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Weed Fungus Control Garden Supplies For Sale In Canada

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Martins Eraser Foam Weed Killer
Prices start at : 19.34 USD / each

Kills weeds and Johnson grass down to the root. Waterproof in ten minutes after application. Martins Eraser Foam Weed Killer Martins Eraser Foam Weed Killer is an excellent product we know our customers will love.
BOND MFG Bloom Cushion Grip Weeder
Prices start at : 3.49 USD / each

BOND MFG Bloom Cushion Grip Weeder BOND MFG Bloom Cushion Grip Weeder, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help. Color: Assorted Size: 14.18 x 1.57 x .52'
Preen Lawn Crabgrass Control
Prices start at : 21.99 USD / each

Size: 5M/15 lbs. Covers 5,000 square feet. Can be applied up to 4 weeks later than other crabgrass products. Preen Lawn Crabgrass Control Prevents crabgrass and 40+ common lawn weeds including carpetweed, purslane, spurge, and more.
Crabgrass Preventer with Fertilizer
Prices start at : 53.99 USD / each

With prodiamine(barricade)weed preventer. For cool and warm season grasses. Stops crabgrass from germinating. Contains: Barricade Restricted Use in the following states/territories: AK, CA, DC, HI This product can not be shipped to the following US States:...
Bonide Burnout Weed And Grass Killer Ready To Use
Prices start at : 10.10 USD / each

For organic gardening. All products are backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. For non-selective control of herbacious broadleaf and grassy weeds. See results in less than an hour.
Monterey Bug Buster-O Concentrate
Prices start at : 37.20 USD / each

Can be used on day of harvest on vegetables, fruit trees and ornamentals. Kills more than 100 listed insects. Provides rapid knockdown and kill of listed plant pets. Omri listed for organic gardening.
Monterey Bug Buster Ii Concentrate - 16 Oz.
Prices start at : 21.99 USD / each

Also controls aphids, catepillars, leafhoppers and other insects on vegetables, ornamentals and fruit trees. Odorless and non-staining. Spiders, roaches, ants, crickets, and other insects outside the house are controlled.
Weed Barrier For Garden Use
Prices start at : 9.70 USD / each

Ideal for short-term weed control for annual plantings, this polypropylene product consists of three layers of laminated fabric for added strength and light blockage. 3Ft x 50Ft Size: 3X50 Ft
Spectracide Weed Stop Lawns Crabgrass Killer RTU
Prices start at : 14.30 USD / each

Spectracide Weed Stop Lawns Crabgrass Killer RTU Use the Spectracide Weed Stop for Lawns Plus Crabgrass Killer Concentrate Ready-to- Sprayto put an end to weeds in your lawn. This product can not be shipped to the following Countries: CA Size: 32 Oz
Brushtox Brush Killer Concentrate
Prices start at : 35.00 USD / each

This product can not be shipped to the following US States: AK,HI, & NY Size: 32 oz To control resprouting of freshly cut stumps. For control of woody plants and broadleaf weeds. Brushtox Brush Killer Concentrate The Brushtox Brush Killer Concentrate...
Spectracide Weed And Grass Killer RTU
Prices start at : 5.00 USD / each

Protect desirable plants and vegetation with a piece of plastic or cardboard. Area may be replanted in 7 days. Rainfast in 15 minutes. Effective, kills over 155 varieties of broadleaf and grassy weeds as listed.
WeatherBeeta Plus Crabgrass Rts
Prices start at : 16.30 USD / each

Kills over 200 lawn weeds. No mixing required. Treats up to 6600 square feet. Ready-to-spray formula, attach to garden hose and spray. Post-emergent control of broad-leafed weeds and crabgrass.
Garden Weed Preventer with Treflan 1.75%
Prices start at : 17.99 USD / each

Will not harm established plants. Recommended for use around ornamentals. Garden Weed Preventer with Treflan 1.75% Controls weeds before they germinate. Granular, easy to use formula.
Preen Garden Weed Preventer
Prices start at : 22.99 USD / each

