in with your veterinarian or your county extension agent to be sure your farm is ready to go before your horse arrives. Supplemental grain : The majority of a horse's nutritional needs should be provided...
Are Pigs Right For My Farm?
Shelter Needs Are Minimal If you plan to breed hogs, you'll need a small, enclosed structure that can be filled with hay for farrowing . It's not required to give pigs grass, nuts and legumes, but they'll be healthier and happier (and their meat will...