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Water Pond Plants Garden Plants Flowers For Sale In Chicoutimi Jonquiere

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Givhandys 4 in. Potted Summer Snow White Mallow Bog/Marginal Aquatic Pond Plant
Prices start at : 8.98 USD / each

This White Mallow, or Summer Snow Mallow is Hibiscus coccineus 'Alba'. It is a reliable bloomer from June through September. A spectacular version of the Scarlet Mallow, this beauty has pure white blooms that resemble pin-wheels and are 6 in.
  • Fragrance: None
  • Wildlife Deterred: Deer
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Sun Tolerance: Full Sun
  • Wildlife Attracted: Bees,Butterflies,Hummingbirds
  • Stalks reaching up to 8 ft. tall can be left during the winter holding the ornamental seed pods or can be cut back to return in the spring: Yes
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
4 in. Blue Eyed Grass Potted Bog/Marginal Pond Plant
Prices start at : 8.96 USD / each

A very reliable early spring bloomer. Stays in a manageable clump with minimal maintenance. Blue Eyed Grass, Sisyrinchium atlanticum, is a native plant that has pale green narrow leaf foliage with delicate blue flowers.
  •  Having this plant already potted in aquatic soil makes it an easy addition to your pond based on the established root system
  •  Versatile light conditions make this plant easy to grow successfully, can take full sun or shade, with shade making the flowers a darker blue
  •  Hardy in zones 7 - 10 and versatile enough to grow in your pond's edges of even in the landscaping just outside of your pond
  •  Very well behaved pond plant that is a reliable bloomer and gives early color to your pond
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Sun Tolerance: Full Sun
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
Premium Series Pond Marginal Iris Louisiana Kimboshi Kit
Prices start at : 15.25 USD / package

Our water plant kits come with everything needed to grow your plant: basket, fabric basket liner, plant, medium, gravel and fertilizer. We want you to be successful in growing your pond plants.
  •  Includes a special aquatic fine mesh lattice basket, which allows water, air, nutrients and other gas movement
  •  Pond plants are essential in creating a healthy ecosystem in your pond
  • Fragrance: Slight
  • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
  • Common Name: Pond Plant
  • Mature Width (in.): 12
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
4 in. Pink Rain Lily Potted Bog/Marginal Pond Plant
Prices start at : 8.96 USD / each

High often after a summer rain. Flowers appear singly rising 10 in. Large, showy Rose-pink flowers with yellow stamens and white throats. Pink Rain Lily, Zephyranthes grandiflora, is a nice, clumpy perennial with long glossy green leaves.
  •  Perennial in zones 7 - 10, this plant can take full sun to part shade conditions
  •  Getting a plant potted in aquatic soil is a big advantage when placing in your pond due to the established root system
  • Best Time to Plant: Spring to Fall
  • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
  • Mature Width (in.): 6
  • Returnable: 90-Day
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
4 in. Potted Bog/Marginal Corkscrew Rush Pond Plant
Prices start at : 8.96 USD / each

Corkscrew Rush, or Juncus effusus spiralis, is a most intriguing and unusual bog plant. It has a very distinct appearance that is sure to prompt attention around the edges of your pond.
  •  Very hardy, to zone 4, this perennial rush is versatile enough to take full sun to part shade light conditions and requires very little care, should be kept very near the surface of your pond as it does not prefer much depth
  •  May grow to heights of 10 in. - 12 in. in ideal conditions and stays easy to manage in the pond, another option for this plant is to be planted outside the pond along the edges
  •  Having a bog plant already growing in aquatic soil is a huge advantage for developed root growth making the transition into the pond less stressful and reduces the risk of failure
  • Fragrance: None
  • Common Name: Pond Plant
  • Mature Width (in.): 12
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
4 in. Blue Flag Iris Potted Bog/Marginal Plant
Prices start at : 9.98 USD / each

The Blue Flag Iris, Iris versicolor, has one of the most brilliant medium blue flowers of all the iris family. Reliable bloomer. Blue flowers held just above fan-shaped foliage.
  • Wildlife Attracted: Butterflies
  • Blossom Color: Blue
  • Given full sun conditions, this iris is a very reliable bloomer: Yes
  • Best Time to Plant: Spring to Fall
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Sun Tolerance: Full Sun
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
4 in. Dwarf Giant Papyrus Tut Potted Bog/Marginal Pond Plant
Prices start at : 7.97 USD / each

