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Water Pond Plants Garden Plants Flowers For Sale In Fargo

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4 in. Potted Bog/Marginal Pond Plant - Yellow Flag Iris
Prices start at : 8.96 USD / each

Fairly aggressive grower that may require transplanting, or repotting to maintain desired control. Yellow Flag Iris, or Iris pseudacorus, is a magnificent and striking addition to any pond.
  •  Wide green foliage has a distinctive ridge down the center, this foliage remains evergreen in southern climates and may need trimming back in the north
  •  Very hardy bog plant well into zone 4, used best as a backdrop or specimen plant due to its size of 3 ft. - 4 ft. height and relatively fast growth habits, as it matures to a good height, it can grow from a depth of up to 12 in. below the pond surface
  • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
  • Best Time to Plant: Spring to Fall
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Sun Tolerance: Full Sun
North Dakota
4 in. Green Taro Potted Bog/Marginal Pond Plant
Prices start at : 7.97 USD / each

Does have a creamy yellowish bloom in late summer. Green Taro gives a very tropical appearance with its dark green velvety arrowhead shaped leaves. Grown for its unique large foliage which stands out along your pond's edge.
  •  Advantages of buying a pond plant already potted in aquatic soil are a developed root structure and a seamless transition to your pond
  •  Has a creamy yellowish bloom at the base of the plant as the foliage provides the motivation for having this bog plant
  • Best Time to Plant: Spring to Summer
  • Fragrance: None
  • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
  • Blossom Color Family: Beige / Cream
North Dakota
4 in. Chameleon Plant Potted Bog/Marginal Pond Plant
Prices start at : 8.12 USD / each

As this plant matures it will develop small white flowers in the summer. The Chameleon Plant, Houttuynia variegata, is one of the most colorful pond plants with foliage colors of red, cream, yellow and pink.
  •  As it matures and has enough light, this plant will have small, white dogwood-like flowers
  •  Great contrast plant that adds tons of color to your pond's edges
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
  • Best Time to Plant: Spring to Fall
  • Sun Tolerance: Full Sun
North Dakota
Givhandys 4 in. Potted Summer Snow White Mallow Bog/Marginal Aquatic Pond Plant
Prices start at : 8.98 USD / each

Known as a " see-through " perennial, this palmate-leaved plant is a striking stand out in any pond, or landscape. This White Mallow, or Summer Snow Mallow is Hibiscus coccineus 'Alba'.
  • Sun Tolerance: Full Sun
  • Best Time to Plant: Spring to Fall
  • Wildlife Deterred: Deer
  • Wildlife Attracted: Bees,Butterflies,Hummingbirds
  • Fragrance: None
  • Doing well in full sun to part shade conditions, this plant can live in up to 12 in. of water depth as it matures: Yes
North Dakota
Givhandys 4 in. Potted Lemon Bacopa Bog/Marginal Aquatic Pond Plant
Prices start at : 9.96 USD / each

This dainty plant has 5 petaled blue flowers that bloom in the summer and a lemony scent of the crushed leaves. Very versatile pond plant that adapts to many conditions in your pond.
  •  Will thrive in full sun or part shade and is hardy in zones 8 - 12, in colder climates, you can winter it over by taking some cuttings before the first frost and keeping them in a container of water in a bright sunny window indoors
  •  Purchasing a bog plant already potted in aquatic soil with an established root system is a real advantage
  •  Many uses include being placed up to 24 in. deep acting as an oxygenating plant, adapting to moving water in the edges of stream beds and waterfalls and is often used as a colorful filtration plant at the top of biological filters
  • Wildlife Attracted: Butterflies
  • Common Name: Pond Plant
  • Sun Tolerance: Any Exposure
North Dakota
Givhandys 4 in. Potted Bog Lily Bog/Marginal Aquatic Pond Plant
Prices start at : 8.96 USD / each

There are 2 - 6 flowers at the tip of each flower stalk. This perennial herb with an onion-like bulb has pleasingly fragrant white flowers each with 6 delicate long petals and burgundy pistils and stamens.
  • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
  • Wildlife Attracted: No Wildlife Attracted
  • Depending on the time of the year and the size of the plant, it may be necessary to cut the plant back, this will not harm the plant as it will recover rapidly from being trimmed: Yes
  • Mature Width (in.): 12
  • Sun Tolerance: Any Exposure
  • Returnable: 90-Day
North Dakota
4 in. Blue Bell Aquatic Bog/Marginal Pond Plant
Prices start at : 8.43 USD / each

