I have 2 brown female Chesapeake Bay Retrievers. Will be looking for there forever homes first week of December. Parents hunt very well and make great companions.
She is a little on the shy side but very smart and learns quickly. We have the genetic testing papers as as both parents pedigrees. The breeder I got her from had her parents genetically tested and they are clear.
He is a silver brindle pug born 10/1. Deposit is 200.00 and is non refundable and non transferable. Hello everyone, meet Bam-Bam. If you would like to give bam bam a loving home please feel free to text or call me to place your deposit.
The sire is Manay and the dam is Stella. You can see them at whiskeycreekboxers.com. He is 100% Euro. Brutus is an AKC black mask brindle wit a white blaze. Pricing is for limited registration pet homes.
You can see them at whiskeycreekboxers.com. Pricing is for limited registration pet homes The sire is Anton and the dam is Lola. Blue is an AKC white boxer with a dark blue right eye and a light blue left eye.
Handsome flashy male. Mother is 100% American. He would make a great show prospect or one amazing pet. Price is $950.00 for pet or $1300.00 for show. This little boy is an eye catcher.
Current pictures are posted. If interested in this little boy, contact me today! Up to date on shots and wormings and was vet checked and given the green light to go to his forever home.
He will come with FULL AKC, a 1 yr health guarantee, medical records and a puppy pack full of goodies. AKC Reg Choc/Tan Merle, parti factored. Hand delivery by air is available but is not included in the price above.
This tiny tri colored girl is available for deposit. She is available with a spay contract. Please see my contract & website for more info before contacting me. I do not ship my puppies but will send with a nanny ($400 additional fee depending on your...
Price will be the cost of me spaying her. Would have to be re house trained. AKC black female retired brood bitch looking for a pet home. Please visit my website www.piggytailknls.com
Female, fawn color, black mask, white markings, 4 white paws and a white chest. Tail has been docked. Please call or text for more information 606-620-2055
Your puppy will be ready to go your home with the following paperwork: shots up-to-date wormed and parasite tested vet checked vet supplied individual puppy report card. I have 7 breeding females and 2 males, however I will have some females retiring...
This is Gidget. She is such a playful, sweet little girl. She has been raised in our home. And she must be an inside pet! She comes pre- spoiled:) She will be vet checked with vet vaccine,up to date on deworming and comes with ckc Registration papers...
He is a silver fawn pug born 10/16. Deposit is 200.00 and is non refundable and non transferable. Hello everyone, meet Doc. If you would like to give Doc a loving home please feel free to text or call me to place your deposit.
She does use papers. She must be picked up, no shipping. Emails often go to my junk email and I don't check them daily. If I don't answer please leave a message and I will return your call.
Girl 4 might be the smartest. She keeps trying to raise the flap on the gate. She has figured out that controls the entrance! She is petite and pretty.
Weighs 2.4 lbs on 10/2/18.He has been raised in our home and we are currently working on crate training and paper training.he likes to cuddle and play. He is ckc Registered has had first vaccine and up to date on deworming.
She loves to eat and lay around and look pretty. She has a pleasant laid back attitude and is my daughters favorite. Large as the big male. Girl 2 is a hog! She is huge.
The sire is Manay and the dam is Stella. You may see them at whiskeycreekboxers.com. She is 100% Euro. Vella is an AKC dark reverse brindle with a white blaze. Pricing is for limited registration pet homes.
..fed grain free puppy..pee pad trained ..super sweet looking for his forever home. Current vet exam, vaccines and dewormings.Call or text ..pick up only no shipping. Mom is 4lbs dad is 3 lbs.
He's available with a neuter contract & should be ready to go home at 10-12 wks of age or when fully weaned. A deposit is being accepted now to hold him. I do not ship but will send with a nanny at additional fee ($400 usually depending on location).
My babies are raised in kitchen around the family and children so they are well socialized. Paris and Bubba are due to have a litter born the end of October. **BEFORE BIRTH DISCOUNT** wigglipugs.com see website for details.