Prices start at : 44.13 USD / bag
Preen Lawn Weed Control Plus Crabgrass Preventer provides up to 5-months of weed control. This product kills over 200 broadleaf weeds like dandelions, clover, ground ivy, thistle, and chickweed, and prevents crabgrass and other undesirable annual grassy...
- ✓ Controls broad leaf
- ✓ For use on established warm season grasses: bahai grass, Bermuda grass, buffalo grass, centipede grass, zoysia grass
- Weed Type: Annual Bluegrass,Annual Ryegrass,Bindweed,Bitter Cress,Bulbous Buttercup,Bur Clover,Burweed,Chicory,Cinquefoil,Cocklebur,Common Burdock,Common Chickweed,Dandelion,Dog Fennel,English Lawn Daisy,False Dandelion,Florida Betony,Florida Pusley,Hawkweed,Heal-All,Henbit,Kikuyu Grass,Lambsquarters,Lespedeza,Mallow,Matchweed,Mouse-Ear Chickweed,Mugwort,Mustard,Narrowleaf Plantain,Poison Ivy,Poison Oak,Pokeweed,Prostrate Spurge,Puncture Vine,Ragweed,Red Sorrel,Sow Thistle,Speedwell,Spurge,Spurweed,Virginia Buttonweed,Virginia Creeper,Wild Carrot,Wild Garlic,Wild Morning Glory,Wild Onion,Wood Sorrel
- Application Type: Granular
- Product Height (in.): 2 in
- Concentrated or Ready to Use: Ready to use