After the first flowering, stems can be cut about half way back for a new crop. Blue Bell, also known as Mexican Petunia, or Ruellia brittoniana is a native of Mexico. A fun pond plant with a vibrant violet-blue, trumpet shaped blossom.
  •  Mid-summer blooms are a favorite of butterflies, blue bell is seldom bothered by pests
  •  A big advantage to getting a bog plant already potted in aquatic soil is that there is little chance of failure due to an established root system, this also makes for an easy transition and instant impact to your pond
  • Common Name: Pond Plant
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Blossom Color Family: Blues
  • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
North Dakota
Premium Series - Water Lily Venusta - Kit
Prices start at : 15.49 USD / package

Leaves and flowers emerge and spread upon the surface adding color, beauty, shade and protection for your water garden inhabitants. They also provide oxygen. Are essential in creating a healthy ecosystem in your pond, as they provide filtration because...
  •  Fragrant, showy pink flowers
  •  Mix and match aquatic plants for a beautiful balanced look
  •  Includes a special aquatic fine mesh lattice basket, which allows water, air, nutrients and other gas movement
  • Blossom Color: Pink
  • Blossom Color Family: Reds / Pinks
  • Wildlife Attracted: Bluebirds,Cardinals,Robins,Sparrows
North Dakota
Premium Series Pond Marginal Iris Laevigata Snowdrift Kit
Prices start at : 14.73 USD / package

Pond plant marginal (sometimes called bog plants. Though the roots grow underwater, the majority of the plant grows and lives out and above the water. These colorful, exotic, lush plants.
  •  Includes a special aquatic fine mesh lattice basket, which allows water, air, nutrients and other gas movement
  •  Iris Snow drift attracts both butterflies and birds to the edge of the pond and are deer resistant
  • Wildlife Attracted: Bluebirds,Cardinals,Robins,Sparrows
  • Sun Tolerance: Part Sun
  • Mature Width (in.): 18
  • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
North Dakota
Premium Series Pond Marginal Anemopsis Californica Kit
Prices start at : 16.95 USD / package

We want you to be successful in growing your pond plants. These colorful, exotic, lush plants. Are essential in creating a healthy ecosystem in your pond. And marginal along the edge of the water garden, stream bed, or waterfall will give your pond a...
  •  Our water plant kits come with everything needed to grow your plant; basket, fabric basket liner, plant, medium, gravel and fertilizer
  •  Also known as lizard tail, which exude a unique fragrance on warm days
  • Sun Tolerance: Part Sun
  • Blossom Color Family: Whites
  • Best Time to Plant: Spring
  • Wildlife Attracted: Bluebirds,Cardinals,Robins,Sparrows
North Dakota
Givhandys 4 in. Potted Graceful Cattail Bog/Marginal Aquatic Pond Plant
Prices start at : 8.96 USD / each

Graceful Cattail, or typha laxmanni is a beautiful addition to any size pond. It is a much less aggressive grower and will maintain its look for years in your pond. This variety is smaller than the common roadside cattail, but gives the perfect cattail...
  •  Depending on the time of year and size of the plant, it may be necessary to cut back some of the leaves to reduce damage during shipping, this will not harm the plant as it will recover quickly
  •  Purchasing a bog plant already potted in aquatic soil with an established root system is a real advantage, it makes for a seamless transition into your pond with no shock to the plant which greatly reduces the chance for failure and encourages rapid growth
  •  Graceful cattail is hardy from zones 3 - 11 and will thrive in full to partial sun light conditions, as it reaches appropriate heights, it can be planted up to 6 in. deep in your pond
  •  Only reaching heights of 3 ft. to 4 ft., this cattail makes an elegant backdrop for your pond edges or at the base of a waterfall
  • Mature Width (in.): 6
  • Returnable: 90-Day
North Dakota
Premium Series Pond Marginal Iris Ensata Royal Banner Kit
Prices start at : 14.73 USD / package

And use top quality components to enhance the experience. Pond plant marginal (sometimes called bog plants. These colorful, exotic, lush plants. Though the roots grow underwater, the majority of the plant grows and lives out and above the water.
  •  Our water plant kits come with everything needed to grow your plant; basket, fabric basket liner, plant, medium, gravel and fertilizer
  •  Mix and match aquatic plants for a beautiful balanced look
  • Sun Tolerance: Part Sun
  • Blossom Color Family: Purples / Lavenders
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Common Name: Pond Plant
North Dakota
Premium Series - Water Lily Nero - Kit
Prices start at : 17.69 USD / package

Keeping the water clear. They also provide oxygen. Very popular choice for its enticing looks. Our water plant kits come with everything needed to grow your plant; basket, fabric basket liner, plant, medium, gravel and fertilizer.
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Mature Width (in.): 3
  • Common Name: Water Lily
  • Blossom Color: Black
  • Blossom Color Family: Blacks
  • Best Time to Plant: Spring
North Dakota
4 in. Potted Red Louisiana Iris-James Dickenson Aquatic Bog/Marginal Pond Plant
Prices start at : 8.43 USD / each

