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Start Leeks in Winter for Spring Planting
Space the seedlings about 4 inches apart, working plenty of organic matter and a handful of bone meal into the area. As they grow, the trench is gradually filled to the top over the course of several weeks, again blanching the stems and increasing the...
People\'s Gardens on the Rise
Last year, the People's Garden initiative was unveiled in Washington and opened to the public as a living exhibit of what the USDA does every day. USDA agencies are involved in building these gardens, many of which are maintained through the collaboration...
Use of Tillandsia as decorative art
Just be careful to not place them IN anything that will hold water, since the plants will quickly rot if left in standing water.I first saw this interesting ball hanging in a neighbor's yard and she generously gave one to me.
El Segundo
Recipe: Vegetable Pastry
The Valley is also home to several well-known colleges, which enliven the towns and the population. Fold up the edges of the puff pastry or crimp up the pie crust around the ingredients.
What Is Lowe\'s Plant Guarantee?
Is a home improvement store that first opened as a hardware store in North Wilkesboro, North Carolina, in 1921. Although Lowe's does not give money back for plants that have developed problems, they will replace it at any time, and for any reason during...
Santa Monica
Recipe: Pear Custard Pie
(optional) unbaked pie crust PREPARATION Beat together the eggs, cream and melted butter. Or so until the pears are tender and the custard is a little puffy and firm. INGREDIENTS 3 eggs 3 tablespoons any weight of cream, sour cream or yogurt 3 tablespoons...
Types of Aloe Plants
Gel from inside aloe vera leaves is used as a first aid treatment for burns, herbal remedies, food supplements, and in cosmetics. The quiver tree can grow to 30 feet. Some ethnomedical uses of Aloe marlothii leaf gel include treating internal parasites...
Santa Monica
Sweet Potato Pie
Process until smooth and pour into the prepared crust. Recipes often call for a graham cracker and/or crumb crust, but I gave in to an after-dinner impulse with this pie, so I used a good-quality, whole-wheat, commercial crust I already had in the freezer.
How to Care for Exotic Angel Plants
Your specific Angel's needs for water and light may vary somewhat.Select the proper location. Because there are 400 Exotic Angel Plant varieties, the care guidelines outlined here are general.
Santa Monica
Abiotic Factors in the Redwood Forest Ecosystem
The annual precipitation varies greatly and can be as little as 40 inches per year to 100 inches per year. In biology, an abiotic factor is any nonliving thing that makes life possible or has helped create an environment for life to develop.
Santa Monica
Life Span of Tree Species
Some trees are among the oldest living things on the planet, while others live for just a decade or two.The age of a tree is determined by counting the rings in its trunkFruit trees do not have a particularly large life span compared to other types of...
Santa Monica
Recipe: Applesauce Tart
Beat all ingredients together well. INGREDIENTS The Filling: 2 eggs 1/2 cup sugar 1/4 cup butter, melted 1 cup applesauce 2 tablespoons flour 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 1 tablespoon lemon juice cinnamon, to taste PREPARATION Pre-heat the...
Parsnip Soup
Following the current kale-chip craze, I tossed sliced crimini mushrooms with olive oil and salt and roasted them at high heat until they dried. Use a wand blender to puree the mixture, adding the remaining broth and milk to desired thickness.
Fun Facts About Vascular & Nonvascular Plants
Nonvascular plant fossils don't show up until 409 to 354 million years ago in the Devonian period. Scientists have determined that some nonvascular plants share distinct traits with two types of freshwater algae.
Santa Monica
What Does Eucalyptus Smell Like?
The aroma comes from the fact that the tree is a hybrid with a citrus tree. Eucalyptus trees have a minty, pine scent with a touch of honey. Santos at California State University, Stanislaus.
Santa Monica
The Effects of Eating Buttercup Flowers
These tiny plants are found in field and streams on the sides of mountains that reside in warm, humid weather and they also bloom in cold weather climates. If it does get sick, it usually happens in the spring, according to Purdue University.Buttercup...
Santa Monica
Ossabaw Island Hogs
Being food-to-weight efficient, Ossabaws are able to put on large amounts of fat during times of ample feed to sustain them during lean times. They're suitable for home pork and lard production and for niche marketing.
Onion Biscuits
Fat or shortening is softer than butter and may distribute differently in the flour. To me, ham means biscuits, even here in New York's Hudson Valley. Set aside to cool. You could also meet in the middle with some of each.
Winter Salad: Pumpkin & Rice
Hold the feta to make it vegan. Servings: 4 to 6 INGREDIENTS 1 cup peeled pumpkin or other winter squash, cut in 1-inch chunks 1 tablespoon canola or olive oil 1/1/2 cups cooked brown rice 1/2 small red onion, sliced thinly 1/3 cup crumbled feta cheese...
What is Gum of Aloe?
Aloin, derived from the aloe leaf, was once a common ingredient used in laxative products. This should not be confused with the popular gel that contains many antiseptic properties and is obtained when the aloe leaf is broken.Gum of aloe and aloe vera...
Santa Monica
How to Propagate Aloe Leaves
Aloe is propagated by detaching suckers, seeding and by creating cuttings of the plant's leaves.Healthy cuttings will have a better chance of rooting.From a parent aloe plant, choose a newer, actively growing leaf to cut.Wipe down the knife blade with...
Santa Monica
Gloucestershire Old Spots Pigs
While first-time mothers tend toward smaller litters, mature sows have litters of six to eight piglets. Spots are clearly defined and black, not blue. They're known as a gentle and sweet-tempered breed, able to be raised in a variety of climates and will...
Aspiring to Asparagus
Transfer the asparagus to a serving platter, spoon the vinaigrette over the stalks and top with breadcrumbs, egg, capers and parsley. Try a light steaming or — my new favorite way — roasting asparagus, so the spears retain just enough crunch, and...
Tropical Passion Flowers – How To Grow Passion Vine
Read on to learn more.Their vibrant colors and heady fragrance make the passion flower plant a welcome addition to any garden. Early missionaries to these regions used the distinctly colored patterns of the flowers parts to teach about the passion'of...
Chicken Stats
Courtesy Hemera/Thinkstock Chicken Physiology Life span: 10 to 11 years Heart rate: 220 to 360 beats per minute Respiratory rate: 12 to 37 breaths per minute Temperature: 103.6 to 109.9 degrees F Water intake: 210 to 400 milliliters per day Urine volume:...
How to Grow Oak Trees From Cuttings
Popular oak varieties include the white oak, red oak and black oak. Cuttings taken from trees that are more than 5 years old have a low chance of rooting. Reduce the misting intervals when the cuttings have put out roots.
Santa Monica
Did You Know? Fun Facts in the Garden
In variegated leaves, the cells that are genetically unable toproduce this pigment appear white; some pigments in the mutated cells can produce pink or yellow. These insect-devouring hunters should be a welcome sight in any garden, consuming gnats, midges,...
El Segundo