I have a USDA certified AWA harvest facility 5 miles away Or I can deliver to your farm for a fee I also have 5 steers that range from 14-18 months old You can start your own herd of wagyu steers and feed them Accordingly to your farm standards These...
18-28 months $8,500. Grain fed from weaning and raised on grass from birth. Same and similar bloodlines achieved Prime-Prime Plus grading in recent USDA grading from the same farm.
8 FI Wagyu/ black Angus cross steers already finished. 2,700$ per steer Our cattle are hormone and antibiotic free, and naturally finished with free choice grain. The sire in a Full Blooded, 100% Wagyu bull out of Fukutsuru 068.
Wagyu (Kobe) Steers FOR SALE!!! The Shoal Creek Cattle Company, located near Greenville, Illinois, is a Fullblood Wagyu breeding partnership. We have 10 steers that need to be processed between now and Aug.
Located in central Kentucky, can be kept up to 60 days at farm and bred back to one of our herd sires ( Fullblood Black Wagyu Bull ). Great opportunity to get a small % Wagyu herd with some top shelf ( register-able ) full-blood embryo calves on the way.
We are selling (Angus x Wagyu) F1 Wagyu calves Breeders or Feeders you pick. Give us a call. Price negotiable depending on quantity. Sired by Registered Fullblood Red & Black Wagyu Bulls.
Asking $30,000.00 but will consider separating. These are very healthy naturally raised animals. Thinning my closed herd and have 11 cow/calf pairs and 1 extra cow This is a great herd starter! These animals are all in high 90% for Wagyu and I have paperwork...
F1 Wagyu Bull calf for sale. Both out of an $8000 Wagyu Bull, Reg # FB26845. Crossing your commercial cattle to wagyu gives lower birth weights + higher marbling. DNA verified AA6.
Fullblood registered Wagyu Bulls starting at $2,600 and up. Bulls also available for lease $800 per year. All ages from yearlings to 4 years old, located in central Kentucky. Lease program available for multi year continual Bull rotation.
REGISTERED FULL BLOOD WAGYU AI breed to Michiyoshi 522c AA10 Bull FB21095 or Bar R 51L FB5213 FB18348 cow Fb30206 hiefer FB 21687cow FB 27061 hiefer $4500 each Confirmed 40 days pregnant 10/3/18 410-271-0249
Full brothers of these heifers are producing beef that is above prime as the picture shows. Call or text 208-547-7103 7 to 8 months old. 150 head of 100% full blood Akaushi heifers.
Heifers due in September. Calving @ 24-26 months. 3/4 Blood Calves should be restaurant quality or the best 1/4 beef ever 1/2 Blood cows give plenty of milk and raise super calves.
As well as Sanjirou and Haruki 2 in her pedigree. He is proven to produce great carcasses with high marbling potential she is confirmed bred calving April/May. L7 MS Futsuro FB10274 which has been exposed to a full blood Wagyu bull is another great full...
They were weaned in June and have been on cubes and grass since. Both breeds are known for quality of well marbled meat. Your choice of one Wagyu / Angus cross steer for freezer. Both approximately 700 lb.
We have 3 Fullblood Wagyu Bulls For Sale 1-Registered Wagyu Bull DOB 7/14/16 $4,500 2-Fullblood Wagyu Bull Calves DOB 6/23/17 & 8/14/17 Registration in Process $3,500 each
TJ's Cattle Company is offering 15+ 100% full blood red & black Wagyu bulls for sale. All bulls are current on vaccinations and will be ready to go to work. A Trich test can be provided at buyer's request.
Maternal Sire: Yasufuku Jr is the sire for the 2006 American National Sire Summary leader in marbling trait. Michifuku's dam, Michiko J655635, was sired by Tanishige 1526 and grandsired by Yasutanidoi J472.
Fifteen (15) Angus heifers bred with Full Blood Wagyu Bull, preg checked @ $2300 each 11 are May/June calving, 4 are Sept calving Fifteen (15) mostly Angus Cows 6- 9 years old bred to FB Wagyu Bull.
100% fullblood Black Wagyu Bull Reg.FB27189 . Go to the American Wagyu Association web page go to the herd book and put his reg # in. His sire is the Worlds K Shigeshigtani .If you want to look at his reg.
We currently have about a dozen full-blood (100%) young Wagyu bulls ready to go. Greg Mullen 352-615-3448 Artisan Cattle - Ocala, Fl. Please give me a call to discuss options, bloodlines, test results, etc.
When the calves started dropping, all of them came within 24hrs. Lots of Vigor and very well proven. Good birth weights, no pulling or any other calving issues. Came out of Ken Tews program in Texas.
Sire to heifers: Takazakura; growth and marbling, known for their size and maternal instincts. Bulls and heifers have been scored for SCD, and tenderness. Bulls will do well in a Fullblood Wagyu or commercial herd.
Wagyu Bulls also available. All these cows even the percentage are DNA parentage verified and registered with the American Wagyu Assoc. These cattle have some of the best genetics available in the United states.