Reliable bloomer in late spring/early summer. This spectacular Louisiana Iris James Dickenson is the most true "red" of all the LA Iris'. Its stunning flowers with red outer petals and yellow inner petals makes a real statement in a pond.
  • Blossom Color: Red
  • Wildlife Attracted: Bees,Butterflies
  • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Sun Tolerance: Full Sun
  • Best Time to Plant: Spring to Fall
North Dakota
4 in. Potted Bog/Marginal Dwarf Horsetail Reed Pond Plant
Prices start at : 8.96 USD / each

This plant makes for a very interesting scene along the edges of any pond. Dwarf Horsetail Reed, or Equisetum scirpoides, is a true miniature descendant of the standard horsetail reed which dates back millions of years.
  •  Growing very much like bamboo except spreading much slower, it can be used in or outside of your pond to provide a unique look, can also be used as a ground cover
  •  Hardy perennial into zone 4 that can take full sun to part shade, prefers some shade as tips may "burn" slightly browning if put in direct sun, also called "dwarf scouring rush" due to its high silica content lending to use in polishing and scouring
  •  Reaches a height of only 6 in. - 8 in. likes to be in very shallow water near the pond surface, makes a great low growing companion plant in container gardens
  • Mature Width (in.): 4
  • Fragrance: None
  • Blossom Color Family: No Blossoms
North Dakota
4 in. Thalia Potted Bog/Marginal Pond Plant
Prices start at : 7.97 USD / each

Makes a truly tropical appearance. Thalia, Thalia dealbata, has very distinctive dark green broad leaves held on individual stems. Spray of individual purple flowers extend far beyond the foliage.
  •  Grows well in full sun or some shade, thrives in sunlight
  •  Having Thalia already planted in aquatic soil gives it a great head start in your pond, the established root system makes for an easy transition to your pond
  • Common Name: Pond Plant
  • Best Time to Plant: Spring to Summer
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Mature Width (in.): 24
North Dakota
4 in. King Humbert Canna Potted Bog/Marginal Pond Plant
Prices start at : 8.96 USD / each

Reliable bloomer. King Humbert Canna, Canna flaccida, is a very colorful variety of aquatic canna. This flashy bog plant makes a real statement with its dark green foliage and bold yellow and orange flowers.
  •  A big advantage to getting a bog plant already potted in aquatic soil is that there is little chance of failure due to an established root system, this also makes an easy transition and instant impact to your pond
  •  Given the right conditions, can reach heights of 4 ft. - 5 ft.
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Wildlife Attracted: Butterflies
  • Blossom Color Family: Yellows / Golds
  • Common Name: Pond Plant
North Dakota
4 in. Horsetail Reed Potted Bog/Marginal Pond Plant
Prices start at : 8.12 USD / each

Horsetail Reed, Equisetum hyemale, is a very desirable and versatile plant. One of the oldest plants on earth. A true vertical evergreen. It has unique tubular jointed stems. Makes a great background plant for your pond's edge.
  •  Horsetail Reed has been found in fossils millions of years old
  •  Having a bog plant already potted in aquatic soil provides a big advantage in terms of an established root system, this makes the transition into the pond very easy and reduces the risk of failure
  • Blossom Color Family: No Blossoms
  • Best Time to Plant: Spring to Winter
  • Mature Width (in.): 8
  • Returnable: 90-Day
North Dakota
4 in. Black Gamecock Iris Potted Bog/Marginal Pond Plant
Prices start at : 7.97 USD / each

A must have for any pond. The Black Gamecock Iris has the most distinct and vivid color flower of all aquatic iris. Its striking midnight purple flower is something to behold.
  •  Hardy in zones 4 - 10 makes this Iris an easy to grow, long term companion for your pond
  •  Iris' graceful foliage makes for a nice vertical contrast to the upright blooms, very reliable early summer bloomer
  •  Would really like a full sun condition for maximum flowering, but can take some shade
  • Mature Width (in.): 12
  • Blossom Color Family: Purples / Lavenders
  • Fragrance: None
North Dakota
Givhandys 4 in. Potted Variegated Four Leaf Clover Bog/Marginal Aquatic Pond Plant
Prices start at : 9.96 USD / each

A fast growing plant that helps provide shade/surface coverage for your pond. Varigated Four Leaf Clover, Marsilea mutica, is an attractive and versatile addition to your pond. Can also be submerged up to 18 in.
  •  Aquatic clover has 2 in. to 3 in. wide leaves with a pattern of green, yellow and red, the more sunlight you give it, the more vivid the colors, it can take full sun to shade light conditions
  •  Purchasing a bog plant already potted in aquatic soil with an established root system is a real advantage
  •  Hardy in zones 5 - 11, this is a happy plant that is a perennial in most pond environments
  • Fragrance: None
  • Best Time to Plant: Summer to Fall
  • Sun Tolerance: Any Exposure
North Dakota
4 in. Pink Rain Lily Potted Bog/Marginal Pond Plant
Prices start at : 8.96 USD / each

