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Spring: Chickens Are Coming, Veggies Are Growing
I ordered the coop from Horizon Structures and my hubby is getting the fencing up within the next few days. I am so excited! The chickens are coming, the chickens are coming! I truly could not be more excited – go ahead and call me a geek if you want...
What are annuals?
Choose what looks good to you, again considering the sun/shade needs of the plants and the size of the plants as they grow. Make your choices based on flower appearance, of course, but also on how large or tall the plants grow and most importantly how...
El Segundo
Are Roses Perennials?
With more than 150 species, roses have been in existence for more than 35 million years. As winter approaches, mound roses with 12 inches of a soil/compost mix, pruning any tall plants to prevent stem damage.
Santa Monica
Are Gardenias Toxic?
This also applies to small children.A common houseplant gardenia variety, gardenia radicans floraplena is non-toxic to any living creature, including cats, dogs or small children, according to the University of Nebraska.
Santa Monica
Are Petunias Perennials?
Place petunias in full sun to avoid spindly plants with few flowers. Choose short and compact plants at the nursery, preferably ones without flowers, for best results when transplanting.
Santa Monica
What Are Sheaves?
There are similar words from other European languages that have influenced the word we use today, for example "schoof" in Dutch meaning sheaf, "schaub" in German meaning wisp of straw and the Old Norse word "skauf" meaning tail of a fox.Synonyms -- words...
Santa Monica
Are Succulents Perennials?
Perennial species that flower in their first year can be planted in the spring and grown as an annual in USDA zones that are too cold for their natural survival. They like gravelly or sandy soil.Succulents do not like standing water, and fast-draining...
Santa Monica
Are Daffodils Perennials?
Without sufficient light, the leaves cannot replenish the energy reserves of the bulbs. Inside the bulb are layers of tissues, including cells that develop into flower buds and leaves.
Santa Monica
What Are Bantams?
However, many bantams, often referred to as true bantams, have no large counterpart. Also, at the poultry shows, you will meet many ABA members, and “once an ABA member,” Unrath says, “you will likely stay as long as your bird interest remains.”...
Are Gazanias Perennials?
Plant them in pots indoors over the winter. In colder climates, it works best as an annual or perennial houseplant, according to Cornell University.For outdoor planting, the gazania thrives as a perennial with an extended growing season in extreme southern...
Santa Monica
Are Tomatillos Acidic?
Tomatillos are annual plants and simple to grow. About 2 pounds of tomatillos make 1 quart of fresh canned fruits. When growing tomatillo plants for their edible fruits, it is important to consider acidity because acidity determines the right soil for...
Santa Monica
The Bees Are Here! The Bees Are Here!
“Won't they, um … attack us, so close to the house?” I pictured myself hiding underwater in the hot tub, breathing through a reed or something while bees angrily swarmed overhead, trying to eat me.
What Climate Do Cocoa Beans Grow In?
Minimum temperatures above 65 degrees and an average temperature of around 80 degrees are recommended for optimal growth.Cacao trees do not tolerate drought well and require climates with high precipitation and humidity to thrive.
Santa Monica
Are There Any Barberry Plants That Are Shade Loving?
This deciduous to semi-evergreen shrub blooms with yellow spring flowers and sometimes produces red fruit. This drought-tolerant shrub produces clusters of ovoid red to yellow berries in fall and winter.The red barberry (B.
Santa Monica
Are Hobby Farmers \
However, the reality of farming has evolved beyond the kiddie picture book. If you think we have nothing in common, guess again: We are all poultry farmers. It's true that my location doesn't automatically make me a farmer, just as Crissy remarked in...
The Chicks are Here!
That's because chicks are really thirsty when they first arrive. Mom put down old, short-napped dish towels for bedding so the chicks' feet wouldn't slip; she'll replace the towels with dry wood shavings early this week.
Are Jade Plants Poisonous?
But jade plants (Crassula ovata or Crassula argentea) can be toxic. These garden gems are only mildly toxic to humans if eaten, according to experts at the University of California, causing minor health issues like diarrhea and vomiting.
Santa Monica
Are Eucalyptus Leaves Toxic?
Handling the eucalyptus leaf can cause skin irritation, redness and burning.According to Vet, the eucalyptus leaf is one of the most poisonous plants for dogs. Homeowners enjoy placing eucalyptus leaves around their homes for their aroma, or...
Santa Monica
The Mushrooms Are Mushing!
And by “glossed over,” I mean didn't do at all. These 'shrooms are delicious. Mycelium, for the lack of a better expression, is a total trip. There's some startling research (legit research, not just the hippie kind) by actual universities out there...
Are Japanese Anemones Poisonous?
In pets, ingestion of Japanese anemone can cause stomach upset or shock, convulsions and death.If you see a response in a child or adult that seems like it could be poisoning by ingestion, call Poison Control or your doctor for further instructions.
Santa Monica
How Are Grasses Pollinated?
Grasses also figure prominently in landscape design.Grasses, which include grains, have many small flowers near their tips.All grasses are wind pollinated, according to Ohio State University.
Santa Monica
Are Fig Trees Deciduous?
This keeps them better protected against a harsh winter.Young fig trees may only be able to withstand temperatures between 20 and 29 degrees F. Mature fig trees may be further protected by gradually reducing the amount of water they receive which forces...
Santa Monica
Are Daylilies Deer Resistant?
Luckily, established daylilies have extensive root systems that help them survive even the most severe damage from deer. The Stella de Oro daylily (Hemerocallis Stella de Oro) has been bred to be deer-resistant.
Santa Monica
Which Oranges Are Seedless?
The original mutation that produced this seedless variety came from Sicily in the 17th century. In the U.S., oranges are considered to be seedless if they have from zero to six seeds, according to Purdue University's Horticulture and Landscape Architecture...
Santa Monica
Are Petunias Deer Resistant?
Deer obtain protein, minerals, salt and one-third of their water intake from tender foliage and irrigated plants, according to the University of Georgia. Petunias produce flowers from May through October in a variety of colors, including pink, purple,...
Santa Monica
Beetles Are Pollinators Too
We often look at beetles as pests, but they do more than just compete for the fruits of our labors—they could be the best pollinators we have. Magnolias, for example, have what is considered a primitive flower, which developed before bees existed.
Are Gerber Daisies Toxic?
Choking is one of the biggest hazards of plant ingestion and most commonly occurs in children.Gerber daisies ingested by animals such as cats, dogs and horses will not cause serious health effects.
Santa Monica