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5 Ways I Fight Powdery Mildew in My Garden
I divide my bee balm every four or five years to keep the plant from getting too dense. This allows the foliage to dry before nightfall. If I bother to do anything at all, I use a biofungicide based on the active ingredient Bacillus subtilis.
Impatiens Downy Mildew: Identifying & Managing the Disease
Another option, of course, is to skip the impatiens and plant a different shade-loving annual in their place. Are Some Impatiens Resistant to Downy Mildew? How Does Impatiens Downy Mildew Spread?
7 Diseases that Could Be Killing Your Beans
Pods show water-soaked circles that turn brown. These progress into streaks along leaf veins. Copper bactericides are an option for control. It's too-often a common scene: One minute, you have a strong stand of beans, and the next, it's covered with powdery...
Basil Downy Mildew Brings Big Trouble To Gardens
Varieties Resistant To Basil Downy Mildew The organism that causes basil downy mildew affects only basil plants, but some basil types are more resistant to the pathogen than others.
Code RRD: Protect Roses Against Rose Rosette Disease
While we only have four cultivated roses on our property, for the sake of the neighbor's roses, I plan to head out to the woods this winter and get rid of any multiflora roses I can find.
5 Problems Killing Your Broccoli
Pest Control: The best organic treatment for aphid infestations on your broccoli crop is spraying the plants with soapy water followed by clear water. This larvae matures into a medium-sized, gray-brown moth that lays eggs at night.
My Tomato\'s Leaves are Turning Yellow—Help!
Foliage that gets wet, especially late in the day, creates ideal conditions for fungal growth. Yellow leaves on tomato vines are likely signs of fungal disease, especially if they start at the bottom and slowly creep upward.
Control Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus By Controlling Thrips
The process begins when immature thrips are infected by feeding on wild or cultivated plants that harbor the virus. The key to this crop disease is keeping the thrip population under control around your garden.
What Are Root-Knot Nematodes?
“The saliva they inject through their stylets causes the cells around where they're feeding to enlarge and then engulf the female body, forming a ball-like bulge sized around 1 millimeter to 2½ centimeters [about 1 inch],” Celetti says.
10 Soil Diseases and How to Save Your Crops
If you see the infection, remove the plants from your garden. Get Rid Of It: Once you have damping-off, lighten up on watering, preferably using a mister. Get Rid Of It: There is no easy way to get rid of bacterial wilt.
4 Tips to Growing Disease-Free Grapes in Your Backyard
Because grapes fruit on new wood, the harder the pruning, the better. Remove all existing vines all the way back to the plant's main trunk. Growing great grapes requires some work, but the results well worth it.
Prevent Black Spot On Your Roses
If you grow roses , you're probably familiar with a pathogen called black spot ( Diplocarpon rosae ). Grow Resistant Rose Varieties Another option is to replace all of your black-spot-prone rose varieties with resistant choices.
The Ivy At Christmas Time
Using Ivy Elenarts/iStock/Thinkstock Today in America, English ivy isn't very popular. While the pagans venerated both together, Christianity wished to pull one out in favor. Once established on a wall or arbor, the ivy is difficult to remove.
Start Leeks in Winter for Spring Planting
Because leeks require a long growing season, they are one of my earliest seed-starting efforts each winter. Leeks are fully hardy, and if mulched properly, they will be one of the spring's first pickings.
Preserve the Tradition of Roasted Chestnuts
The work of preserving the chestnut is important and needs to be supported if our children are to continue to live in a world where chestnuts roasting on an open fire is still a reality.
6 Winter-Hardy Ornamental Berry Bushes
One of the best ways to add interest to the winter garden is to include berry-producing, ornamental shrubs in your landscape. It's native to eastern North America and prefers full sun to part shade.
Garden Planning: The Cure for Winter Doldrums
Dream big! The land is waiting to fulfill your garden plans. My husband has his M.A. in Landscape Architecture, and I've promised to get out of his way and let him have full control.
The Year of the Pulses
Next, raise it up over your head and vigorously whack it down on the ground as hard as you can, over and over. Repeat several times until almost no fragments cling to the seeds. While the visitors satisfy their own needs for food, they effectively distribute...
Return to Your Roots
It is definitely time to greet a real change of the seasons outside, while inside we must respond to the change of seasons in the kitchen. Thus, our kitchen fare must change in the winter because it is no longer time to eat cooling foods.
Crop Profile: Hops
The young shoots of hops are edible, but it's their cone-like flowers that are most desired by home brewers . She is co-host of KDKA radio's The Organic Gardeners in Pittsburgh and author of several gardening books, including Grow Organic (St. Lynn's...
Sorghum: More Than A Sweetener
Photo by Matt Fowler Sorghum cane is a large cane plant in the grass family. Identifying Sorghum Plants You squeeze juice out of sorghum's long canes, which eventually is then cooked down into syrup.
Henna: A Natural Hair Dye
When I moved away from the corporate world, I simplified a lot. There were occasional spa trips, manicures, pedicures and massages. Your fingernails tear with the effort of groping in the dirt for the roots of weeds.
Sorghum: For Much More Than Syrup
In general, the production of sorghum syrup is a community event because of the large, heavy, costly equipment needed to juice and boil large quantities of sorghum cane; however, many of us already own a small juicer.
The Protection Of Hazel
M a n u e l/Flickr So many of the princess-related fairy tales we know today have been sanitized quite a bit. Cinderella takes the cutting out and plants it on her mother's grave, where she has continued to visit and cry at least three times a day.
6 Ways To Use Farm-Grown Hemp
It's hard not to admire this tenacious, spindly plant that has roots that repair depleted soil, shoots that hold the potential for freedom from fossil fuels, flowers that yield strong medicine, and fruit that holds seeds with a powerhouse of balanced...
Grow Your Own Buckwheat
Buckwheat is widely known as one of your baking choices at the grocery store, but most gardeners don't recognize the opportunity they have to grow it in their garden. Much to everyone's joy, you should notice sprouts beginning to appear in just a few...
Growing Sesame In The Home Garden
I was surprised to see on the plan was a large area for the planting of sesame, a tropical plant. The American Sesame Growers Association explains that the improved version of sesame are non-dehiscent, meaning they open in such a way that the seeds aren't...