Fortunately, some people are fighting back,” says Azio Citi, introducing Carlo Petrini in the new documentary Slow Food Story . With this approach, Slow Food wants to revolutionize the food system, changing the direction of a planet that is driving...
Growing shrubs in the landscape offers many benefits, among them privacy. Fast-growing species up to 10 feet tall include althea (Hibiscus syriacus), American hazel (Corylus Americana), bridal wreath spirea (Spirea prunifolia plena), common elderberry...
Containers are an effective way toin patio areas as well. However, hedges generally require more maintenance, such as continual pruning, in order to retain their shape. Many small trees and shrubs are well suited for potted environments.
This tall ornamental grass comes in a variety of species, one of which will fit your needs. Fast growing plants will add privacy to your yard as well as an added green feature. Some vining plants that grow fast are, but it will provide you with plenty...
If you buy your plants piece by piece, it is likely that the screen will appear uneven while it is still growing in.Spread out your plants wide enough to allow for proper growth as the plants develop, particularly with a tree like a pine, which will grow...
Step 5: Add Final Touches Now that your screens are complete and inserted onto the rails in your rafters, getting optimal function of your drying system is a must. With three sides stapled, cut your roll of screen with a utility knife and complete the...
Popular warm season grasses include:also be done in the fall after the foliage has dried. Most of these grasses are clumping, which means they will need to be divided as the years pass.
Dip the cleaned date fruit in the mixture to help preserve the color.Remove the dates from the mixture and slice in half with a knife. Look for signs of damage, rot or insect holes, and dispose of unwanted fruit.
Install wooden stakes strategically, placing the screen where it protects the plants from direct sun, then staple the sheets to the stakes. All are available in most garden centers.made of garden fabric.
I also use the quarter-inch screen to make potting soil . I also add the amendments through the screen to more fully break it up. Instead, I use a pounding log. It's early spring, and that means that I'm spending a lot of time preparing the soil in the...
The commercially available earthbox is made of recycled plastic, 2 ½ feet x 15 inches long and one foot high, and will accommodate 2 tomatoes, 8 peppers, 4 cukes or 8 strawberries – to put it all in perspective.Sometimes the containers also contain...
Peppermint is a Old World herb (likemints) which flavors foods, drinks and candy, heals certain maladies and perfumes with its cleansing bouquet. Mace and Allspice are more difficult to grind yourself, but fresh Ginger is available in the produce section...
“In extreme cases, travel time is more than 75 minutes, one way,” Williams says. In addition to losing two aunts to breast cancer, Williams says she was deeply impacted by cancer patients' stories during an internship with the Missouri Cancer Registry...
Outside a ferocious storm is raging. Once there, I find hardly any of the building's occupants assembled. I'm sitting in my office in Iowa City staring at the radar on my computer screen.
Humidity readings in the single digits are routine.Santa Ana winds occur in fall and winter and often follow the passage of a low front. Double check automatic watering devices to make sure they are working.
11 Town Hall 1119 8th Ave. The film features acclaimed environmentalists, scholars and authors, including Vandana Shiva, Bill McKibben, David Korten, Juliet Schor and Richard Heinberg.
The law will provide free electronics recycling to Connecticut residents with seven or fewer electronic devices to recycle at any given time—a great deal for anyone who's been reluctantly (yet responsibly) using an old monitor as an ottoman.
Tradd Cotter's book Organic Mushroom Farming and Mycoremediation (Chelsea Green Publishing, 2014) has a full chapter devoted to these earthy delights. In addition to the ideas above, you can also preserve your mushrooms by creating dyes, inks and tinctures.
The tree adapts to any moisture level from dry to quite moist. Fast-growing trees are especially popular for this purpose. "Spartan" juniper is hardy from USDA zones 4 through 10.Spartan juniper grows into a perfect pyramid with a graceful waving top.
If you choose the locations of the clusters carefully, this strategy will also provide an effective privacy screen.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Whichever species or mix of species you choose, make...
Since the drying isn't done directly on the dehydrator's screens, there's no tedious cleaning of the dehydrator afterwards. They're a lot easier to cover with plastic wrap than the doughnut-shaped screens of round dehydrators with a central air tower.
Unfortunately, it was still well below zero. Hi-tech digital images and a little low-tech vinegar had come through again. Some burned-out light bulbs were replaced. While there are lots of lime-removal products on the market, my favorite is simple, multi-purpose...
Once used as an all-purpose tonic, calendula flowers really made the rounds in the kitchens of England and parts of Europe; the Romans even relied on calendula to treat scorpion bites.
It tends to reach 18 feet in height in zone 5, but will grow taller in warmer climates.– An interesting bamboo with dense, short leaves that give it the appearance of a shrub or hedge.
Cut the husks off at the base or leave them attached for ornamental purposes.Spread the ears of corn in a single layer on a large screen. Set the screen up on bricks or sawhorses so air can circulate freely around the corn.Dry the corn in a warm, well-ventilated...
As gardeners, we are sensitive to water availability. Moved the barrel, cut the downspout with a hacksaw (or aviation snips), inserted the downspout adaptor, attached it with sheet metal screws or pop rivets, and moved the barrel back into position.
Repeat for each of the three remaining pieces.Find the approximate center of your piece of plywood and mark it with a pencil. With a portable jigsaw, cut out the circle. Attach sprigs of greens with floral wire pins cut to size from the stem wire with...