Prevents new weeds from growing, it does not kill existing weeds. Size: 5.625 Pound Apply any time: spring, summer or fall. Will not harm most established plants granular, easy to use formula.
Weedbeatr Lawn Weed Killer Con
Prices start at : 34.30 USD / each

Controls a broad range of noxious weeds in lawns and ornamental turf. Kills over 200 broadleaf weeds. Ingredients: Trimec Turf Herbicide, A Combination Of Three Proven Weed Killers 2,4-D, Mecoprop And Dicamba.
Preen Lawn Weed Control Plus Crabgrass Preventer
Prices start at : 25.99 USD / each

Contains: Active Ingredients: Dimension And Trimec. Preen Lawn Weed Control Plus Crabgrass Preventer Kills 200+ weeds including chickweed, white clover, henbit, poa annua, foxtail, and more.
Weed Barrier
Prices start at : 31.00 USD / each

Secure Fabric with Dewitt Anchor Pins and Install Bark Mulch Or Stone For A Finished Look. Weed Barrier Weed Barrier. Unroll Fabric and Cut as Required Around Plantings. Product measures 3 Ft. by 100 Ft. Size: 20.5" x 13.5" x 37.5"
Weedbeater Ultra Concentrate
Prices start at : 20.99 USD / each

One pint treats up to 10,000 square feet. Performs in both warm and cool weather down to 45 degrees. Can re-seed treated areas within 2 weeks. It becomes rain fast once dry. It kills right to the roots with visible results in just 24 hours.
Cidekick-II weed killer
Prices start at : 25.99 USD / each

This product can not be shipped to the following US States: CT,DC,MA,ME,NJ,NY, & VT Size: Quart Use with weedtrine-d and shore-klear for control of duckweed, cattails, lilies, etc.
Citrus Nut Orchard Insect Spray
Prices start at : 20.99 USD / each

All natural ingredients. Use up to the day of harvest. Citrus Nut Orchard Insect Spray Citrus Nut Orchard Insect Spray comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Controls insects and diseases on citrus fruits and nuts plus vegetables, ornamentals, houseplants...
Citrus Nut Orchard Insect Spray Concentrate
Prices start at : 15.99 USD / each

Ingredients: Sulfur And Pyrethrin. Citrus Nut Orchard Insect Spray Concentrate Citrus Nut Orchard Insect Spray Concentrate. All natural ingredients. This product can not be shipped to the following US States: DC
Kleenup 41% Concentrate herbicide
Prices start at : 91.99 USD / each

Will not leach. Ingredients: 41% Glyphosate With A Surfactant. Systemic-action kills the entire plant, including the roots. One pint makes up to 10 gallons of finished spray material.
Eraser 41% herbicide Concentrate
Prices start at : 16.49 USD / each

Eraser 41% herbicide Concentrate A post emergent systemic herbicide with no residual soil activity. Ingredients: 41% Glyphosate Size: 1 Pint Non selective broad spectrum control of annual and pernnial weeds woody brush and trees.
Chickweed Clover Oxalis Killer - Concentrate
Prices start at : 9.29 USD / each

Add bonide s spreader-sticker to the spray mix to increase the weed killers performance. Best applied through a tank-type sprayer or hose-end sprayer. Apply to actively growing weeds when air temperatures are below 80 degrees.
Preen Garden Weed Preventer
Prices start at : 54.30 USD / each

Apply any time: spring, summer or fall. Recommended for use around ornamentals. Will not harm most established plants granular, easy to use formula. Prevents new weeds from growing, it does not kill existing weeds.
Spurge Power
Prices start at : 21.50 USD / each

Spurge Power Broadleaf herbicide for residential lawns. Controls dandelions chickweeds clover oxalis spurge wild violet and many other broadleaf weeds.
Submerged Weeds
Prices start at : 70.99 USD / each

1 quart mixed with 25 gallons of water plus 8 oounces of surfacant treats 10,000 square feet surface area. This product can not be shipped to the following US States: AR,CA,CT,ME,MI,NH,NJ,NY, & VT Size: Quart