One Truck has 503,760 Miles, and the other truck has 530,000 mi. Both truck are on lot and available for test drive. Come on down or contact us with any questions you may have today! A/C, 4x2, Power Locks
New Oil & Filter,New Triangle & fire Ext. Money Saving90day/25,000 mile Engine, Transmission and RearEnd limited warranty at no cost to you. This truck is Ready for the Road. Call for details.Also, ask about our Extended Warranty on this truck aswell...
FED EX Ready , We are your single axle headquarters for pre-owned equipment. Ask about our 2013's also A/C Condition: Excellent, A/C, State DOT, 4x2, Power Locks
We have 2 of these 1 has a cummins isx one has a Volvo engine. Trucks have been used for spotting trailers around our locations. Do need cosmetic work but good running trucks used locally almost daily
We have 2 of these 1 has a cummins isx one has a Volvo engine. Trucks have been used for spotting trailers around our locations. Do need cosmetic work but good running trucks used locally almost daily