Delightful dwarf version of the giant papyrus plant. Fancy tropical globe-shaped blooms adds instant interest anywhere in your pond. This species of Cyprus papyrus is a unique accent plant for any pond.
  • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
  • Mature Width (in.): 10
  • Common Name: Pond Plant
  • Advantage of getting a pond plant already potted in aquatic soil is a seamless transition into your pond based on an established root system: Yes
  • Blossom Color: No Blossoms
  • Best Time to Plant: Spring to Summer
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
4 in. King Humbert Canna Potted Bog/Marginal Pond Plant
Prices start at : 8.96 USD / each

King Humbert Canna, Canna flaccida, is a very colorful variety of aquatic canna. Reliable bloomer. This flashy bog plant makes a real statement with its dark green foliage and bold yellow and orange flowers.
  •  A big advantage to getting a bog plant already potted in aquatic soil is that there is little chance of failure due to an established root system, this also makes an easy transition and instant impact to your pond
  •  Given the right conditions, can reach heights of 4 ft. - 5 ft.
  • Blossom Color: Yellow
  • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
  • Blossom Color Family: Yellows / Golds
  • Best Time to Plant: Spring to Fall
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
4 in. Potted Cardinal Flower Bog/Marginal Aquatic Pond Plant
Prices start at : 8.96 USD / each

Each flower has 5 petals. This plant usually blooms in mid to late summer and will sometimes bloom into the fall. Born and raised in the USA, Cardinal Flower or Lobelia cardinalis, is a very showy native perennial with red trumpet-shaped flowers.
  •  Reliable bloomer attracts hummingbirds and relies on them for pollination, their unique long tubular flower makes it difficult for most insects to reach into
  •  A major advantage of buying this plant already potted in aquatic soil is that it already has developed roots that make the transition to your pond very easy
  • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
  • Fragrance: None
  • Blossom Color Family: Reds / Pinks
  • Sun Tolerance: Any Exposure
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
Premium Series Water Lily Mayla Kit
Prices start at : 22.55 USD / package

Keeping the water clear. Nymphaea Mayla hardy waterlily displays a 6-9 in. Only slightly shade tolerant. What is a pond without pond plants. These deep water emergent plant roots grow deep underwater in planters on the pond bottom.
  •  Includes a special aquatic fine mesh lattice basket, which allows water, air, nutrients and other gas movement
  •  Our water plant kits come with everything needed to grow your plant; basket, fabric basket liner, plant, medium, gravel and fertilizer
  •  6 in. - 9 in. star shaped hot fuchsia pink flowers, fast grower
  •  Pond plants are essential in creating a healthy ecosystem in your pond
  • Best Time to Plant: Spring
  • Mature Width (in.): 3
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
Givhandys 4 in. Potted Bog Lily Bog/Marginal Aquatic Pond Plant
Prices start at : 8.96 USD / each

An attractive Native aquatic bog plant that will please every pond keeper. Reliable blooms from June into October. Wide dark green leaves are erect to spreading and strap-like in appearance.
  •  Depending on the time of the year and the size of the plant, it may be necessary to cut the plant back, this will not harm the plant as it will recover rapidly from being trimmed
  •  Bog lilies will be fine in full sun to part shade
  •  Hardy in zones 7 - 11, this plant gets about 2 ft. tall and grows in small clumps
  • Blossom Color Family: Whites
  • Wildlife Attracted: No Wildlife Attracted
  • Best Time to Plant: Spring to Fall
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
4 in. Potted Pink Longwood Canna Aquatic Bog/Marginal Pond Plant
Prices start at : 8.43 USD / each

The Pink Longwood Canna is a true aquatic canna hybridized at Longwood Gardens. These flowers extend above blue-green lance-shaped leaves. A very desirable, showy canna with spikes of vivid salmon to peachy-pink colored flowers.
  • A huge advantage to getting the 4 in. potted bog plant is that it is already planted in aquatic soil and has an established root system, this makes the transition to your pond very easy and reduces the chance of failure: Yes
  • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
  • Wildlife Attracted: Bees,Butterflies
  • Best Time to Plant: Spring to Fall
  • Common Name: Pond Plant
  • Returnable: 90-Day
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
Premium Series - Water Lily Colorado - Kit
Prices start at : 23.44 USD / package

We want you to be successful in growing your pond plants and are using top quality components to enhance the experience. Pond plants are essential in creating a healthy ecosystem in your pond, as they provide filtration because their roots absorb nutrients...
  •  Pond plants are essential in creating a healthy ecosystem in your pond
  •  Includes a special aquatic fine mesh lattice basket, which allows water, air, nutrients and other gas movement
  • Wildlife Attracted: Bluebirds,Cardinals,Robins,Sparrows
  • Fragrance: Slight
  • Best Time to Plant: Spring
  • Blossom Color: Pink
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
Givhandys 4 in. Potted Pink Mallow Bog/Marginal Aquatic Pond Plant
Prices start at : 9.22 USD / each

