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5.5 Garden Chores You Can Skip This Year!
Instead, dilute it with 10 to 20 parts water, (the lower amounts being for acid-loving plants, like blueberries and azaleas) and water with it. Put one seed in the middle of each hole, and don't cover until you're done, so you can see where you've been.
The Season\'s Not Over—10 Garden Chores To Prep For Fall
If there hasn't been a recent rain, water your garden the day before you plan to thin your crops. “Keeping on top of the harvest is really important as well as exciting because that means all the work you've done prior to midsummer is starting to pay...
Natural (and Safe) Ways to Get Rid of Pests in the Garden
You can find the solution to many garden pests in your kitchen.Tiny soft-bodied, pear-shaped insects that may be green, yellow, black, gray or pink, aphids multiply like crazy and do can a lot of damage in a hurry.
El Segundo
DIY Cabbage Collars To Prevent Cabbage Root Maggots
After doing a bit of research at the start of last season, I came up with a plan to keep cabbage root flies away from my plants, and it worked: cabbage collars. They're about 1 centimeter long with bristly hairs all over their gray bodies.
6 Ways to Control Tomato Hornworms
If you capture a caterpillar with what looks like rice grains on its back, sequester it in a screen-lidded container with a few leaves. Light Traps According to the University of Florida, light traps for adult moths can be used in the garden for added...
Learn To Read Your Weeds, Improve Your Farm & Garden
The Compositae family, which includes species groups of thistles, sunflowers and ragweeds, have composite flowers, aka clusters of tiny flowers that resemble one large flower. Chemically, they change the mineral content of the soil.
5 Weeding Strategies You\'ve Probably Not Considered Yet
Studies in Denmark and Colombia have shown that tighter planting significantly reduces weed pressure—as much as 72 percent—while simultaneously increasing yields. A study in Georgia that used white clover between corn rows reduced the need for herbicide...
Toads Help Your Garden Grow; Here\'s How To Attract Them
Allow these wild friends to help you manage your garden by creating spaces where toads can thrive. Make the most of the natural features on your property and tweak them just a little to make room for wildlife.
3 Ways to Keep a Pest-free Garden
Kaolin Clay A white, powdery clay, kaolin is mixed with water and sprayed onto plants. Plant sunflowers, amaranth and other favorite seed sources among the vegetables. In the veggie patch, it works to deter flea beetles on eggplants and radishes, as well...
5 No-Nonsense Steps To Fight Weeds Organically
Step 3: Flame-Weed Fence Lines and Large Areas Flame weeders use ignited propane to torch weeds by heating plant tissue to temperatures high enough to blow out cell walls. Brand names include Espoma Organic Weed Preventer, WOW! Supreme Pre-Emergent Weed...
11 Ways to Manage Weeds with Success
Young goslings are pastured in the field when they are 6 weeks old and are guided through the fields by strategic placement of drinking-water troughs. Although time-consuming, hand pulling is the perfect choice for smaller gardens and areas where other...
Spinosad: Beat Pests in 2014
« More Dirt on Gardening » Tags beneficial insects , organic pesticide , pest insects , pest management , pests , spinosad These products (brand names include Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew, Entrust, Green Light and Monterey Garden Insect Spray) are made...
13 Headache-Inducing Garden Pests & How to Control Them
Product controls include Bt var. Their wing borders are also red. Growing spears can become ragged, might have dark splotches and might start to bend due to scarring. Research from the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach suggests using 3 teaspoons...
Garden Versus Groundhog
There is so much to do this time of year! I've been busy mulching all my beds and planting more spring crops. He tunneled under the fence, and I suspect it will only be a short time until he finds the vegetable garden.
Occultation: Weeding With Tarps
The word occultation actually comes from the verb “occult”—to cut off from view. To do so, occult a bed as well as possible, then sow the seeds. In the heat of the summer, some take to flipping the tarps to their lighter-colored side in hotter months...
Mulch Your Weeds And Grass—The Right Way!
Arborists are often happy to give you their wood chips for free, as they would have to pay to dump them otherwise. By small, I mean weed seeds the size of carrot seeds or lettuce seeds.
Deer-resistant Bulbs
Although I always intend to do it earlier in the season, I'm still busy planting bulbs in my garden. The biggest problem we face here in deciding what types of bulbs to grow is the deer .
Fighting Weeds With Fire
Years of herbicide use continue to build herbicide resistance in some weed species. However, the practice is quite safe. Adjusting the angle of flaming and using shields can help protect sensitive crops.
Mission: Contain Cabbageworms
And just incase some of the cabbageworms make it onto my broccoli heads, I always soak them in a sink of warm salt water before cooking them. It pays off in the end, though, in reduced weeds , reduced watering and increased soil fertility.
Deer Versus Plants and Shrubs
But, our browse is not as heavy as some other areas near where we live. They ate a lot of stuff this past winter that they aren't ‘supposed to' eat including boxwood (!), dogwood, hollies, and oakleaf hydrangea.
5 Household Items That Prevent Cutworm Damage
You'll know they're in your garden when you come out in the morning only to discover severed or girdled and wilted seedlings. Toothpicks Jessica Walliser To fully girdle or sever a seedling, the cutworm caterpillar must have access to the entire circumference...
Pest Alert: Asparagus Beetles
Asparagus ferns can have some sharp points on them, but if the patch isn't cut back and cleaned out every spring, I'm practically setting out a welcome mat for asparagus beetles. The eggs are soon followed by small, army-green, slug-like larvae.
The Garden\'s Planted—and Slugs Are Noshing
Hopefully, by cleaning up the bed, some of the slugs will be sent packing to the compost pile! In the vegetable garden, I've been using an iron-phosphate-based slug bait, which I sprinkle around the beans, broccoli and cabbage plants.
Fruit Growers Beware: It\'s June Beetle Time
These insects were always a chronological marker indicating that mid-summer was here and school would soon be on the horizon. This destructive pest love to eat your late-summer fruits as much as you do, so work on a plan to keep them away.
Do You Need Weed-Control Without Chemicals? Try Flame Weeders
Many grasses have their growing point below ground, or they may have a protective sheath around it, so they can usually regrow after flaming. Repeated flaming can likewise be used to suppress perennial weeds that have stored energy in their roots or stems,...
Keep Your Garden Protected
Rabbits like weeds in the plantain family, so allow some weeds to grow and rabbits may eat weeds instead of your garden. Owls will tolerate a small amount of disruption, but you don't want to risk driving them away.
4 Tips For Keeping Deer Out Of Your Garden
Plants with heavily fragranced foliage are also a good choice. Most of them use a combination of a foul scent and an icky taste to keep deer from feeding on plants. If you don't want to fence in your entire landscape, you can also fence individual plants...