Pink Rain Lily, Zephyranthes grandiflora, is a nice, clumpy perennial with long glossy green leaves. High often after a summer rain. Flowers appear singly rising 10 in. Large, showy Rose-pink flowers with yellow stamens and white throats.
  •  Plant will like to be close to the surface of your pond or can even be planted outside your pond
  •  Getting a plant potted in aquatic soil is a big advantage when placing in your pond due to the established root system
  • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Mature Width (in.): 6
  • Sun Tolerance: Full Sun
North Dakota
4 in. Potted Cardinal Flower Bog/Marginal Aquatic Pond Plant
Prices start at : 8.96 USD / each

Each flower has 5 petals. Erect stems of dark green leaves often have many clusters of flowers resembling flaming red spires. Born and raised in the USA, Cardinal Flower or Lobelia cardinalis, is a very showy native perennial with red trumpet-shaped flowers.
  •  Reliable bloomer attracts hummingbirds and relies on them for pollination, their unique long tubular flower makes it difficult for most insects to reach into
  •  Hardy in Zones 4 - 10, this hardy native will often spread seeds and pop up in new places the next year
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Mature Width (in.): 8
  • Sun Tolerance: Any Exposure
  • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
North Dakota
Premium Series Pond Marginal Iris Laevigata Mottled Beauty Kit
Prices start at : 17.28 USD / package

Pond plant marginal (sometimes called bog plants. Though the roots grow underwater, the majority of the plant grows and lives out and above the water. These colorful, exotic, lush plants.
  •  Aquatic plants enliven a pond and help create a wildlife habitat
  •  Our water plant kits come with everything needed to grow your plant; basket, fabric basket liner, plant, medium, gravel and fertilizer
  • Sun Tolerance: Part Sun
  • Wildlife Attracted: Bluebirds,Cardinals,Robins,Sparrows
  • Fragrance: Slight
  • Best Time to Plant: Spring
North Dakota
1600-GPH Pond Pump
Prices start at : 103.88 USD / each

It is designed for Pond, Water Gardens, Fountains, Waterfalls, Hydroponic Systems, irrigation Systems and Water Features. Pre-filter screen handles large particles for less maintenance.
  •  Oil-free design
  •  Wet or dry installation
  •  Extremely low energy consumption
  • Maximum Flow (gallons per hour): 1585
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Required Tubing Diameter (in.): 1
North Dakota
Givhandys 4 in. Potted Star Sedge Bog/Marginal Aquatic Pond Plant
Prices start at : 8.43 USD / each

This pretty little plant is a short, upright sedge with interesting foliage of thin, drooping leaves. Star Sedge, Dichromena colorata, is a unique, showy addition to any pond. A wetland native to wet habitats from Virginia south through Florida, Star...
  •  Star sedge will attract bees and butterflies while deer do not seem to have much taste for it
  •  An herbaceous aquatic perennial in zones 6 - 11 has a fine and delicate texture, the bold white flowers bloom in the summer, this plant can take full sun to part shade light conditions
  •  Reaching heights of 1 ft. to 2 ft., this plant likes shallow areas not more than 6 in. deep in your pond
  •  Purchasing a bog plant already potted in aquatic soil with an established root system is a real advantage
  • Common Name: Pond Plant
  • Wildlife Attracted: Butterflies
North Dakota
Eco-Sphere Pump 4100GPH / 33 ft. Cord 0.55 HP
Prices start at : 185.04 USD / each

For select models, an inline controller enables pumps to customize and adjust water flow for any application. Alpine's Eco-Sphere high performance pumps are ideal for filtration systems, waterfalls, and ponds.
  •  GPH: 3963
  •  Made of plastic
  • Product Weight (lb.): 10.83lb
  • Voltage (volts): 220
  • Product Width (in.): 12
  • Product Depth (in.): 13
North Dakota
Premium Series Pond Marginal Louisiana Iris Black Gamecock Kit
Prices start at : 15.39 USD / package

We want you to be successful in growing your pond plants. These colorful, exotic, lush plants. Are essential in creating a healthy ecosystem in your pond. And marginal along the edge of the water garden, stream bed, or waterfall will give your pond a...
  •  Our water plant kits come with everything needed to grow your plant; basket, fabric basket liner, plant, medium, gravel and fertilizer
  •  Louisiana iris black gamecock is the most famous of all Louisiana iris's
  • Mature Width (in.): 18
  • Wildlife Attracted: Bluebirds,Cardinals,Robins,Sparrows
  • Fragrance: Slight
  • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
North Dakota