This plant, like many of the Mallows, is versatile enough to be planted in your pond or into the surrounding landscape. This sturdy perennial has beautiful, 6 in. This pink variety is also a native, but is more rarely found in the wild vs the white.
  •  Hardy native perennial is one of the last to emerge in the spring, staying in a clump, this mallow continues to develop a larger root mass which yields more flower stems each year
  •  Pink mallow is sought after by bees and other pollinators as well as hosting many caterpillars, makes a great addition to any pond and/or perennial garden
  •  Purchasing a bog plant already potted in aquatic soil with an established root system is a real advantage, it makes for a seamless transition into your pond with no shock to the plant which greatly reduces the chance for failure and encourages rapid growth
  • Best Time to Plant: Spring to Fall
  • Mature Width (in.): 36 in
  • Blossom Color Family: Reds / Pinks
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
Premium Series Water Lily Hermine Kit
Prices start at : 19.75 USD / package

Their pads are dark green and about 3.5 in. What is a pond without pond plants, Nymphaea Hermine is a white hardy water lily. Good choice for any size pond. And are using top quality components to enhance the experience.
  •  Our water plant kits come with everything needed to grow your plant; basket, fabric basket liner, plant, medium, gravel and fertilizer
  •  Pond plants are essential in creating a healthy ecosystem in your pond
  • Blossom Color: White
  • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
  • Blossom Color Family: Whites
  • Fragrance: Slight
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
Premium Series Pond Marginal Iris Ensata Eden\'s Paintbrush Kit
Prices start at : 15.25 USD / package

Are essential in creating a healthy ecosystem in your pond. We want you to be successful in growing your pond plants. Our water plant kits come with everything needed to grow your plant: basket, fabric basket liner, plant, medium, gravel and fertilizer.
  • Blossom Color Family: Reds / Pinks
  • Aquatic plants enliven a pond and help create a wildlife habitat: Yes
  • Sun Tolerance: Part Sun
  • Common Name: Pond Plant
  • Fragrance: Slight
  • Best Time to Plant: Spring
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
Premium Series Pond Marginal Iris Ensata Royal Banner Kit
Prices start at : 14.73 USD / package

Our water plant kits come with everything needed to grow your plant: basket, fabric basket liner, plant, medium, gravel and fertilizer. We want you to be successful in growing your pond plants.
  • Mature Width (in.): 18
  • Best Time to Plant: Spring
  • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
  • Fragrance: Slight
  • Pond plants are essential in creating a healthy ecosystem in your pond: Yes
  • Blossom Color Family: Purples / Lavenders
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
4 in. Potted Bog/Marginal Dwarf Horsetail Reed Pond Plant
Prices start at : 8.96 USD / each

Dwarf Horsetail Reed, or Equisetum scirpoides, is a true miniature descendant of the standard horsetail reed which dates back millions of years. This plant makes for a very interesting scene along the edges of any pond.
  •  Reaches a height of only 6 in. - 8 in. likes to be in very shallow water near the pond surface, makes a great low growing companion plant in container gardens
  •  Buying a bog plant like this already potted in aquatic soil is a big advantage in terms of established root growth making for an easy transition into your pond reducing the risk of failure
  • Mature Width (in.): 4
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Blossom Color Family: No Blossoms
  • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
Pro Series Quiet One 1400-GPH Pond Pump
Prices start at : 122.24 USD / each

Quiet 1 Pond and Water Garden Pumps Pro Series. For submersible or dry applications. Even better and quieter than before as much as 50% less.
  • Certifications and Listings: 1-UL Listed,CSA Listed,NSF Listed
  • Required Tubing Diameter (in.): 1
  • Voltage (volts): 115
  • Product Weight (lb.): 54lb
  • Horsepower (hp): .154 hp
  • ECO-SAV generates more power with less energy consumption: Yes
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
Purple 3 in. Rustic Orchid Plant in Terra Cotta Pot
Prices start at : 39.99 USD / box

Orchid stands 15 in. Planted in a decorative pot, this mini Phalaenopsis orchid is perfect for any a gift or home decor inspiration. Long-lasting and easily maintained, Just Add Ice Orchids make the ideal gift for any occasion.
  •  Blooms can last up to 2-month
  •  Known for their compact stature and long-lasting bloom length
  • Common Name: Orchid
  • Blossom Color: Assorted Colors
  • Water Requirements: Low
  • Fragrance: None
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
14 in. Herb Mix Grilling Herb Box
Prices start at : 40.49 USD / each

