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Are Roses Perennials?
Roses need full sun, well-drained soil and good air circulation. Use clean, sharp pruners and cut at a 45-degree angle. When planting, enhance the area with organic material like compost or manure to increase the soil quality.
Santa Monica
Are Gardenias Toxic?
This also applies to small children.A common houseplant gardenia variety, gardenia radicans floraplena is non-toxic to any living creature, including cats, dogs or small children, according to the University of Nebraska.
Santa Monica
Are Petunias Perennials?
All petunias, but especially white and purple ones, produce a pleasant fragrance.Although petunias are annuals, providing the best possible growing conditions allows petunias to produce more flowers for a longer period of time.
Santa Monica
What Are Sheaves?
There are similar words from other European languages that have influenced the word we use today, for example "schoof" in Dutch meaning sheaf, "schaub" in German meaning wisp of straw and the Old Norse word "skauf" meaning tail of a fox.Synonyms -- words...
Santa Monica
Are Succulents Perennials?
Perennial species that flower in their first year can be planted in the spring and grown as an annual in USDA zones that are too cold for their natural survival. These are sometimes called "tender" perennials.The different shapes and colors of succulents...
Santa Monica
Are Daffodils Perennials?
Inside the bulb are layers of tissues, including cells that develop into flower buds and leaves. Bulbs rot in oxygen-depleted ground. Ideally, when daffodil bulbs are dormant in summer, warm and dry soil is better than cool, wet conditions.
Santa Monica
What Are Bantams?
In addition to sanctioned shows and the annual, the ABA has been offering seamless leg bands since the early 1970s. These are beautiful ornamental birds bred hundreds of years ago, many in Europe and the Far East.
Are Gazanias Perennials?
In its native climate, and the warmer areas of the United States, gazania grows as a perennial. In the spring, after the threat of frost has passed, plant the new cuttings in the yard.To help gazania survive outdoors, plant the flowers in a dry location...
Santa Monica
Are Tomatillos Acidic?
It is important to provide tomatillo plants at least eight hours of full, direct sunlight daily as well as well-draining soil. When using 1-pint jars, add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid.
Santa Monica
The Bees Are Here! The Bees Are Here!
And now he was back, wearing one of those big white bee hats with the veil, muscling a hive into place on top of a couple of pallets. This was a relief because I really like the hot tub and I'm fresh out of reeds.
Are There Any Barberry Plants That Are Shade Loving?
This drought-tolerant shrub produces clusters of ovoid red to yellow berries in fall and winter.The red barberry (B. Plant this 6-foot-tall and wide shrub in well-drained soils in zones 4 to 8.Some barberry foliage changes color in fall and winter.
Santa Monica
Are Hobby Farmers \
Ana Hotaling All Walks of Life Unite Nicky is an internet technician. We are motivated by factors we consider more important. My neighbor Pam doesn't require a lot of land for her pint-sized donkeys and goats.
The Chicks are Here!
Carol Ekarius' article “ Chickens on the Farm ” is very informative; Mom's “ Try Chickens ” is a good one, too. Our chicks arrived on Friday, and now there are 10 red-and-yellow peeps in the living room.
Are Jade Plants Poisonous?
It is a broadleaf evergreen with fleshy, water-storing leaves, and can grow to 6 feet tall with appropriate care, well-draining soil and a sunny location. Dogs and cats ingesting the jade plant also suffer from vomiting, as well as depression.
Santa Monica
Are Eucalyptus Leaves Toxic?
Handling the eucalyptus leaf can cause skin irritation, redness and burning.According to Vet, the eucalyptus leaf is one of the most poisonous plants for dogs. Cats and horses also develop symptoms of plant poisoning, if they eat eucalyptus leaves,...
Santa Monica
The Mushrooms Are Mushing!
They increase in size by cell enlargement, instead of cell division, like the rest of us. OK, that might not be the technical term, but the mushroom logs I inoculated are starting to fruit.
Are Japanese Anemones Poisonous?
Although it makes a charming addition to the partially shaded or woodland garden, Japanese anemone can be dangerous.Japanese anemone, like the entire anemone family, is poisonous. More likely, it will cause a severe reaction in the mouth and other mucus...
Santa Monica
How Are Grasses Pollinated?
Grasses also figure prominently in landscape design.Grasses, which include grains, have many small flowers near their tips.All grasses are wind pollinated, according to Ohio State University.
Santa Monica
Are Fig Trees Deciduous?
Prune fig trees each year for the first three years; after the third year, prune as needed.If the temperature where you live drops below 10 degrees F, wrap your mature fig tree in burlap to protect it from the cold after the fall harvest.
Santa Monica
Are Daylilies Deer Resistant?
Likewise, save the fur from your dog's or cat's brush. The Stella de Oro daylily (Hemerocallis Stella de Oro) has been bred to be deer-resistant. For example, bar soap and hair are both deer repellents.The scent of soap seems to keep deer away.
Santa Monica
Which Oranges Are Seedless?
Because we view seeds as a nuisance when eating fresh oranges, breeders in the 1800s developed trees producing seedless varieties. Avoid Valencia oranges from Chile if you don't like seeds.Sometimes called Shamouti, Jaffa oranges make up 75 percent of...
Santa Monica
Are Petunias Deer Resistant?
Deer are especially attracted to moist plants, such as petunias, in spring and summer.Petunias grow from 6 to 36 inches tall. Petunias are susceptible to gray mold, aphid infestation and slug damage.
Santa Monica
Beetles Are Pollinators Too
If I were a flowering plant hoping for a future partner in life, I'd start making myself really interesting to beetles, maybe try to tone down my floral perfume to something more skunky, just as a little insurance policy in the game of life.
Are Gerber Daisies Toxic?
Choking is one of the biggest hazards of plant ingestion and most commonly occurs in children.Gerber daisies ingested by animals such as cats, dogs and horses will not cause serious health effects.
Santa Monica
When Are Tangelos Ripe?
Rinds become orange when ripe, sometimes with a definite reddish hue to them. Firm or slightly soft fruit with smooth skin denotes a well-ripened tangelo. Minneolas are especially susceptible to feeling soft or bloated when mature.The time of the year...
Santa Monica
How Are Roses Pollinated?
When the rose is fully open, collect the anthers, or filaments, from the center of the rose with your fingers. Gently brush pollen onto the stigma of the flower with a pipe cleaner or artist's paintbrush.
Santa Monica
Lovely Things Are Blooming
My best guess says it will be the death of the dogwood tree we planted in the dead of winter, or maybe an explosion of chickweed from the not-quite-fully-cooked compost I spread last fall.