That being said,is a flowering variety and not quite as suitable for a lawn substitute as the cultivar ‘Treneague,' which is a non-flowering dwarf cultivar.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Chamomile...
If it outgrows its boundaries, pulling wayward plants by hand is the best means of control. However, the plant won't last long in climates warmer thanBefore you consider growing deadnettle in lawns, be aware that it has aggressive tendencies.
This allows the plants to establish roots before their big burst of growth in spring and summer. You can mow them or leave them alone and they will remain small, compact plants.The clumping type forms a uniquely patterned lawn while the creeping variety...
Explain the many benefits of planting a meadow lawn. Native meadow plants require plenty of light and air, so be sure you have an open, sunny area.Research the laws and landscape ordinances in your area to ensure a meadow lawn is acceptable, then tell...
The concept was simple: by using grasses that are native residents of hot, drought ridden areas, people could have the lush green lawn they long for while also conserving water.Habiturf native grasses turned out to be a great success in these locations...
For the rest of us, moss can be a great alternative to that high maintenance grass. Then it is time to plant.It is not recommended to harvest mosses from nature, as these are important parts of the ecosystem and will take a long time to re-establish in...
It takes some doing to rid the area of all the existing grass. How do you use thyme as lawn substitute and why is thyme a terrific alternative to grass? Prior to planting, make sure the thyme plants are damp.
It is soft enough to walk on in bare feet and it tolerates a fair share of foot traffic.This green carpet lawn alternative tops out at about an inch, which means no mowing is required – ever.
It's best for small areas. Pale pink blossoms appear in spring atop plants that range from 6 to 18 inches tall.) -These quick-spreading plants survive winters in the coldest climates.
Stones are also common elements ofare also popular and can greatly reduce the amount of lawn in your yard. All of these provide interesting texture and are available in a variety of colors and sizes that will fit into any landscape design.
You know, the places where we entertain the most or the little ones play about. If you are looking for a lawn that is practically maintenance free and inexpensive, there are a few alternatives you can choose from.
If conditions are just right, blue star creeper will produce tiny blue blooms throughout spring and summer.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Blue star creeper sounds like a perfect plant and it definitely...
Think of steep slopes, rocky areas or sand dunes. This group generally includes wildflowers; yet, wildflowers have many of the advantages gardeners seek when they go looking for lawn alternatives.require neither fertilizer nor extra irrigation.
Fescue grasses are tolerant of everyday wear and tear and can thrive in a variety of locations. In fact, walking through these aromatic plants will actually trigger their pleasant scents.
Creeping wire vine displays glossy green leaves. This evergreen plant displays tiny blue flowers that last all summer. This may be a consideration if you have children, or if you enjoy barefoot strolls through the garden.) is one of the best stepable...
Grass can also cause problems for busy or older people who may not have the time or the desire to maintain a lawn that needs to be cut and watered frequently. A lawn substitute may really be the best choice for your yard.
Try the new no mow lawn ideas in your garden for care free beauty.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });As with any turf project, it is necessary to prepare the site correctly prior to planting.
If you have children that play in the yard, you might like to have a turfgrass lawn that can stand up to hard play.Here are some good ground cover choices for warm areas:) – This little ornamental grass is less than an inch tall, and features blue flowers...
Water the lawn only once a week, if it has not rained in your area. This disease commonly appears in lawns with major thatch presence.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });and apply a grass fungus spray to...
The extra length allows extra surface area forto occur, thus providing a little extra energy for the growing grass. Prune your trees as much as possible without hurting their health or shape to.
Lay the sod, roots down, and water again.If you don't need new sod anywhere, you can use it as a good base for garden beds. There are a few good options, none of which involve simply throwing it away.
Using a spreader provides more even coverage than fertilizing by hand. For example, if you make your first trip over the lawn in a north-south direction, the second trip should run east to west.After applying the fertilizer, water the lawn thoroughly.
Spongy sod is a result of excess thatch in lawns. Learn how to deal with lawn thatch so you don't have to replace your landscape grass to remove the spongy lawn.You must know your enemy to win the battle, so what is lawn thatch?
Depending on your particular circumstances, generally, yes. Pests tend to invade overly watered, excessivelyor neglected lawns. As a general rule of thumb, remove no more than one-third the height at each mowing.
In a perfect world, grass would grow to the exact height we want in full sun or deep shade and never need to be mowed, watered or treated for weeds or insects. However, like anything,near trees is a specific concern.
This is most common in light, sandy or acidic soil that is leached by rainfall or irrigation. Lawn advice was often a mixed bag of info gleaned from personal experience or other readers.
Because there are so many different kinds of problems that can cause brown spots on grass, home diagnostics can be tricky, but there are a number of care items that help with brown lawn repair, even if you don't know what's really wrong with your lawn.No...