The plant will flush again within a few days to provide more fresh basil. This is a great mint for cocktails or tea. This savory time is perfect for grilling chicken, seafood vegetables and more.
  •  Everything you need to grow fresh herbs
  •  From cutting to grill just feet away
  • Mature Width (in.): 13.5
  • Water Requirements: Medium
  • Blossom Color: No Blossoms
  • Mature Height (in.): 15
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
4 in. Spider Lily Potted Bog/Marginal Pond Plant
Prices start at : 7.97 USD / each

The delicate white narrowly petaled with a web-like center carries a noticeable fragrance during the summer blooms. Its blade-like dark green leaves provide an interesting back drop for this desirable specimen.
  •  A perennial in zones 7 - 10 that is a reliable summer bloomer with plenty of character
  •  Thrives in both full sun and shade conditions
  •  A big advantage of getting a plant already potted in aquatic soil is it has an established root system that makes the transition into your pond seamless
  • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
  • Blossom Color Family: Whites
  • Common Name: Pond Plant
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
Premium Series Pond Marginal Louisiana Iris Black Gamecock Kit
Prices start at : 15.39 USD / package

And marginal along the edge of the water garden, stream bed, or waterfall will give your pond a more natural look. And use top quality components to enhance the experience. These colorful, exotic, lush plants.
  •  Louisiana iris black gamecock is the most famous of all Louisiana iris's
  •  Includes a special aquatic fine mesh lattice basket, which allows water, air, nutrients and other gas movement
  • Blossom Color Family: Blacks
  • Common Name: Pond Plant
  • Wildlife Deterred: No Wildlife Deterred
  • Best Time to Plant: Spring
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
Marginata Bush in 8.75 in. Grower Pot
Prices start at : 25.13 USD / each

The Delray Plants Marginata is a great houseplant known for its red to purple stripe along the margin of the leaves. It is widely used in homes, offices, and commercial decor. It is a carefree houseplant with a robust and tropical appearance.
  •  Shipping height between 28 in. to 36 in. sleeved from the bottom of the pot
  •  Durable and Stylish
  •  Do not recommend shipping to states currently experiencing extreme cold weather/temperatures
  •  Long, slender foliage removes toxins in the air.
  • Water Requirements: Medium
  • Blossom Color Family: No Blossoms
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
White Holiday Mini Orchid Plant in Glass Pot
Prices start at : 29.99 USD / box

These beautiful blossoms provide long-lasting color and are easily maintained. With just 1 ice cube once a week this Orchid can bloom for 2-months. Bring a prismatic range of color into your home with our classic Orchid.
  •  Water each mini orchid with 1 ice cube, once a week
  •  Grown in state of the art, sustainable greenhouses to produce highest quality plant
  •  Grown by just add ice the premier brand of indoor plants
  • Mature Width (in.): 2.5 in
  • Botanical Name: Phalaenopsis Orchid
  • Fragrance: None
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
Allium Mount Everest Flower Bulb (2-Pack)
Prices start at : 8.38 USD / each

Allium Mount Everest is everything one would expect of an Allium with this name. With blooms lasting 3 to 4 weeks, they're versatile and hardy, attracting butterflies and bees no matter where they're grown.
  •  Amazingly easy to grow, enjoy enormous blooms year after year, bloom late spring to early summer
  •  Hardy in zones 4-10
  • Blossom Color: White
  • Hardiness Zone: 10 (30 to 40 F),4 (-30 to -20 F),5 (-20 to -10 F),6 (-10 to 0 F),7 (0 to 10 F),8 (10 to 20 F),9 (20 to 30 F)
  • Botanical Name: Allium
  • Best Time to Plant: Fall
Chicoutimi Jonquiere
Lilies Perfect Pairing Summer Blend Bulbs (Set of 12)
Prices start at : 15.51 USD / package

Lilies are deer and critter resistant. Purchase several packs to plant in mass sweeps and collect as many varieties as possible. Their beauty, diversity, extended season of bloom, graceful stature and overall reliable disposition reflect the fruits of...
  •  Larger bulbs produce stronger plants with more flowers
  •  This is a true lily mixture, no two packs are exactly the same
  • Growth Habit: Upright
  • Blossom Color: Assorted Colors
  • Returnable: 90-Day
  • Best Time to Plant: Spring to Summer
Chicoutimi Jonquiere